Serious question
Are white males (western dolichocephalic pale arabs with R1B aka anglo-Roman-Germans) are even human?

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Awful bait man. Try harder next time

monkey can have muscles too.
>picture related you
Stop posting bestiality.

Attached: shaved monkey.jpg (270x186, 9K)


Ask chechens about your sister vasya.

Do Slavs have a genetic predisposition to be engage in egregious cherrypicking?

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Ask yourselves is this what you see when you go out into public?


Attached: Nuffin.jpg (718x469, 32K)

>gets shot

1 3 %

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My haplogroup is Gm201 but im of western european heritage. Am I human

You actually think it's backs making these threads?

>niggers post
shills in overdrive lately

>You actually think it's backs making these threads?
I miss pre smartphone days
When there were almost no niggers on the internet.
Or many women for that matter.

Hi white boy

Good post goyim´ *Cough* I mean Nigga

Attached: +.jpg (252x291, 29K)

Jow Forums NPC answer #1001: everything I don’t like is jew

plot twist: the 'woman' with the nigger is also a white boi

Attached: AlbinoGroids.jpg (600x1000, 97K)

Could reverse that with a pic of Urkel and a ripped Chad white