I am a virgin and need sex asap. What do...

I am a virgin and need sex asap. What do? There are several girls in my area which I more or less know - how to get them to have sex with me? Rape is no option

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>I am a virgin and need sex asap.

why what are you working on a deadline for penis inspection day what's the asap rush for

Please please please don't do that. Find a woman who loves you and give each other your first time.

No it isn't

Have you ever had sex the first time, or any subsequent time after time? It's always weird at best. Why the fuck would you save your virginity as a man

Why the fuck would you prescribe the the modern Jewish agenda? Have some fucking moral honor, or don't. Who cares about some degenerate who just wants to fuck?

Normally I also have moral, but with sex.. I go through the streets and everytime I see a women there is just an object for fucking - it is hilarious and awful

Men always fucked, it predates your redddit coonspiracy theories by way longer. The only ones who should be worried aout saving their virginity are little girls living in Africa or some Muslim country. Don't be a woman.

Do what you want Rabbi, no one's stopping you.

No one's stopping me but you still feel the need to get upset over it.

>I am a virgin and need sex asap.
Give me your address and bend over, I'll be right there.

no I'm just disgusted by modern hook up culture.

Yes, that's understandable if you're not getting any.

I have a wife user. I waited till I got one and the sexual exploration of learning how to love one another has been amazing because of it.

Why modern hook up culture? People fucked all over all around all the time. During WWI and WWIII at times more soldiers were being treated for syphilis than they were for actual battlefield wounds. Ancient kings and rulers would have several mistresses if not just several wives. Prostitution is one of humanity's oldest jobs, etc.

>honey what are you doing it's the weekend you said we'd go out to th-

Uh, user, do you know something I don't?

whoops, WWII

although according to some historians and fuckin nerds, WWIII already happened and it was the cold war that ended with the dissolution of the soviet union

Be handsome and masculine

Nice try to justify your own imoral behavior. No woman besides your mum has loved you, eh?

plenty of women loved me, so much in fact that I'm not trying to be the morality police on the advice section of this vietnamese oil painting magazine

Cool lie.