G'day lads, GABs new Dissenter browser extension was released today, get on it.


George Pell remanded in custody after bail revoked at court hearing for child sex offences

Former Prime Minister John Howard has written a character reference for George Pell

Two Irishmen, 30 and 26, are arrested over the shooting of a former police detective acquitted of killing a paedophile

Afghan asylum seeker, 42, who made car noises as he brutally raped a backpacker, 23, during horrific six hour ordeal is jailed for seven years

Code red: Heatwave warning is issued across swathes of Australia with temperatures set to hit 40C on Friday and through the weekend – so how hot will it be for you?

Combat drones capable of deadly force set to join Australian military arsenal

Queensland Police Commissioner's wife has infringement notice for running stop sign torn up

Daily Reminder: Australia is now apart of the Xi Jinping Dynasty

Hence - Fuck Chinks

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off, we're full and got no water

Also, no pooftas

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>fucking up aus/pol/ this badly
Your a disgrace to the nation OP.

is the correct format.

i'm an aussie living in the USA, usually just shitpost on /o/ but came here to discuss the pell thing

you cunts don't seriously believe he's guilty, right? this is the worst fucking witch hunt i've ever seen

>Daily Reminder: Australia is now apart of the Xi Jinping Dynasty

Yep, we're part of the second-chain of islands to be the invaded, using the first chain leap point

most of it has been drummed up by our feminist-stacked state broadcaster ABC.

The shit won't fly in an appeal. The evidence this decision was based on was fucking lame.

> is the correct format.
> muh structure for I triggered retardation

you forgot to take your risperidone

agreed, anyone who's been to a catholic mass can see how fucking retarded it is

oh and he raped 2 boys in a 5 minute encounter, fucken cunt was on meth or what?

what happens here?

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>fucken cunt was on meth or what?
given our ice epidemic, guess the clergy are speeding also to do the 24/7 mass thing.

prbly outback detention centre, abo reserve, shooting range, or a combo of all three.

Blow me, faggot

Fuck Australia and fuck fairy bread

go shag a sheep, cunt

hello, can you point me in a direction where I can find more information on the evidence that led to the conviction. I noticed almost all reports are sidestepping discussing any of the evidence of the case and the few persons who can speak on the matter without being immediately blacklisted (e.g. Howard) are making decidedly tentative statements about the significance or legitimacy of the case

>Boomers want to nuke your pay even harder even though it hasn't been going anywhere for 10 years
I'm raughing

just look everywhere else EXCEPT the ABC.

Its the fucking matriarchy at the ABC that are blackballing anything that disagrees.

> raughing
I like your style, nippon-sama.

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The bad news is that the good news may not be enough. While Australia’s labour market is in glowing health, big issues are developing.

Early 2019 may be as good as it gets if Westpac chief economist Bill Evans is right. He expects unemployment to go back up to 5.5 per cent by the end of 2019, and keep rising after that. That would represent tens of thousands more people out of work.

That little smudge we talked about? Low wages growth? That could become part of a big problem.

Wages growth affects how much Australians spend at cafes and shops. That spending comes back to us in other ways — consumption spending makes the economy go around.

>Consumption spending is threatened by the housing situation. The RBA has confirmed this. It now seems house prices are falling faster than they expected.

did this cunt trip up?

Literally the only "evidence" they have is the testimony of one guy from 30+ years ago. Not really sure how they can even try these historical cases?...

>Consumption spending is threatened by the housing situation.
Who would have thought that making people pay 40-50% of their wage would affect other places they spent their money.
Who would have thought.

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cunts in the army and abos sleeping on roads.

Pell's a ped, anyone trying to defend him is a paedophile enabler.

I reckon it was because the 3.5-day jury deliberation involved "i wanna go home, i'm tired of us deliberating" syndrome. Probably some bullies on the jury too to push it that way.

t. ABCstaffer

i blame female boomers because first-wave feminism gibs me dats.

>Wages growth affects how much Australians spend at cafes and shops. That spending comes back to us in other ways — consumption spending makes the economy go around.
how about instead of pissing money away on uber and cafes we build some nuclear power plants so we don't have energy issues, build some refineries so we don't have to rely on china to not be subhumans, and then kick out all of the student/work visa holders so that almost magically all of our well paying middle class union jobs come back?

t. Paedo supporter

im worried i might be stuck in seppo land lads. moved here to be with my wife but i dont know if we have any hope of financially being able to move back to australia

feels fucked to be honest

I guess you won

Ha, yeah.

>seething rape victim

well, at least you'll be there for Civil Ware 2: Electric Boogaloo. Should be a helluva show.

>Degenerate nonce

i'd rather be in aus when we genocide the chinks

>fuck off we're fu--

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> leftist calling other degenerate

You mean a Catholic priest who covered up for other pedophile priests is innocent and people just want to attack him because he claims to be a man of god? Please, he's a disgusting, vile piece of filth who deserves far worse than he's going to receive.

>George Pell remanded in custody after bail revoked at court hearing for child sex offences

How can they prove he's guilty? More over if he was guilty why did he come back? He could have stayed in the Vatican and would have been protected. Fucking kikes, stay away from my church.


can you get fucked? no seppo queeers allowed. you cunts are fucked in the head

Fuck Pell and fuck Catholics. Make Australia Protestant again.


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Has anyone glued a MAGA hat onto fearless girl statue in melbourne yet?

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>If you aren't a catholic kiddy fiddler you're a leftist

> not understanding that, within the justice system, a guilty verdict has nothing to do with whether a person actually committing the crime
> confusing an institutional finding as absolute truth
your hipster beard has grown into your brain.

> if you don't agree with me, you're a pedo

FUCK are these cunts getting paid or what? someone needs to make a comment and do the old edit switcheroo

i did a shitpost.
With how hard that thread is being slid off the board i feel like it is a forbidden topic.

someone needs to put some MAGA panties on her

Pell's a disgusting ped m8, he's going straight to hell.

I do tend to agree, user. I'm simply JUSTed by the state of our judicial system, catholic priest or not.

fuck anglos and fuck protestants

Got any evidence to support that claim?

Pic related is a Catholic kiddy fiddler who is also a leftist.

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>he's going straight to hell.
so I take it you're a christian?

i know yank its overflowing that red on the east coast is people falling into the ocean. poor surfys are getting pushed into the water by the migrants its packed at bondi

Yeah, he was found guilty of diddling kids.

>File no longer exists

and we've found you guilty of retardation, but does that mean in reality that you're retarded?

This country is in fucking shambles. Everyday is one day closer to the bottom.

>Literally on the hearsay of one cucked faggot
Hmmm really gets the noggin joggin

i would happily suck his cock for the human attention i havent touched another human in four months the last time i did i accidentally touched the paki at the servo giving him a fifty i cried in the car

If Australia allowed for unlimited immigration, but with the stipulation that they must settle in the interior, the various migration issues would settle themselves damn fast.

Not an argument

Also not an argument


provided we can drop them into the desert with nothing but a spoon, a snickers, and a car battery.

yeah forgot to do some censoring on the lad lmao shh

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fuck up globalist shill

LittleJohnnie gives character reference for Pell
>hes definitely a kidfiefiddler

>I wont introduce a gst
>saddam sure has wmds
>workchoices will be popular
>buying back guns will make us all safe
>I can bowl overarm
That useless little cunt has never once been right on anything.
>pell is a good bloke
= Pell is a rockspider

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>Not an argument
neither is yours. I remind you to consider what a court/jury finding actually means.

I think the government is already trying to do something like that, all new migrants have to go live in rural towns.

I've always suspected little Johnnie of being a kiddy fiddler, he looks like the type.

This is unironically a compelling argument.


In a more perfect world, we'd shift our "special relationship" from the UK to the aussies and dump migrants into Lake Eyre with a couple MREs and a book of government vouchers. Ya bastards are fuckheads, but you're getting done dirty by your gov in a way that even the maplefuckers up north aren't. As willing and able to be loud and rude as us, but people like your accent a lot better.

You're white by my book, whatever else.

I think this means we can go around punching cyclists now, lads

> 10 posts of projection in this thread

Cricket Tragic

You're also a ped.

>Australian police
>Being lazy
What did you expect?

we luv's ya 3DJ4sq9e. You are doing gods work.

This is one thing I can agree with you on, tripfag.

Yeah but how? What proof could they possibly have other then the word of another person? People should not be allowed to be found guilty based on word of mouth and testimony. He came back to Australia willingly when he could have easily stayed in thew Vatican. Itw as like like a year ago this all became a apparent and now hes in jail. How the fuck does that happen?

Thank you.

>abuse was plain vanilla sex

so he is admitting it all actually occured?

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>Kiddiefiddler is celebrating mass.
>Lots of pretty choirboys.
>Massive horn under robes.
>Finds kids snuck into sacristy sculling altar wine
>Is in a sudden position of power and domination as they're caught in the wrong
>Instant reaction is to facefuck one and jerk off on them
Sounds about right, actually.
>especially as the surviving kid had corroborating detail of the room etc so the jury believed him.
The only issue is that's not the hesitant approach of a first-timer slowly seducing some poor kid for a fumble in his jocks.
= The cunt has been diddling and fucking kids and getting away with it for years to get to this level of confident unafraid insta-fuck.
>if you believe in hell, you're gonna burn in it cunt.

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Yeah the judiciary system is corrupt as fuck

...cking the mouths of pretty altar-boys

Feeling absolutely JUST from psychometric testing

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John Howard is a filthy little lying cunt.
I've dealt with that little cunt personally.
Lying little fat cunt.

>fucking boomers bitching about their supers over the curry nigger war
Seriouslt wtf is their problem

they won't last long out here.
cunts will make them disappear as soon as they become a problem.
We're not like melbourne poofters out here

We already know sex offenders aren't ever just "one off'rs", so where are the rest of the cunts coming out the woodwork?

If there was any legitimacy to the claim there wouldve been dozens of other "victims" who'd have come out by now, unna.

I'm Prot, but it was an obvious witch-hunt against Pell and the Catholic Church of Australia. Even if Pell was guilty, the way the case was managed was awful and I guarantee the jury was compromised.

Did he fuck your mouth, too?

the guardian front page

>if you actually were competent ASIO you'd already have surveillance tapes
>useless public servant cubicle dweller