Kek. Elon Musk shitting on Reddit for censoring comments
>Elon Musk
Pure cancer.
Wonder if Elon would join the Yang Gang
plot twist: he created the yang gang
I rarely use reddit, but whenever I do use it why is it that every comment is deleted, seemingly copypasta spam saying "comment violated rule" beneath deleted comments and moderators crying about how people can't behave themselves and that the thread is locked?
Imagine being such insufferable kikes that you come into every thread to shill your election bullshit. No wonder you retards are actually making everyone who pays for your shilling hated. You have no idea what being a real human being even means.
why is this even a debate? another front page anti-christian artcile yet again today. This is anti-christ shit going on right here the bible talks about. Seriously fuck reddit.
Moderators are incredibly tyrannical, if they don't agree with your statement/commentary they just delete it, it is probably at the same level as twitter.
Muh power a moderator.....
The mods of reddit are a group of faggot kikes that are mods of like 50+ subreddits. NWO kikes.
Top mod of r/space is a moderator of 455 subreddits
There is lot of sick fuckhead people who get off being power over people.
Remember Jesus said about there is no truth in jews people.
yeah but no one gives a fuck. its over fren
Mod #3
485 subreddits
Reddit has started giving you a customized front page, theres no singular front page anymore for the world to see. Ironically an antiglobalist policy
>no one gives a fuck
>comes into thread to say nobody gives a fuck
>it's over
>Elon Musk just tweeted about this.........
It's over for jews. Censorship is being pushed way too hard and people are pissed off. You're a scared kike because you know this to be true.
>Ironically an antiglobalist policy
Oh go fuck yourself kike.
no one gives a fuck. sorry. thinking the mass of people are gonna "wake-up" and think there is anything wrong with reddit's moderation, or jewish power, is naive.
Fuck reddit
One of my friends started using reddit, now he has become a homosexual apologist and just a faggot in general. What do I do?
I don't dislike the idea of reddit moderation being questioned, the issue is, no one gives a fuck and it ain't changing. Every redditor with an old account watched the consolidation of moderation, and was okay with power moderators from the start
You know what makes you a shill? You lack the self awarness to realize that nobody gives a fuck about what you're trying to dictate. You truly believe in your inbred ashkenazi mind that people actually are listening to your whining. They're not.
based boy musk actually did it
I seem to remember this guy promised us Mecha. Well? Where is it? If I'm going to die in a world war, I'd rather do it in a giant humanoid vehicle.
yeah, people don't realize that the mods of these subreddits are in charge of a large portion of reddit and are working hand-in-hand with the admins. The entirety of plebbit is a prime example of corruption, even worse than power-tripping mods on Jow Forums as at least we know due to IRC leaks that they're shitters who act like they're the new moot
gee, I sure am I a shill. Why not tell the people what's wrong with this image while you so bravely believe that anyone gives a fuck about reddit power moderators?
Is this thread full of bots or just retards. He's clearly making a joke. The deleted comments were obviously all childish jokes about the sex position. Elon is playing le guy who doesn't le realize.
You know why you're upset? Because powerful people with powerful voices are speaking up about censorship and making all the normies aware of this bullshit. You hate when your subversive bullshit is made known because in reality you're cowards. Zionism is an ideology based on cowardice.
Hey schizo, read . He's not calling out censorship, he's making a joke.
You need to stop using reddit, "friend".
Low T
>he's making a joke
He's calling out censorship. And making a joke.
He's doing exactly one of those things.
i'm sitting here listening to holocaust denial documentary. people feel as if they are in a post-history era beyond pernicious censorship, an age of benevolence unseen in human history.
now please keep up the paranoid declarations of "shilling" and Saturn insanity while I again inform you; no one cares.
According to (((you))). It's truly amazing how Jews don't understand that pretending to be the absolute authority on topics doesn't work here. You just spout the bullshit that pops into your head fastest to mitigate and derail organic conversation.
im with dogjob here. nobody gives a fuck dude
Reddit users will be among the first to go
>i'm sitting here listening to holocaust denial documentary.
>holocaust denial documentary
Nobody would use call a documentary a "holocaust denial documentary" because it would be about finding the truth.
Hey rabbi whatcha doin?
KEK. My favorite African American!
cabbage is the single most effective food to expell the estradiol/estriol/estrone that results from aromatization of testosterone, before it gets to adipose tissue and lipid cells to bind with t7-estradiol receptors.
Reminder that Tesla has literal paid shills on reddit
is unpasteurized sauerkraut good for this, or does the pickling ruin this quality?
damn this guy is extremely intelligent.
>still falling for ptg memes
good lord
Article 13 will censor everything, even Elon Musk
yes that is the normal nomenclature for this types of media. what's wrong with my type of posting, am I demoralizing Jow Forums by reminding you that the people who make up western society do not care about reddit moderation, or rather, see little issue with it?
Of course. You need to call me a schizo cuz you can't compete.
The cancer that will free the world of it's hosts.
> mods on Jow Forums as at least we know due to IRC leaks that they're shitters who act like they're the new moot
sauce mfw banned so many times a day
Mods dont work for admins. They work against them. Even here. Mods take the job because being virtuous and having control over speech is all the money they could want.
Mods know theyre the only line of defense between acceptable speech and "adpocalypses."
If a mod doesnt like the speech admins allow on the website. They virtue signal it to the advertisers and lose the admins money. Thats how they found a way to control speech just a little bit more.
you glow, memeflag.
Mods are being paid by Israel. T_D mods are confirmed Black Cube kikes.
I don't think he called you a schizo, nor did I, despite you leaving the window wide open for this with your "Saturn" stuff.
they advertise this as a feature. Member when the gook woman became CEO or something? The redditors were ready to die for their moderators.
He did.
they like burning cash in bonfires
Dont even need to get paid by israel. You will always find someone who will do it for free. They will offer just for the opportunity. The fact they end up being useful idiots for whoever is usually just because youd have to be a retard to basically do this job without pay.
Then they realize they can fuck with other peoples pay when it doesnt go there way. And they falseflag against the companies ad revenue.
broccoli, cauliflower, kale, bok choy, arugula, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, radishes, turnips all work great. Cabbage is the most effective for expulsion of estrogen.
The phytochemicals are not hindered by boiling the cruciferous veggies, don't worry. Some vitamins and essential mineral do though. So if you want the best bang for your buck - eat raw.
You don't know that "satellite lost" is one of the most common way to send a military/secret satellite onto space without letting others know what it is? If anything that mean Musk is helping Israel to send spy satellite
No because it blew up on purpose.
>t. Dyel schizo
>1 post by this id
Using LTE
>i have no actual argument so I'm going to ramble incoherently
Fucking based magapede
>Retard don't know what is LTE
Is the watch tweet that keeps being spammed on b just a /b/ thing? It's the oddest spam I've ever seen.
I bet those were all jokes about 69 and it just got out of hand
>Not only doing it for free but also paying for the privilege to do janitor work
Jow Forums Jannies, I...
Elon's been shilling UBI for years
Brand new Jow Forums server.
There's a big post explaining how unbelievably shitty reddit's moderation system is and pretty much allows bad mods to erase evidence of their actions.
Reddit's basically a shit hole. Ran by faggots just looking to make a buck.
Depends entirely on what subreddit and what mods. Certain subreddits such as watchpeopledie have raised up a shitstorm to the point of being put in the time-out zone for wrongthink but were forced to bend the knee or get banned. A lot of people who are mods of multiple subreddits are, in fact, stooges for the reddit admins who would sooner sell their soul to the devil than lose what little power they have in life. I would make an educated guess that most of the mods wouldn't like to rock the boat and would just do whatever the admins wanted at the end of the day.
It blew on the launchpad, usually the secret spy shit is when it gets "lost" far higher up.
I'm sure if you ask in /qa/ or maybe even /b/ there's people who kept leaks from the IRC. Specifically it's 1 admin who thinks they're hotshit and doesn't give a fuck what hiromoot says. They're the ones who have been behind most of the censoring shit that has lead to massive shitstorms such as, I believe, banning SCP off of /v/ because their scp entry was made fun of, banning discussion of neogaf when it was imploding, and I can't remember what else. This mod colludes with other modes in other boards. It's like a cabal of pathetic people who have gotten a taste of "power" and now they're just powertripping.
...and children
he's not wrong man. anyone with a brain left reddit years ago, it's no surprise whoever is left over there isn't going to question shit
Nobody is asking the right question.
What was deleted, you faggots?
You the same faggot who was shilling for that Webb asshole?
That twitter feed with his sycophant follower responses is pure cancer.
To me personally, a captured piece of rock is not a moon.
But that' s just me.
Stop butchering scripture for nasa deception
Shit it’s not their cash. Where do you think that 38 Billion to Israel is going?
Holy shit. It's just bane memes. That's it. No questions toward the other guy, except to ask about bane memes. Thanks Swede.
It blew up while it was still grounded.
A moon is just a smaller orbitoid body caught in the gravity of a larger planetary body orbiting a central star.
why would they even allow this
He and gift to him paid 3% of their annual server operation cost according to the screenshot. Isn't it normal to value such a person more.
cuz he's good at banning nazis and other racists.
is this speculation, or are you a mod?
please tell me what the mods think of sneed.