We are headed to a new era, holding these pedo fucks responsible for their crimes. Australia leads the charge here, get to it rest of the world...
Cardinal Pell convicted for child sex abuse
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Hope he rots
It's a bit fucked atm
Pope being a Jesuit n all
does the catholic church have any credibility left? pedo story after pedo story. this shit doesnt end
All of these 'convictions' are lies.
>holding these pedo fucks responsible for their crimes.
What crimes? How can you prove something 20 years after the fact? Less then a year ago he was the pops right hand man and now hes going to get murdered in prison. How the fuck does that happen?! If he was guilty he wouldnt have come back.
Cant believe the Pope hasn't been removed
Maybe he folds under pressure and we get some names.
the left media never shuts the fuck up about this.
All day the talk about this is graphic detail.
I love hearing Christian retards defend their powerless God who can't even stop rape in his own churches.
t. Father Antonio O’Brien Mdebe
>We are headed to a new era
A new era of misery and carnage. The last few decades has seen a big increase in the stigma children experience when they have been involved in a sex act with an adult. Reduce the harm by reducing the stigma.
7% of priests were involved according to Australian state report you mongrel
Is he a scapegoat? The charges don’t fit a pattern abuser and Jow Forums is shilling this too much
He's number three so Are you assuming he's taking the heat for higher ups?
Well, the catholic church does make it super easy.
I guess you shills didn't like the responses in the other thread so you made a new one?
fuck off Jews
>more upset at anons drawing attention to it than the actual crimes. If I were catholic I’d be going apeshit that this happens nonstop and the institution protects these faggots.
Its part of the lefts whole ebil christian scapegoat they have been pushing for 50 years.
Dont get me wrong im not catholic, i dont even like them and pedo priests need to burn in hell.
Just the media literally talks about this nonstop.
Its one if their yas gotcha conservative christians moments.
Like imagine listening to 8 hrs of talk about pedos and kids.
I hope the investigation into the corruption he allegedly found in the Vatican continues.
Of the two boys he allegedly diddled, one told his mother that nothing happened. The guy who said nothing happened died of heroin overdose in 2014.
t. Ony abbot
>in the name of the fathers son and the Holy Ghost
And we all know now what the Holy Ghost is. Eeew
Those kids deserved it
This is just a continuation of the ongoing smear-campagin of the Catholic church and Christianity as a whole in Australia. They're not spamming this new story because Pell was (found to be) a pedo, they're spamming it so hard because it diminishes the reputation and image of Christianity in Australia as a whole. It's no surprise that we're even less religious than many countries in Europe, and even less of a surprise that our society is disintegrating.
>more upset that it’s being reported on than this shit happens nonstop and the Catholic Church is controlled by faggots
>Of the two boys he allegedly diddled, one told his mother that nothing happened. The guy who said nothing happened died of heroin overdose in 2014.
Wow thats a flawless prosecution.
this im not even religious and i get it. The implication being all of Australia is somehow guilty.
Australia isnt even a catholic nation. Majority here is non-practicing protestant.
Imagine people in Norway or something having to listen to this shit 24/7
What sentence did he get?
Considering the vast majority of victims are young boys, I think it's more a fag problem than pedo problem
>What sentence did he get?
Will know next week.
So fags are pedos.
I don’t know, it’s just odd that he would’ve have been on the loose for 40 years or so and they only come up with two victims. Normally there’s heaps of victims sprinkled across a heap of parishes
Also heard maximum is 50 years but I doubt he will get anything over 10 years.
There is a very strong link between homosexuality and pedophilia that a lot of people don't seem to like to recognise; and it has long been an 'open secret' that many priests are homosexual.
Pretty sure sexual abuse is how gays reproduce
Read his wiki profile.
Not doubting that.
He's head of Opus Dei, brings in MILLIONS to the Vatican, very high ranking Catholic. He must be a high ranking establishment figure in Aussie and have support from Blighty, would they give him a tough sentence?
>Its degeneracy and day of the rope when the left does it
>It's a smear campaign when someone in an institution I like does it
Degeneracy is rampant both in the leftist LGBT world and in the right wing catholic world, and people just want to play political ping pong while children are being abused. A pedo is a pedo, and they should be treated as such without all the political "b-but my side" baggage.
After revoking his bail, I`d say they are serious this time.
I agree that Pell should be charged and punished for doing what he did to children, but that was kind of beside the point of my post.
Fair enough
Shit, he's even received accolades for his service to the Catholic church by the government. Everyone's back tracking now. It`s Rolf Harris v2.
Satanists are being BTFO all over the place, hopefully he gets hanged.
there is no evidence, a jury found him guilty based of the testimony of one victim, the other boy died after saying it didnt happen.
i am interested in being proven wrong about this so i can put it to bed, but it looks like there is no strong evidence.
>hopefully he gets hanged.
It would have to be by his own hands,
oh wait that's a sin but then again so was molesting and ruining children's lives. Who knows what that man is capable of.
>the other boy died after saying it didn't happen.
Got a source for that, I thought he just didn't want to report it.
Being a devils advocate btw
His lawyer literally told the judge "it was only vanilla sex and the child not actively participating"
Great defense. Can't see him going to jail desu.
pretty sure that was the prosecution, otherwise link me.
the cops came multiple times to get statements off him and he refused
T.Father Benedicto Donatello III
Where are the Royal Commissions into sex abuse in Judaism and Islam?
>reee you can't do that cos that would be racist reeee
Implying they arent intertwined.
how influential was the sexual emergency case in Austria? The animal being acquitted. A lad said it was important
Based resident IFB Swedebro
He wasn't aquitted? His sentence was reduced, pretty disgusting, but also not a very influential case.
it is common for lawyers to do this to get a lighter sentance
"Richter said he was in a difficult position because he could only propose a sentence based on the jury’s finding of guilt, not on the basis that Pell maintained his innocence. He said Pell did not have a pattern of offending and had not planned the attack, and so would have been “seized by some irresistible impulse”."
i am interested to see what pell says and if he will man up and defend himself, i dont think he has admitted to anything.
Christianity in Sverige is a real estate racket. Churches make top Crowns sold to Saudis
Yes you're right. I still find it to be an odd kind of defense.
How did not one of you cunts make him disappear?
>pretty sure that was the prosecution, otherwise link me.
i took about 5 seconds to google this and found that there's multiple testimonies and the defense attorney has basically no case to defend him beyond 'he thought those 10 year olds consented'
i dont think attacking christianity is good and i think there is a narrative against christianity but you shouldn't take unreasonable stances and ignore observable reality to try and convince other people of things because you won't
Typical Catholic bullshit. Fuck Pell. Fuck the Vatican. Fuck indulgences.
Tell me how ANY jury can convict someone to the requirement of 'beyond reasonable doubt' for a crime committed thirty years earlier with no evidence, no witnesses, and nothing besides a story.
Tell me how this is justice, and not a jury ruling on emotion?
Better to let a guilty man free than convict an innocent. And in this case, whilst I loathe the religious - I suspect he may very well be innocent.
These stories NEVER appeared until he was all over the TV and lefty media and coincided with his investigation into corruption in the vatican. Coincidence?
All this linking to The Guardian btw. It's upsetting. I may write a piece about being triggered.
The Catholic church's pathetic handling of child abuse cases, their unwillingness to apologise, and the failure to single out and prosecute errant clergy is all the more shocking given the magnitude of the situation. How is it possible that Bernard Francis Law still has a sinecure in Rome given the magnitude of abuses attributed to him when he was working in Boston? It really is disgusting, cowardly, and - dare I say it - ungodly.
Of all the christcucks they're the only ones who still have an unbroken link to their messiah, all other Christians squirreled the tech as the scilons would put it.
look at this comment it is veery odd, if i was convinced he is a pedo i'de say hang him by his nuts, but im not convinced ay.
>the cops came multiple times to get statements off him and he refused
Doesn't say he said it didn't happen. Sometimes victims just don't want to get involved. Happens with rape victims too.
Didn't Pell's own lawyer say "It was just vanilla sex" as a defense?
That's what will happen to every christkike.
Cardinel Pell was working on corruption and child grooming IN the Vatican. Then suddenly out of left field was accused of this shit. I suspect he got too close to something. The dude isn't even gay, so why would he fiddle kids? He was a womanizer in his youth.
Also how can a jury convict someone for a crime 30 years plus ago with zero evidence besides a story? No witnesses, nothing. How is that even possible without judicial activism / corruption?
Reminder that pedophilia is a christian value.
I'm a lawyer in the city this went on, and was present at three of the hearings. Please provide links - as I have not found the transcript anywhere as the gag order was only removed yesterday.
I suspect you are lying.
what is this innocent untill proven guilty now?
First kikianity, then pisslam and at last their father shitaism, user.
Not in the three hearings I attended. I can't obtain a transcript yet as the gag was only released yesterday - I'll chase it up first day off I get.
But this is just too coincidental. Man in charge of Vatican corruption and child grooming who was known to be a womanizer in his youth is suddenly now gay? And 30+ years later with no evidence, no witnesses, nothing - they can convict him beyond reasonable doubt?
There's WAY more than reasonable doubt surrounding this case. The ONLY way you'd get a conviction in a matter like this is with a confession - which there was clearly not.
>The dude isn't even gay, so why would he fiddle kids?
The vow of celibacy?
When you prohibit stuff, it drives its victims to the limits
Your stupid country enabled this death cult. We were merrily worshipping Odin in the north until the Northern Crusades. Now we are a diaspora, and the 'every man gets a wife' sales pitch turned out to weaken our peoples genetically so badly we've gone from warriors to pencil necks.
It is not. It is corruption that must be rooted out.
are you saying people go gay when they dont have sex?
Someone post the rabbi sucking infant cock and passing it off as religious ceremony, also, lets not forget that muslim men think thighing is haram, or is it only bad when catholics and wasps do it?
So incels and volcels will all rape little boys and consider gay sex normal due to their celibacy? I don't buy it.
No witnesses. No evidence. Thirty years later. Story versus story. This is a kangaroo court.
There was a gag order on it, only court staff and those with privity were allowed in the court room period. That always gets my heckles raised.
t. John Winston Howard
Gib guns back!
Nah I'm a bible-believer.
I'm not part of anything.
Dispensationalism is truth (not hyper)
God still has plans for the jews (jacobs trouble=israel)
Trinity is a catholic teaching. Godhead is biblical.
Jesus is the body father is the soul holy spirit is the spirit.
James 2:19 King James Version (KJV)
19 Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.
John 14 King James Version (KJV)
8 Philip saith unto him, Lord, show us the Father, and it sufficeth us.
9 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Show us the Father?
It seems to me that if you tell people they have been wronged and can therefore feel terrible about something, they will eagerly, oblige and then seek retribution.
He was. You have an Anti-Pope now.
The media would have you think only the Roman Catholic church has predators. That's why the jury convicted him. Duck test. No test to reasonable doubt. No evidence. No witnesses. Thirty years later. The only way you'd get a conviction in a matter like this is with a confession which was not given. Ergo - political. I just found it odd the man was investigating corruption and kiddy fiddling in the Roman Catholic church then suddenly took a hit. I suspect it was intended.
Lad, everyone knows or should know what Islam is.
Im saying Priests who believe in original sin, who are obsessed with sexual guilt, is likely to have a significant number of its priests with deviant approaches to children. Their celibacy, and the fact that the chief object of their veneration is an untouchable virgin woman, can only contribute to this perversion.
They are jealous thst they didn't get to fuck twinks in a public pool.
So you're a heretic who thinks reading a book makes him part of a church. Right. You sold out your people to the Christ god, you weakling. Now you want to throw stones at your masters and call it rebellion? You should have died out with those who refused to convert in the Northern Crusades if you had balls.
You're a heretic manipulating a religion to suit you.
The fact it was a secret trial and he's being held for 2 accounts when there were almost 100. Their not getting put in place. He's probably just a failed jew servant that ran out of use and they threw him away. Because these fucks are getting more out hand. We gotta kill them all.