Michael Cohen’s opening statement leaks


The end is near.

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items 1, 3, and 4 may be illegal but aren't bad we all would certainly do 1 and 4, probably wouldn't do 3 but who cares. Is number 2 illegal?

None of it is illegal, moron.

well this is all very underwhelming. when can we start gassing the jews? this game is boring

Im pretty sure item 1 is and number 3 has to be. Idk about 2 and 4.

talk about a nothingburger, with extra nothing.
reminder that there are still hundreds of actual criminals in Congress, the FBI, DNC, etc. that are still free.
don't bump this gay reddit shit

>Personal bank account
Bang goes the campaign financing balloon then

What law does it violate then?

Are you an idiot? How is paying for things with your own money illegal? It’s standard fare.

Progtards were desperate for the porn star hush money to have come from Trump campaign accounts which would have been a violation of campaign financing law. Looks like it isn't. Womp womp.

The Yawnenning

>paid to shutup a porn star roastie so as to not lose some christcuck votes
literally whom cares about any of this fucking list

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Not as illegal as having someone killed

oh look, it's less than nothing


None of it is illegal.

I've been dismissing the Cohen stuff as controlled opposition ala muh russia. But writing hush money checks while POTUS is kind of a big deal.

loool here comes the FISA declass. Screencap this.

so it was considered a campaign donation, it was Cohen who did it, and did not report it, even though he's a lawyer and he should know better.

Christians voted him in after he said he wanted to grab pussy.

What does this do?

Obama's scores were sealed

my basis for number 1 being illegal was campaign finance shit that the left spews, could be legal though as they usually spew bullshit.

Number 3, spending his non profit charity money on a personal portrait of himself to hang at his club must be illegal. I don't know the law but it can't be legal to just use the money that is supposed to go to charity on yourself.

No it isn’t. It’s a reimbursement and is standard NDA for a billionaire.

No it wasn’t a campaign donation.

Disregard. Reimbursement for hush money paid before POTUS. Unless he lied under oath about it it's nothing.

>clearly didn't read all of his statement or still has Trump's cock in his mouth


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No it actually isnt. Even when Dennis Hastert got busted for fucking kids and paying them off he was only charged with tax violations. The pay offs were completely legal. Not also paying the IRS was the issue.

Trump isn't declassifying anything because he's a pathetic waste of time and a kike psyop.

tons of non profit charities use money on themselves that should be going to charity, morally wrong yes illegal no

WTF. Are you retarded? It was an auction whose proceeds were going to charity- he paid someone to spend an extravagant sum for a portrait of himself. ALL OF THE MONEY HE SPENT WENT TO CHARITY.

This is what rich people do, dumbass.


That’s not even what happened, idiot. See:

Wow this is bad optics for trump. I can't believe he would do these things.

number 3 - a copy of an article that reports the story as such.

the stories make no sense though. Trump handles money all his life, he's not gonna make stupid mistakes for some small amounts. everything is above the board.

None of that is illegal though.

Do what things?

>These must be illegal

Cucks like you are great targets for the media. They can convince you to think something is illegal when it's not.

but it will send the economy into turmoil
the perfect storm is brewing!
also vede retro satana

It wasn’t even a big deal? See:

I can't wait for this fucking thing to release and it to come down to
>Don got a B in math in high school

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He wanted to call Bill Gates to take care of the internets, I think a B is a bit generous, user.

>I don't know the law
Don't quit your day job.

Absolutely this. Also checked.

Paying "hush money" so a porn actress doesn't try to sell her story about sex to TMZ is not illegal. Calling it hush money is just a scary sounding buzzword the media and the left like to use.

>you have heard him call poorer countries "shitholes".

No tape of this. Only Dick Durbin says Trump said it behind closed doors.

>Personal account
So no campaign finance violation, whoops there goes the narrative

It wasn’t even hush money. It was Cohen’s retainer reimbursement.

The reason they're stalling the Mueller investigation is because they don't want to release the truth.

They know if they reveal the actual truth about Trump, yes it would sink him, but there would be no Russian collusion and it would actually end divisions between trump-derangement syndrome sufferers and MAGA boomertards.

They don't have evidence of crimes that you can indict Trump over. They have evidence that Trump was conning everyone. That he got bluehairs and vapescreechers all worked up for nothing and he never had a plan to curb illegal immigration or to make america great again. They will find out he never wanted to be president and was a neoliberal democrat who was trying to get a huge cult of suckers when he lost to buy up overpriced merch advertised on his planned TV channel and following Le Filter Man's business model on a massive scale. He wanted to position himself as "The Resistance" against Hillary Clinton and to have Steve Bannon spoonfed him sober talking points and create the supreme intellectual gentleman's infowars.

This was all a plan to make a fuckton of money (Trump hides his tax returns not because he's less rich than he says but because he's far richer than he actually says) and pass it onto his heir, Jared Kushner.

He's playing a character, he runs a mafia based in Reno/LV in Nevada and Florida and has been a proficient blackmailer and extortionist since he was a kid. His mentor was Roy Cohn, the guy who extorted pedos and the mastermind behind McCarthyism which was a front for extortion. He wasn't blackmailed by Epstein or on those seized hidden camera tapes, Trump trained Epstein in blackmail because its Trump's main revenue stream.

Kushner's dad was given a slap on the wrist for blackmail and wasn't charged with that but only "witness tampering". He schooled Jared on extortion as a revenue stream and that's why Trump anointed him as his successor. Trump basically runs a private CIA.

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Get lost, faggot.

T-trust the plan on this day I am blessed by G*d

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You spewed a bunch of bullshit and wove in a few half-truths and a couple of facts. What’s your motive, moron?

yes goy, if you aren't a lawyer like us don't talk.

The written statement says that he instructed the bidder and then reimbursed the bidder from the account of his charity. Where are you getting your information from?

>1 post by this id

laws are fucked then if anyone can just use money that they were given for their charity on themselves. I still doubt that its legal.

post by this id

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Unless he declared it as a charitable donation and took a deduction, there is no crime.

>this level of cope

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My cow died, so I won't be needingyourbull,

>the left ruthlessly attacking trump while he is in Vietnam negotiating for peace

These fucking people man

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>it's for real t-this time guis i swear
>all of this shit has already been reviewed
>it's actually tabloid tier garbage now
the absolute state of triggered click bait libfags

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You are the idiot who thinks any of this is illegal.

The timing is always so conspicuous.

He hasn't committed any crimes. Open a special council to arrest Soros and the Rothschild Jew elites now.

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>Trump hires a Jew lawyer (Cohen)
>Trump pays the Jew lawyer to do his dirty work
>The Jew lawyer is a Jew so he double crosses Trump
>The Jew lawyer goes in front of Congress and the world to rat out Trump
That is what Trump gets for trusting a Jew. Cohen is a Jew and Jews are subversive, backstabbing rats. Trump should have known better but clearly Trump is a buffoon.

So pointing out this is just meaningless smearing instead of any evidence of a crime.

When did this stop being about Russia and simply the impeachathon let's make this up

This is it? This it what they have on “Hitler”? This has to be fake it’s such a fucking joke. But then again the entire left has turned into a giant joke so who knows.

Cant wait to watch the Supreme court bust campaign finance law open even more because of this.
>pay pornstar from personal money
Illegal campaign contribution
>pay pornstar from campaign money
Fraudulent use of campaign funds for a personal expense
The left would try to play it both ways regardless. Shows how fucking retarded the laws are

for a smart jew lawyer, this guy does not know what irony is at all

not wanting to go to a country as cannon fodder to war vs going to country as president is not really ironic in any way

Reading WikiLeaks is also illegal according to Chris Cuomo. Braindead rat shills will believe anything, and therefore think others will too and get mad when they don't.

It's not going to happen .

It was personal money and it was something he would do anyways and has done before .

a guide to alienate students and turn them into shooters


wrong thread lol

I never knew such a peaceful man could reveal the hateful and the destructive undermining our nation so effectively. He really is a great President.

>my basis for number 1 being illegal was campaign finance

>Number 3, spending his non profit charity money on a personal portrait of himself to hang at his club must be illegal.
Nope. Paying employees of a charitable foundation from foundation funds is standard, and it's 100% legal to bid on your own items during an auction.

>A copy of a hush money check

Is that all the proof he has? Did Trump write "FOR PORN STAR AFFAIR HUSH MONEY" in the memo?

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If any of you magatards bother to read my posts I said this was meaningless in my first post.

another magatard crawls out of the woodworks

No, you claimed illegality.

I like Presidents that don't get caught.

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Feels good man

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Cohen the Jew rat bastard, disbarred, convicted felon. Sure, okay he has credibility.

Credibility does not matter to Congress or the media. At this point the actions of Cohen are simply to hurl Trump's dirty launder in front of the cameras for the world to see.


Rest in pepperoni wet fire johnny. Idk if your daughters fat, i still wanna breed her

He counted on it actually

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>Trump wanted his Jew lawyer to air his dirty laundry in front of Congress and the world
Come on now.


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what does this have to do with Russia?

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assuming this isn't some made up bullshit from some butthurt loser, i'm seeing absolutely nothing that would cause a 2/3 majority of the house/senate to call for president trump's impeachment. this is largely in part due to the fact that none of it is illegal.

simply put: a whole lot of nothing. fuck off, shit head.

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zoomer legal counsel - magnificent


Cohen had lots of clients..
Worked with trump for ten years and not a single thing to hold over trump. Unless tomorrow something big happens that’s not related to his statements here..
based on what he has said so far this is nothing but a wet paper bag. Something maybe could be if he didn’t completely undo everything he says by making statement like, “not directly told me to lie” and “i have no direct evidence of russian collusion but i have my suspicions”
Cant wait to watch this

Paying blackmail is not illegal, however Stormy Daniels blackmailing trump is illegal.

>buhuu he's so racist
>Mr. Trump did not directly tell me to lie to Congress. That’s not how he operates.
Sounds like it's nothing