Could NoFap help coping with the fact that I'm unable to get a gf?
Could NoFap help coping with the fact that I'm unable to get a gf?
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I got laid while I was fapping 3 times a day
Only problem was that my dick was too broken to have sex for a long time/
Well, you are already getting cucked by the entire female population of the earth so cucking yourself as well will barely make a difference. It's your call, buddy.
NoFap won't help you. Going out, meeting new people and not being afraid of taking opportunities will.
You're lucky to get laid user, I hope your dick is better now.
Where do you go to meet new people and how do you have conversations with them?
How many girls have you asked on date?
If you are looking for a gf, then consider going to a party. Make sure to look and smell nice and then try dancing with girls. If you realize, that they might be interested, ask them for their number.
None, because I'm socially retarded and can't hold a conversation for more then 20 sec. Since this is something I can't improve I'd like to accept that I'll be alone for the rest of my life.
Out of curiosity, how do you find a party? Also how do you find out if they are interested?
>cant improve
Bullshit. Pic related, link related. Practice makes perfect. You just need to keep trying.
Non-virgins don't use no-fap because their sex-life is sated, being a virgin and masturbating is like eating shitty fast food as they're always hungry for more.
Thanks user, I've read that book and countless others and it just won't help me.
> Practice makes perfect. You just need to keep trying.
I'm trying to have conversations with cowokers every single day without success.
You have to buy the version of the book that comes with the gun included.
That's rude, there is so much more to life than having conversations.
Coworkers are hit or miss. Some people hate their lives / jobs / or have meme depression and makes really poor conversation partners.
It takes two to have convo. Try different places to practice chat.
Who approached you for sex?
my mother and my sister
Why would it help? Sure you can subscribe to the notion of masturbation and porn being bad for you, but going on NoFap is still not going to get rid of that 'tfw no gf' feeling.
>Could NoFap help coping with the fact that I'm unable to get a gf?
>but going on NoFap is still not going to get rid of that 'tfw no gf' feeling.
Shit, what should I do to get rid of that feeling?
Was someone I met at work, had sex with her the second day after we met.
Also had some hookups trough tinder
Get a gf? Or a qt bf.