Pol Crushed in 140

Pic related Crushes Pol.

By wrapping Triple brackets around the three brackets Peterson Exposes the meme for what it truely is. Samefagging JIDF. Everytime you wrap you embolden the enemy.

Attached: 1551238389515.jpg (720x1018, 122K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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>pathetically fashionable

He doesn't get it. You use the 3 brackets to identify who is serving Jewish interests and not the interests of your people.

Grandpa YES!!!


The Shoah? Seriously? (((Your))) magic words have no power here.

(((Juden peterstein)))


>pathetically fashionable

Huh? What does this term even mean?

those with clean genitals await the next move

>unfunny edgy memes from a Taiwanese knitting survey design website drive violent antisemitism

Attached: no.jpg (600x673, 51K)

all you preventing us from having a serious question about the influence of american jewry might reflect on your responsibility for this.

proceed to sully your genitals. Rinse. Then Repeat as necessary.

His daughter is a retarded whore.

Peterson is an intellectual fraud who lies to protect jews

Attached: Jewish-IQ-Destroyed.png (610x3754, 691K)

wait, the three brackets was supposed to be a disguise?

Well, fuck, I just thought it was a convenient shorthand to call out the jews.

Rabbi Peterberg is a giant nerd.

Is picrel the lobster-daddy masculine figure you look up to? Same guy right?

Attached: 1550801352579.jpg (545x596, 104K)

Just so i can be clearer

((( ((())) )))

This shows how ((())) is in itself, serving the very jewish interest you're trying to expose

No, (((he))) gets it

sage wisdom from dr. juden peterstein, jew bootlicker

Pics for research?

(((Juden Peterstein)))


what the fuck is (((Squirrel Hill)))


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those are parenthesis not brackets you fucking brainless faggot.



Thats all I gotta say about that

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Gonna be real fun when this nutcase has a very public breakdown


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When Kermit Attacks

Attached: kermit1.jpg (400x310, 29K)

Hiding? Promoting!
Most sites allow ((())), but will ban you for calling them judenrats and kikes. It's almost as good as a blue star...

>individualism faggot blames collective of people for individuals crime
Why does nobody call him out on this?

Go away Juden Peterstein.

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what that Jordan? using the "antisemitism" buzzwrod to try and silence people? Offended by speech are we? Speech which needs to be diguised by the way. Are the people in question not Jews? Do they not state their ownership openly?

You low IQ natsoc mutts drive away support just like low IQ SJW's.

It's not all Jews, it's the critical theory marxists and shadow banking cartels.

Don't (((wrap))), better Brap==3

> Hitler was a jew
>JIDF developed 3 brackets meme

try harder shill

fuck that kike apologist

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Peterson should gas himself

>its like.. no way bucko! you cant tell me im responsible for something that happened before I was born. thats what the cultural marxists do. and its like *sniffles* its really painful to see it manifest in society *cries out for his mom* the real fascists *tweets out to buy his 2,000usd rug*
>oy vey you like memes? think about the hall of cost because you did that

We did it Reddit! Be on the lookout for a serial memer.

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Was this the Open Borders Temple that got "shot up" by an anti-open borders leftist nutter?

>Ascribing collective guilt is close to pure evil, reason for ww2
>Obstructing the logos with violence and threats is close to pure evil, reason for communism
>Identity politics is pure evil, reason for all evil

>Except for the tribe.

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Clean your synagogue Moshe.

(((Juden Peterson))) is a faggot. I hope a hammerskin beats the fuck out of him on live TV.

>Think about the optics dude
fuck your optics nigger reality is reality

>Triple brackets around the three brackets
Like many on Jow Forums I only use the brackets for (((emphasis))), how dare JP tell me what my meanings are!

isn't he all for individualism?
how am i responsible what other people do?

Juden Peterstein is right about one thing - antisemitism *IS* fashionable.

Attached: Nazi Uniforms.jpg (736x389, 69K)