A man beyond the age of 40 is a waste of space without wife and at least two kids

>a man beyond the age of 40 is a waste of space without wife and at least two kids

was he right?

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Razor Ramone actually said that? But yes, that is correct.

Hey Yo

Ask mattis

What if that childless man provides a service that helps families?

Razor /Scott Hall was the shit.

I’m a single guy with no kids and I’m 41. I can’t speak for anyone else but I can confirm I’m a waste of space.

That fucking hair swipe/toothpick throw was the single greatest part of the 90's.

Ah yes Scott Hall in his prime.

Guy's taken some Knocks in life but he's still with us.

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Better than a woman in the same boat.

Yes unless he is a talented doctor or great inventor.

Yes you are correct

It's true. I'm thinking of packing it in in a few years when I hit 40. No point going further if you have no money and don't have kids to help you out when you become an old person

If that service is hunting down Jews, we'll let you off with a warning.

I didn't know Donald Trump Jr. was in the WWF!? IS THIS WHY TRUMP IS FRIEND WITH VINCE?

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Ehh, Im sticking around in case there is war.. I will throw my body into the meat grinder if it means saving my country.

I will be a grunt.

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>Hey Yo

How many of you's is here for the wcw?...

t. Mr. Tra D. Cuck

This coming from a guy who failed multiple marriages and now gets off to young adults sending him nudes on Instagram.

But yes, everything Scott Hall says is true, as long as he says it with a toothpick in his mouth.

most parents and thier children are wastes of space anyway so I he's right with what he said but wrong about the implication of worth on the other end

based and razor-pilled

Then remove me from that space faggot

Latino heat lie cheat and steal

razor ramon a good man

kevin nash a gay faggot vvho vvas raped and actually enjoyed the thing

Got 12 years then. I can do this.

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