What’s Jow Forums drinking tonight? I went out to the bars and can’t stand American beers

What’s Jow Forums drinking tonight? I went out to the bars and can’t stand American beers

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>off-topic slide thread

>can’t stand American beers
>drinks Budweiser Budvar

Get an IPA

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And this

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>drinking alcohol
>drinking alcohol instead of training when the race war is imminent


their craft beer shits all over the bland crap out of Europe


Because you've never had Shiner Bock, you faggot.

Well it's a Tuesday night and I'm not an alcoholic so I'll probably make a cup of tea and then head to sleep.

No one likes a faggot sipping a craft beer, take a bud light to the gut and become a real American.

the goyimfeed of beer

Pils Urq is good when fresh. Your local selection probably stinks, american beers are fantastic. Eurofags BTFO at American craft beer talent

Corona in mexico. Seems a little different than the stuff in canada

your mainstream beer is sex on the beach and shit, but it would have to have some flavor to be shit

Shut up nigger

Alcohol is for degenerates

what's your mile time faggot


I’m going quick and hard and cheap with two Four Loko Golds. Based nigger beer take me to oblivion

I don't drink, I turn violent thx muh native genes I cant recall the last time I got drunk and didnt get involved in a fight

If your beer isn’t 14% or higher you’re doing it wrong

American beer is like 3 percent

youre disgusting

Lagunitas Shutdown Ale then a Peroni

Enjoy those 4% girl beers

>sips a god tier 10% ale

I quit drinking recently and I miss it a lot so far

Most craft beers are at least 7%....

I quit drinking six months ago. Feels good man.

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its called barley wine when its around 10%

> drinking the fermented jew

Fuck with your inoxicants Herschel.

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>there aren’t chemicals in the water turning you gay
Good goyim

Well, it’s Thursday where I’m at.

Haven't tried running just a mile in a long time
I can run a 10k in 48 minutes flat. I'd guess about 6 minutes if I pushed myself to the absolute limit

They taste nothing alike, leaf. Oh I forgot your local breweries license every beer so everything tastes like Blue or Canadian. What a stupid country.

>drinking the fermented jew

Damn it. I need this O2 to survive. Anons, how do I rid myself of the oxygen Jew?

Jesus Christ I'm all for naming Hymie but not everything in life is from the Protocols. Can't I even enjoy a fuckin drink?

Wild turkey whiskey. Up to 1 L a night. Comf

>Muh twipple ipa quadrooople staut extra malty extremey hops locally local mikwo bwuuuu

Kys you fucking faggot queers no one likes that shit tasting garbage and you are a massive loser that while buy that over priced trash


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Are you retarded? They're completely different beers.

It's absolute garbage that makes you full off of one.
Based beer leaf

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Wow, you don't like American beers? You have great taste! You're somebody! Be proud, fellow Redditor! You have a refined pallet. Only the best for you. I tip my cap to you, good sir!

I don't poison myself to relax.

Adam's ale.

St Arnold's divine reserve 19

This. You can tell somebody knows fuckall about beer if they think american beer is bad. European macros are generally better but Americans put out the best beer in the world. The only other country with a decent amount of beers in the top 100 is Belgium and it is still just a handfull.

This kind of logic is exactly like saying "McDonalds has the best burgers. You're a faggot if you eat any of that other more expensive crap."

Can’t believe how triggered you faggots got at this.

Had my entertainment for the night

>drinking bud light


Are you a wine faggot? I bet you are.

>What’s Jow Forums drinking tonight?
Iced tea. Maybe some ice water later.
I might work out tonight.

I quit drinking alcohol a month ago cold turkey.
Alcohol is no good, it's Satan's Semen, the devil's load.
What it does is this: you drink alcohol and borrow happiness from tomorrow. This leads you into a downward spiral where you start to lose your ambitions and motivation in life because alcohol numbs the emotions needed to grow out of hardship.
Any time you feel the pressure, you just soothe yourself with a drink. What's harmful is you NEED this pressure.
When you feel stressed after a hard day's work you can get a drink, forget your life sucks, go to sleep, and repeat the process the next day.
or you can go home, meditate on why you are so frustrated and unhappy, and start to replace drinking with taking steps towards your true goals.
I was drinking 3/4 a bottle of Bookers whiskey every day after work at my old job. One day I got laid off, went home, put away the bottle, and haven't had a sip since. The first week was hell, I had to deal with years worth of realizations and epiphanies barraging me 24/7. I didn't realize how much I was suppressing with my drinking.

If you call out IPAs but drink fuckin’ Pilsners, your opinion is about as valuable as a cunt full of cold piss.

My Homebrewed cider

Most pils urq has been sitting on a shelf or warehouse for months and usually pretty stale.

IPAs are ales and Pilsners are lagers. Traditional pilsners use a modest amount of Saaz hops for flavor.

Let me guess, you only drink steel reserve?

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Farkin crownies cunt!