Trump is fucked baby

How fucked is Trump?

Cohen is testifying before congress duriong the day.

During the night (in the US), he is trying to lick Kim Jon Un's ass and basically let him do whatever he wants. By the end of the summit, Trump will have no actual conditions for demilitarization just like last time.

The best part? Mueller's report comes out after the summit. It may not prove collusion, but Don Jr. is definitely being indicted for lying.

Oh yeah, and Bernie Sanders is gaining massive support.

Will this be Trump's worst month ever?

Attached: trump mueller.jpg (640x360, 49K)

>says increasingly nervous tranny for the six gorrillionth time in two years

Trump actually seems to respect Bernie for at least being consistent and open about his socialist views. Trump vs. Bernie is objectively the best presidential show off of all time.

One word ----> DELUSIONAL!

>Cohen: When I say conman, I’m talking about a man who declares himself brilliant but directed me to threaten his high school, his colleges, and the College Board to never release his grades or SAT scores.

Hahaha, Jesus Christ.

Your title and text don't work. First you say he's fucked and then his son is. Think faggot, Trump isn't fucked but his son might be. I highly doubt it though

Remember Obama's transcripts? Of course you don't, because they were sealed by the US Government. Hahahaha

So Trump directed him to break the law? Dad crazy

And had his personal lawyers threaten his university never to release the transcripts, Right?

Don't be a dumbass, user, I don't like Obama either but the man was constitutional law professor at UC. Not to mention the editor of the Harvard law review. You don't get those jobs just by being black.

Trump may be impeached, but he will never be convicted while the GOP has a majority in the Senate.

Try to think yourself, If the president's son is indicted, it will EASILY be the biggest scandal since Watergate.


The GOP is more useless than niggers on welfare

You realize that a solid 50% and growing literally dont give a shit what Mueller indicts and believe he needs to be shot in the head


It's what it should have been in 2016.
But Bernie lost a lot of support once he bended over backwards to please Hillary and the DNC. He got royally screwed by DNC corruption, and he did not speak out against it... so fuck him.

Jared Kushner and Don Junior will be singing “I Believe I can Fly” with R Kelly in federal prison soon.

>implying (((Jared Kushner))) will ever be harmed by the (((establishment)))

>wahhh, trump wont go to war, and is deescalating a conflict on the Korean peninsula.

I remember when democrats use to protest against wars.

wasted get

Attached: 1550923658173.jpg (1600x900, 240K)

>deescalating a conflict on the Korean peninsula.

By letting Kim Jung Un fuck is up the ass? Kim broke whatever nebulous agreement he made with Trump almost the moment they finished talking.

Beginning of the End
No path to victory
faithless electors

Don't you low IQ types ever get tired of having your fantasies disproven? What type of mental defect causes you to repeatedly say untrue things with such great confidence, and keep saying them after they are disproven? I mean, I thought that the lowest an IQ could go is zero, but then retards like you come along and prove that sub zero is possible...