Why aren't you impregnating a Latina?

Why aren't you impregnating a Latina?

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>Pimping your sister out for citizenship
Wew, pablo.


>why aren't you race mixing

>Mixed-race adolescents showed higher risk when compared with single-race adolescents on general health questions, school experience, smoking and drinking, and other risk variables.

>Adolescents who self-identify as more than 1 race are at higher health and behavior risks. The findings are compatible with interpreting the elevated risk of mixed race as associated with stress.

>The analysis included approximately 1.6 million live births and 1749 stillbirths. In the unadjusted model, compared with two white parents, black/black and black/white couples had a significantly higher risk of fetal death. When all demographic, social, biological, genetic, congenital, and procedural risk factors except gestational age and birth weight were included, the odds ratios (OR) were all still significant. Black/black couples had the highest level of risk (OR 2.11, CI 1.77-2.51), followed by black mother/white father couples (OR 2.01, CI 1.16-3.48), and white mother/black father couples (OR 1.84, CI 1.33-2.54). Virtually all of the higher risk of fetal death was explainable by higher rates of low birth weight and prematurity.

>Mixed race black and white couples face higher odds of prematurity and low birth weight, which appear to contribute to the substantially higher demonstrated risk for stillbirth. There are likely additional unmeasured factors that influence birth outcomes for mixed race couples.

>Biracial Asian Americans are twice as likely as monoracial Asian Americans to have been diagnosed with a psychological disorder, UC Davis researchers report.

Spics are subhuman.

>Hispanic women's heart disease risk is comparable to the heart disease risk level of Caucasian women who are about a decade older.
>Hispanic women's heart disease risk is comparable to the heart disease risk level of Caucasian women who are about a decade older.

>Why aren't you impregnating a Latina?
Because I like keeping my dick attached to my body.

Latinas have the patience of a hornet. Look at them the wrong way and they snap

I buttfuxked a 39 year old Latina mom a few weeks ago

because reported

>Genetic evidence for involvement of adaptive immunity in the development of IgA nephropathy: MHC class II alleles are protective in a Caucasian population

>The tau H2 haplotype is almost exclusively Caucasian in origin
>This analysis shows that the H2 haplotype is probably exclusively Caucasian in origin and its marginal occurrence in other racial groups is likely to reflect admixture.

>Substantial Resistance To HIV Infection Tied To Genetic Mutation

>Analysis of common variations in tumor-suppressor genes on chr1p36 among Caucasian women with endometriosis
>In this Caucasian population, endometriosis seems to be associated with the tumor-suppressor gene CHD5. Our findings support recent data, suggesting that the 1p36 region plays an important role in endometrios.

I can't even get laid.

You guys are all jerks.
-the Latina hornet heart-disease filled illegal ;(

Why not?

i literally just fucked my latina gf 30 mins ago famalam

I am already married to an AI.
Nothing can get between me and my AI.

Because I would only ever impregnate a native english speaker

But back to politics. As a Latina living in the US...is it alright for me to fuck Trump supporters because I find their conservative values align closely with my traditional values? I just want to be a housewife and mommy.

>Differences in the association of PAI-1 activity with the metabolic syndrome between African and Caucasian women

>The OR for the association between ovarian cancer and rs7305032 in the VDR gene was 1.87 among African Americans. ► No association between VDR variants and ovarian cancer was detected among Caucasian women.

>Polymorphisms in the peroxisome proliferator activated receptor α gene are associated with levels of apolipoprotein CIII and triglyceride in African-Americans but not Caucasians

>African-American women are three times more likely to deliver babies three to 17 weeks prematurely than Caucasian women, according to a review of Missouri birth statistics by researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. In addition, African-American women are more likely to deliver babies prematurely in subsequent pregnancies.

>Lower gestational age and increased risk of preterm birth associated with singleton live birth resulting from in vitro fertilization (IVF) among African American versus comparable Caucasian women

>African American patients experience reduced pregnancy, higher pregnancy loss, and lower live birth from IVF embryo transfers despite producing more oocytes and more transfer quality embryos than Caucasian patients

latinas make mutts
if you so desperately want an exotic girl date a slavette

I... I can't.

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yes fuck a white man and a white man only you whore

I almost wish I could tell you. It just hasn't happened. I've had some of the weirdest and most bizarre experiences with legitimately unhealthy women. Unattractive, at that, too. It's very odd and something I can't really seem to sort out. I guess it's because I don't put myself out there much. I don't know how.

fuck no! look at that belly button is 2 cervesas away from blowing out..... becomes full tortilla chola

Their pussies smell like a thousand sweaty underarms. Sad.

be CUZ climax change and the green new deal. AMIRITE?

>But back to politics. As a Latina living in the US...is it alright for me to fuck Trump supporters because I find their conservative values align closely with my traditional values

>traditional values
like race mixing?!
>conservative values
like not conserving your* traditions and genetic traits?!
trump is a zionist bitch.. we here at pol love Hitler

I briefly dated a Puerto Rican chick in college. She was the hottest girl I was ever with, but man was she a fucking bitch. Constant shit testing, like neverending, and back then I was a blue pilled shit coasting on my looks and didn't know how to deal with them. She was also very violent. Attacked me on several occasions.

old joke:
>how do you get a mexican girl pregnant?
you jerk off and let the flies do the rest

Because the human race has failed and civilization is clearly doomed within this timeline therefore I can not be guilty of putting this burden on a new soul.

Sex is pointless just like living. Why bother.

Because while most women hit the wall, latin women hit the meat grinder.

>Why aren't you impregnating a Latina?

jewish mind control sattelites.

they wage a campaign of targeted harassment and cockblocking on smart goyim.

it's a hell of a thing to see.

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Because I don't want my kids to be midget goblinos.

How big is it's spicdick?

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If you are trying rat race dating you have to whore yourself out on social media pretty much.
Other than that it's the same old shit, talk to a girl and if she remains interested in your conversation, ask her out.

I just ate dinner ;(
I’ve had at least 6 cervezas tho so good call
Alcoholism is no joke #getHelp #butIAmNotAnAlcoholic

Meh. I am American first. Not Latina first.

Why are you posting bait threads and luring people in with your pic?

Okay only thread talking about Mexico so I'll ask here:

Why in the hell did Mexico give up so much land i.e. the Louisiana purchase and lose basically the bottom part of the U.S.? I know some was lost in war but they gave land to pay their war debt to but wtf who just decides 'hey im giving up land' like seriously wtf its like spics just dont care about land and give it up like nothing, theres people in mexico selling their inherited lands just to party like smfh

Because the last thing the world needs is more halfling spics

Reminds me of my ex, she was of Greek background. Absolute nightmare.

That 'chick' isn't attractive at all
she has Silverman box hips

>As a Latina living in the US
I mean, you can say that but your flag indicates Mexico currently.
Though I have had fun flings with hispanic women

I can actually hold conversation really well with most women. I don't do social media and generally despise the whole idea of it, so I dropped Tinder and dating sites several years ago I don't initiate in public or in a bar type setting, not that I've ever been.

people that sell land are the same kind of people that know land can't be sold
they're all here anyway

Mexico City is actually a good tier place to find white latinas when u belong to the mexican upper class.
The girl from OP is some inbred blood middle class thot.

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Are you talking about my labia? PRETTY SMALL. Grow up catholic, be a virgin, easy peasy.

there's NO such thing as "American"! Notice how all the genetic tests show regions OTHER THAN "America". Just accept and embrace who you are genetically. I'm European (born/genetically) and am an inferior African, Asian etc.

you don't want to be "American" because it's based in nothing significant. it's a bunch of lies and misrepresentations. it's all superficial shit.

I am in El Paso now checking out all the thicc latinas.

Too busy impregnating my white girlfriend.

burn the coal pay the toll bitch

I'm not into fat women.

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>My labia
Are you implying that you are ops sister in the picture?

Why do we kedp having these threads?

I can't stand the nagging.

> as a latina living in the us
> doesn't realize this board has flags

¿Cuántos centavos te pagan por hacer posts pendejos en Jow Forums?

Already did

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Discord trannies unironically trying to make this board more left lenient.

Because for whatever reason we get bored here on Jow Forums and go for the junk food of threads.

My flag indicates vacation :)
What happens in Mexico.... and so on.
Pretty interesting though. I visit Mexico occasionally and this is my first adventure in a resort type area. Much better than having to see poverty.

Is that elitist? Class war when?
I like being able to tip $1 though and it is like a $20 pesos

People keep falling for them

Well not that they sold but that they gave up the land basically and it was deemed not rightfully theirs

and well true but still I mean legally and all

He isn’t my brother. Lol

Big mistake, last hispanic I met with a white dad hated white people.

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>a Mexican
>vacation in february
Semana Santa is coming up in three weeks. You're either LARPing or a lazy bitch looking for whitey's money. You do you, sister, but pretending ain't gonna get you anywhere.

Your cuck?

He's like a fat-faced Hugo Chavez.

this is them twitter tier bait of trump thots

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My Spanglish is bad. But you’re asking me about cents paid.
No one has paid me yet. Is that a thing? Rather be paid in white cum #iAmOnVacation. My “brother” (not my brother!!!) says y’all don’t use hashtags on Jow Forums but I’m going to make it a thing





Mexico isn’t cold in February and the resorts are still open so..........................

Cuz my ex wife was 360 pounds.

nothing gets white boomer cucks harder than a wise latina

she them hoes that forgot to speak spanish, damn.
u truly autistic woman, get back to be a hoe model for the LA tire shops plz


It's fucking pathetic man. I can't tell what's worse - the person who makes these bait threads or the idiots who fall for them.

Hold up. I can model for tire shops???? I thank you for the compliment!!! ;D woooow

daily reminder, if by some chance you get a white husband, he'll be considered a traitorous rat among other whites. You can have fantasies all you want but the future is for pure breeds (white, black, asian, native etc.)

:( that’s mean

even the fucking traps can model for tire shops
you are a fucking whore
GTFO of Jow Forums you bitch

I usually come here to see whats basically a slow motion car crash of a thread.

>not breeding with latina women
Yikes, r8 my mutt, pol

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I am a nice lady. Too bad I am not in America. Don’t know how free speech works here. Pretty sure if you’re a man I have to get off Jow Forums now cause you told me to :(

But you’re probably just some pussy bitch mad that I gave my virgin cunt to a white man so whatevs :)

I'm literally being the opposite of "mean". It's *not that I don't like you, find you attractive etc.

I want you to love yourself for the traits you have have and would get wiped out if you race mix (with white, black etc).

It's because I value you, that I want you to preserve your traits. Yes I could fall in love with you but then I would destroy your/my traits by race mixing.

she's cute and healthy. congratulations

Dude, you can't make a baby that way.

What’s better than one far hairy midget. Make more you say ?

>changing ips
vpn larp detected

Yeah because white people are just born perfect and not with all types of birth defects too right?

Lol I already did

?! did I fucking say that?!

They don’t like pajeets


I do love myself. I also love people who value a baby’s right to live, our rights to pray to God, people who recognize that Muslims and Jews are not our friends, and people who understand that being a home maker and mother is not a job to be scoffed at. I can apologize for falling in love with a white man but I’m not sorry for the values and wonderful home life we will give our future children.

Same here