There is nothing more based and redpilled than for an old guy in his 70's to be with a woman half his age, prove me wrong Jow Forums.
Pro tip: You can't.
There is nothing more based and redpilled than for an old guy in his 70's to be with a woman half his age, prove me wrong Jow Forums.
Pro tip: You can't.
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why do you think kikes demonize men who are naturally attracted to younger women?
Isn’t half your age plus 7
okay smart ass
That's just a dumb joke 'rule' made by high school kids, it's not actual law.
>Prove me wrong
Nah, good for him.
Just get her in her early 20s at most, 30 is too old.
This, but unironically
James Woods is so based.
The two major rumors about Uncle James are that he has a 170+ IQ, and that his penis is fucking enormous.
If true, that would explain everything.
Fucking boomers you take our wealth and now you take our women too.
It's old enough to vote.
>spends taxpayer dollars on boob jobs and Gucci purses for his 21 year old Russian whore GF
>gets mediocre blowjobs while she makes plans to raw 23 year old chads for free
>based and redpilled
Why post a pic of a trans chink?
james is based
pls no bully
hung like a moose. james fucked one of deniros gfs back in the day and he's hated woods ever since lmao
Doesn’t Scott Adams also have a young gf? And Robert Kraft. Old men who date young women are pretty much all red pilled.
>Doesn’t Scott Adams also have a young gf? And Robert Kraft. Old men who date young women are pretty much all red pilled.
This. Pic related.
oops lol
True. But that's a man my dude. It's a tranny bro. Look at that huge Adam's apple.
she's just waiting for him to die
Sort of. 90% of em are gold diggers though lets be real
Yeah nah you’re gonna get bullied hard
Based James Wood! Get it while the gettin's good
thats even more based
i am 100% straight married 30 something male and I would jump at the chance to be james wood gf and if u wouldnt u r a fag
Women naturally gravitate to men older than them. It's good news for incels, because you'll find your luck with women improving as the years go on
>muslim flag
>uses the word incel unironically
top kek
It won't if they keep being losers with no money.
There's nothing more based and redpilled than popping a few viagra, using your walker to get to the bed, and then slowly lay down 80 year old pipe with a girl who pretends to like it because you're paying off her debts.
Shouldn't that be more of a white pill?
>septarian dating a woman who should be having babies
Yea real based taking an attractive white women out of our gene pool
Thanks zog Jim!
Divorce them as soon as they get past optimal breeding age
>It won't if they keep being losers with no money.
>posts a fucking ugly insect
okay brainlet
Yea bro removing white women from the gene pool is so redpilled haha gotem
You can stick that where the sun don´t shine.
Women are absolutely useless past 35, so THERE´S your EXTREME upper bracket, no matter how old you are.
Shes a cute boi
Don't get mad at me because women won't give your poor arse the time of day.
based and redpilled, its disgusting, humans should pair off for life, this is just pure hedonistic degeneracy with no higher meaning besides the bitch taking money after he dies and him having a sexy young hole to creep around instead of raising his grandkids
>can’t, the basedest of based
>Divorce them as soon as they get past optimal breeding age
You're wrong Czechbro, but seriously how do you stay monogamous in a country like Czech Republic when almost every woman is a 10/10.
they are all whores who sucked 20 dicks before they turned 18, thats how, i can safely say im a misanthrope
Fuck off, roasties. Men are designed to continue spreading their seed as they age. There's nothing wrong with fucking younger women.
>There's nothing more based and redpilled than popping a few viagra, using your walker to get to the bed, and then slowly lay down 80 year old pipe with a girl who pretends to like it because you're paying off her debts.
stay mad poor faggot who can't provide for his family and is on food stamps :)
Imagine being the spawn of such seed, your dad being 70 when youre born, you will never see him when youre an adult, youre essentialy born into a single mother household, like a nigger
>Fuck off, roasties. Men are designed to continue spreading their seed as they age. There's nothing wrong with fucking younger women.
jews want us to breed with older roasties so the future white race has autism or downs
>Imagine being the spawn of such seed, your dad being 70 when youre born, you will never see him when youre an adult, youre essentialy born into a single mother household, like a nigger
it used to be commonplace in society for younger women to marry older men
read this, faggot
s-sorry, grandpa.
go ahead you useless degenerate, bring more niggers into the world, thats what americans are best at
Imagine being a faggot who is gay and not attracted to younger women like this checkfaggot. Imagine shilling against the white race by saying only older women who can't have healthy children should have sex with men like this checkfaggot.
>durr creating more white babies is making niggers durrrrr
There wouldn't be any problems with women going out of control if all marriages were arranged. Imagine how much that kind of man could teach his wife. She would grow up knowing his husband and learn how to be a good wife.
that guy is gay.
Having young kids around keeps you younger because youre constantly active. Im 51 and my daughter is 14. Im ready to kick any fuckers head in who does her wrong still. Get sedentary and you start dying slowly.
>they are all whores who sucked 20 dicks before they turned 18, thats how, i can safely say im a misanthrope
Czech women are the hottest women in Europe man lol I'd be the biggest poon hound if I lived there.
some day you will find out that the Anna Nicole Smith and J. Howard Marshall marriage is the BEST situation you can hope for if you have the money cuz getting blown on demand by a young ass hottie in you last remaining years is totally worth giving everything you can't take with you. Pro Tip: max out your 401K every year so that you have options later
Does she know that you are literally a nazi? lmao
IQ apparently confirms his wise decision in mating selection ;)
>go ahead you useless degenerate, bring more niggers into the world, thats what americans are best at
I'm going to your country and gonna preggo as many Czech qts as possible!
haha all my kids do. Im the biggest redpill theyll ever take in their lives.
>Im 51 and my daughter is 14. Im ready to kick any fuckers head in who does her wrong still.
I'll take good care of her sir. :)
you mean like when woman freezes her eggs and mom later turns out to be repulsive?
sorry pops, no comparison to banging young hotties. and did you forget how hitting the gym, trimmed up and looked your best for that hot date? still motives when you older
And in turn young women that date old men are also awake
Time to dump 42 year old wife and swap numbers
24 baby
It’s all about stability
Young men don’t have it
We do
What do you call a Chad Boomer?
A Choomer?
>old guy in his 70's to be with a woman half his age
Sorry, men like youthful women and not dried up slags.
praise james woods for taking breed stock out
of circulation? fucking cucks. whats next, dating
then your kids will end up being faggots, you need a two parent household to raise decent children
How could they survive on their own. haha
>hitting the gym
Oh yeah I am sure thats a lot better than hiking, swimming, cycling, off roading, dog time, football, martial arts constantly in your life for 30 odd years.
I shit out whippersnappers like you after breakfast you pencil necked shit stain
Checked. Absolute truth.
Probably a feminist that is a lesbian because no man worth their salt would touch them.
what about a guy being 30 with someone half his age
15 as AOC is fine.
Holy shit
What do you think your seed means????
Fucking moron
Millie and Zoomer Women belong to us!!!!!!!!!!
daily stormer faggots!!
If you think these men are knocking these women up you’re dumber than any nigger
her head is half the size, does that mean she has half the brain?
James is a god.
The rule is old enough to breathe, old enough to be penetrated.
Damn son, at least let her learn how to walk first.
thats ok, millies and zoomer pairings are ok
but with boomers???? fuck them
>defending a sodomite that doesnt even marry the girls he ass fucks
>The rule is old enough to breathe, old enough to be penetrated.
t. Mexican
Fuck around with them but don't marry. After a certain point, these whores only see you as a walking life insurance policy and will.
fuck you're rules.
If she can crawl for the pacifier she can crawl for the dick.
t. cheater at Donkey Kong
Yeah, I'm dropping out of this conversation.
>gay zoomer logic
Fuckface, when you are 30, Twatty McZoomer will be hitting the wall if she hasnt already been nigged. You are going to want to fish in fresher waters.
in medieval times brides were usually 12-15. Nowadays, marriage laws aren't so strict, which is one of the reasons why our civilization has degenerated. I think it's not a problem if 30yo gets married with someone half of his age. Casual sex, promiscuity is the problem.
Who choreographed this shit? Not a European
>its 7