QUESTION for cumskins

I mean this seriously, no trolling.

What percentage of white people do you think are racist? I’m brown.

Going through this site fucked me up a bit, since now I know that many white people pretending to be nice have a lot of racist hair in their heads. But how do I know who’re racist and who’s not?

As such, what percentage do you think? Be honest. What do you guys talk about privately? And why are most of you so fake and nice in real life if you are racist?

Inb4 “because we’re worried about consequences.” But those are consequences you originally created given almost all of western society was white before , so there must be a reason why even most racist whites online are pussies in real life.

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Racist shit* not hair.

Most people do not care, it’s more about if you’re a raging fuckwit or not

99%. Half think you're basically violent retarded children and use you to justify new government programs that they'll chair to skim money out of and the other half think you're accursed sons of Cain monkey people.
The 1% that aren't racist have never seen a darkie in real life and have not formed a real opinion yet.

This also applies to every race. No one likes black people sry

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Racists are only racists because the actions of your race. If your so worried fix your own race. Most whites don't give a shit the just want to be left alone and not get nigger'd. If blacks stopped niggering around no one would care and there is no "evil white supremacist" who wants to exterminate you. Whites just want niggers to stop being niggers.

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Wasting 88s get in the oven

I’m not black but this also applies to brown people to be clear? Again be honest.

JF's girlfriend

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So instead of taking any responsibility like thinking of all the racist shit your family says you ask how well conditioned we are by the jew tube? Set your own house in order first and people wouldn’t hate you

No it actually only applies to blacks. Other races actually get along sometimes.

That's an entirely varied question. There are lots of "white" people who have brown skin. Are you hispanic or what?

it is illegal, 0% except for criminals

We're all racist. However we'll treat you as an individual over your race.

And judging by your post you're racist too but I hope that when you meet a white person and the prove to be decent to you, you are decent back, and when they are genuinely considerate and compassionate to them you are genuinely considerate and compassionate back, because that's what we try to do.

She's not white

>Hey cumskins I'm a dumb fucking racist spic bitching about racists on a politically incorrect chan

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>But how do I know who’re racist and who’s not?

It's not about race. It's about IQ.
Which is about race. Sorry.

Individually, if you're a smart guy, nobody gives a fuck.

But for a moment, pretend you don't identify with your "race" and take a look around as an individual.

> there must be a reason why even most racist whites online are pussies in real life.

That's a dumb question. Who wants to get shot?

Sorry to burst your bubble, but everyone's racist. Pussy.

Also,Hitler was the good guy. Hitler had a point.

Also, fellow spic.

If you see a white person dating another white person, or a white person living in a majority white area, chances are they are racist. Most probably don't even realize it.

I'm white by the way. Just visiting Latin America.


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Shut the fuck up kike.

That's weird, my flag is still British.

>even most racist whites online are pussies in real life
Also most minorities misinterpret this. White aren't scared of you, they're scared of white society judging them.

I'm 100% white. I don't think there's anything wrong with white people being racist.

Fuck niggers

They have a reason too. What did you expect from disrespecting them and calling the "white privileged? Why are they being targeted relentlessly on the media?

>uses jew-coined agit-prop term "racist" which has a different meaning to everyone
>is serious, no trolling
how about you define your question better, o realest of nigguhs?

>But those are consequences you originally created given almost all of western society was white before
We created them? You taco niggers flooded across the border. You taco niggers smuggle drugs and destroy everything nice. No. You create the problems. Non-whites acting like vile apes is the reason for white racism. We don't want to destroy 100,000 years of divergent evolution just to be "nice" to you. Access to white people is not a basic human right, despite what the UN might say.

> so there must be a reason why even most racist whites online
Yeah because if you try to be a racist in real life, you get sued, imprisoned, harrassed, and whatever else. It's not possible to be a racist without the federal government taking everything you have and throwing you in prison. God damn you fucking shitskins get everything for free and it's still not enough when whites are mildly upset in private.

(and yes OP is probably a jewish agent provacateur but it don't matter, what i said is all relevant)

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100% of white people are "racist"
some hate brownskins for being barbaric subhumans within their own nations and burdensome leeches within ours
others are racist in the sense that they think brown people are so retardly incompetent that we literally have to give them everything just to keep them from dying out on our streets
both groups oppose eachother and yet both groups are absolutely correct

I think it's OK for us whites to be racist. Racist abuse is wrong in my opinion, but being racist isn't.

Probably like 2-15% in the deep south, its not as pronounced as the media or the people on here want you to think. Just be friendly and the average person will be friendly back

White people are not racist in real life. A bit of small talk wins them over so fast it's crazy

>I'm 100% white.
But being with another white is racist? Again, shut the fuck up kike.

It's simple bro. You have your idea of racism misconstrued. We don't just hate every random nigger, but we do indeed stereotype. Everyone does. Don't be part of nigger culture, 6ou won't get the nigger stereotype treatment. Simple. As. That.

Rasict abuse should be for the ungrateful liberals. Seems like it's the only way they'll learn.

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Imagine the smell.


As he said and is correct you idiot. There's nothing wrong with racism. Racism isn't irrational hate, it's preferring your race over another. It's our natural fucking state

That's because whites are cowards IRL get off my side of the street whiteboi

Most of us don't want to breed with non whites. Take me as an example. I'm in Latin America right now (my flag keeps showing as UK though) I'm friendly to non whites, I speak Spanish, I've been fucking a latina enviromental lawyer who doesn't even speak English, and yet despite this, I only want to have a white baby.

I'm pretty racist.

Good question.

Well I've never been to America so I can't speak for life over there. I have lived in the UK though and my thoughts & feelings have waxed and waned with time.

> Youth: My family lived in Rural Wales then Brighton. I first saw a black person on TV. WCW it was Booker T, I was shocked and I asked my Dad 'Why does he look like that. My Dad (Not racist) just says 'Oh yeah he's black, some people are black'. So I was like 'Oh fair doo's, I was about 4 and I actually really grew fond of Boomer T. Trying to do the dancing and calling other kids and my parents 'sucka'.
Later on I went to an all white school with a few tokens in the outskirts of Brighton in southern England. This Chinese kid joined our class and we bullied him for having Chinese eyes, I didn't really care but when everyone started bullying him my flock mentality kicked in and I joined in. Parents must have got wind of this and some of the Chad Juniors started sticking up for him so everyone backed off.
Then apartheid ended and one of our teachers who was South African told us about racism and how much it sucks. And we were like fair doo's, every blue eyed blond kid starts claiming they have black relatives to alleviate the nascent white guilt. So I continued to live in my Southern English overwhelmingly white community and I wasn't racist. Then I moved to a Northern English city...

If you're worried about racism. Get non whites to act like modern humans.

I'm "racist" as fuck but I have many non-white friends, and I'll give any individual a chance before judging them. "Racism" is a made up boogeyman term though. It's meaningless.

This. There are very few blacks that I would fit this category,

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100%, varying degrees of denial or misattribution

And I'm not memeing

i think everyone is a little bit.

Northern Saga.

So yeah we moved to a multi-ethnic slum in a city in the North of England, I'm 13. I find out later after I leave as a man that this particular borough is one of the most dangerous in the UK.
Attend a pretty much all white school. I don't know if it's because me and my peers are getting older and the testosterone is running high but my life rapidly starts becoming more violent. I didn't make things easy on myself easy as me and my northern friends loved metal/punk/rock and all that. I grew my hair out too like a douchebag.
So we'd go out mostly encounter white chaos who would sometimes pick fights with us, I ended up taking a few beatings. I was never good at fighting, I tried fighting back but I was just weak and crap.

> College 16-18
OK now things get interesting. My college had in my year... 12 other white British kids. 12!? It was obvious we were a minority, about 4 other whites dropped immediately and over time more whites left. So I made friends amongst the Viet kids, they were actually pretty rad the girls were Tsundere (didn't get no action unfortunately) and the dudes were into cool stuff like martial arts and very academic. They were a good influence. To this day I carry a fondness for the Vietnamese, don't really talk to any of those guys anymore though.

100%, think of the whites that actually like you and look how they act, wiggers act like complete retards, that's how they see you. the left knows you're too stupid to make it in a white man's world so they want to make it easy for you. yet you're mad at "racists" for telling it like it is when you were too fucking stupid to extrapolate the actions and inferences of "woke whites". fix your shitty race.

depending on your definition of racism
true racists make up about ~5% of each population. That is - i won't shake a hand of a person with a different skin color, i won't talk to a person with a different skin color and so on. That applies equally to whites, blacks, asians and any other ethinc group.

'Racists' as defined by modern standards are plenty. That is people who dislike criminal behavior, laziness and general uselessness, often shown in non-white communities. We also hate white people who do these things.

Remember - racism is not real. There is only prejudice against non-western behavior, unfortunately displayed mostly by people of color, who come to our cultures, expecting to fit in by behaving the same way they did back home.

> College

Apart from the Vietnamese there were Chinese (basically the same in terms of behaviour, good guys and gals loved end but closer with the gooks). Fun fact me and one of my Viet friends went out to see a film in town because we were bored and it was fucking Gran Torino lol. He said he loved it though, I felt a bit awkward with all the gookery being flung about.
There were Bangladeshis and they were split into betas (Good Muslims, very sporty I had some friends from this group) and the alphas (complete twats who would start on me; not my other ethnic friends only white people. They smoked weed, drank and fornicated. Trash).
Finally we have the Somalis and to be completely honest they were actually animals. They were the reason for pretty much all the white female drop outs, no inhibition constantly aggressive but again only to whites.

Needless to say the evil Bangladeshis and Somalis would start on me and I took a few licks and clownings off of them. I grew to hate them in all honestly and wish for their deportation, I secretly agreed with BNP and wanted the Somalis gone.

I gradually gravitated here ages ago. With you fine folks. I never thought any of this has anything to do with Jews, I lay the blame at the feet of capital controllers and a need for a cheap workforce that doesn't complain. There may be a plan to eradicate whites but it's purely for profits because brown people are less likely to complain about pay or working conditions. I considered myself red pilled but not jew pilled for a long while.

>what percentage of whites are racist
It varies.
Single omen tend to be more racist against Asians, likely because they feel threatened in their search for a partner or career/academic success.
Men are the opposite, mostly.
East Asians are seen as mostly neutral or even positively because of their ability to perform in a meritocracy and to conform/assimilate in to society.
Blacks are the obvious threat because they're stupid, violent, leeches that disrupt the good order of our civilization.
With some notable exceptions, mostly in historical context.

On a 1-10 scale of racism, 10 being the highest amount of racism.
>white men: 2 (most likely to judge you based on individual merit)
>white women: 3
>Hispanics: 3-8 (varies as widely as they do)
>East Asians: 5 (but they respect those who perform and add value)
>south asians/arabs: 6
>Pacific islanders: 7

This varies by individual and their personal needs/strengths needs as well as by local culture.

Most dont care. The immense majority who care are. Not in the way they think they are superior, but because of the consequences of immigration.
Overall, there are not really benefits in the larger picture.
We are not talking about individuals but large scale tendencies.
And regarding the presence of non whites in our lands, these tendencies are all null to very negative.
To illustrate:
Is the price for having kebab restaurants, and therefore NA and turk muslims, worth it ?
The price being then :
Rise in crime rates, terrorism, islamization, drug dealers, pressure on wages and workers rights.
Is it worth it ? The ones who consider these factors say no.
Most people considered as racists are just people who just want to be left alone, and able to enjoy their culture and way of life. We dont care that this country is richer or that country poorer.
We just want our country for us.
The ones who fight against racism and for immigration are usually the first to bomb foreign countries. Modern slavery, class warfare and neo colonialism go together.

youre a fucking racist for using the term brown, goodbye

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The largest part of the white population isn't racist at all. Yet.

50% conciouss racists 40% subconciouss racists 10% are deluded brainwashed idiots.

>That is - i won't shake a hand of a person with a different skin color, i won't talk to a person with a different skin color and so on. That applies equally to whites, blacks, asians and any other ethinc group.

Never met anyone like that and all my friends are racists. You deal with de individual and dont disrespect people right out of the bat. Dosent mean you dont know niggers are retarded subhumans. You dont beat on animals because they are inherently inferior.

>What percentage of white people do you think are racist?
~2% worldwide, we're cucked as a race
Meanwhile niggers are about 95% racist in America alone.
>And why are most of you so fake and nice in real life if you are racist?
Because we know what "chimp out" means, and we also know how the kike media will spin things if all we do is defend ourselves properly.
>those are consequences you originally created given almost all of western society
You're absolutely right, we should've left all niggers to Africa and let malaria sort them out.
Move back to your ancestral homeland, shit.

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At this point I had began to dabble in larpy Celtic paganism. I'm from Wales and so I read the mabinogion and various other Welsh and Irish myths, I used to pray to the God of Magic Gwydion. Combined with self improvement stuff I saw on here I chadded up (to an extent). I spent my summer's in Wales on my nains farm helping out and that's when I realised 'this is true Britain, hard honest work, beautiful surroundings, rugby in the pub with a pint of guiness.

Took a job in a small legal firm (I studied law A level) in Rural Wales. My wider family helped me get a place and it was comfy as. This Welsh village was all white and over time I forgot about brown people, I only kept up with the nationalists on here. I found Jesus and put away all that pagan crap.
Jesus was the main turning point for me where I realised God created all people but they went and sinned. God wants to see all the horrible Somalis, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis saved. Who am I to say he's wrong? That being said I'll never live around them again lol.

Moved my way up the company, got my own property with my bucks. Got in shape, played sports, went church. In these wealthy white communities nobody is racist, it just doesn't cross anyone's mind.

Back in the city though a lot of whites are racist because the brown people are horrible to us. I'm not racist anymore but I'm sure I would be if I moved back to England. I just believe in deporting criminals and foreign welfare sponges, I'm anti-diversity/feminism and I think everyone should just be Christian, we should probably only let Christians into the country to be honest. I would prefer that Britain becomes a proper theocracy where the legal system is based on the bible, mandatory worship ect.
So obviously I'm anti-judaism, Islam and everything.

yeah, your friends are 'racists'. Unless you really think that all black people are subhuman, even ones that fit into productive society

racism doesn't exist

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The majority of non whites are racist towards white people so i don't even need to guess

The question how many of you brown fucks are racist answer 90 percent..

Pretty much all of them and they are racist against whites openly on social media with their face attached

'... When whites are mildly upset in private'.

Damn... Yeah when you put it like that. I criticise open borders and diversity and get a lot of grief for it. You're right they will totally silence us if they could, we have to skull around anonymously to have a proper no-holds bar conversation.

I say a bigger problem would be people being fake nice than stabbing you in the back...

“Racist” is a made up academic word.

80% are racist, 10% try to be enlightened and see no color, 5% are indifferent and the last 5% hate themselves and love the minorities

out of the 80%, about one third are literally hitler

you are welcome

If by racist you mean hating black/brown people, not a large percentage (I don't). If by racist you mean avoiding living around black/brown people wherever possible, the majority.

Clear your cache and it'll change.

People only get racist when other races start shit. And sadly darker colored people tend to be responsible for causing said shit more often so it is what it is. Just be a good person and people won't call you a nigger.

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100%. The "non-racist" ones are pretending because racism is taboo. They likely even think they aren't racist, but they actually are and if you dig deep enough you will actually find they like white people best or if they don't it's some social defect which is also rooted in racial animus. This is also true of non-whites. There is no such thing as a non-racist

You would be a pussy too if you get fired and ostracised for your beliefs as soon as you express them

Black dude here,
Most of the racists I encountered are boomers. all they did was giving me the eye though, never had the balls to say something while I looked back
The youth is less racist, except in the upper classes. Even there it is not common

Most young whites know that if they're racist and show it they will lose more than half of their friends
In the era where social image seems to be more important than anything, this is a necessity to hide your racism or extreme political views
There is a reason to why you get called a nigger only by anons on Jow Forums

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I will call you nigger anywhere anytime , nigger.

I've been on Jow Forums for 6 years and read this a thousand times I guess
Still waiting but nobody came

got called a nigger once in my life when I went to Austria
It was two hobos who bowed their head when I asked them what they just said

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So it's ok to be anti-white based on the actions of a minority of whites?

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Hahaha , good one leech. Come "visit" eastern europe and larp then.


I'm not really interested in your country
it's considered a joke here, french people usually think romanians are the same as Roms (beggars and robbers)
Your women are also ugly, I prefer germanic or slav countries

Funny because I talked about eastern europe as a whole , not my country specifically... but it seems your nigger brain can't comprehend that.


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no, only if its majority like niggers

The electric jew convinces people that "racists" will automatically hate you upon seeing the color of your skin, which is ridiculous. A white person will exercise more caution around a black stranger because statistically, they'd be retarded not to. But nobody is going to be shitty to you unless you're shitty to them. Unless you are wearing one of those red hats.

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Fuck off and leave the Norman Fags alone!

if you want. But the chances of a white person being a hate fueled white murderer is about 10000 times lower than the chance that any random black person would be a violent thug. So our concern about niggerdom is more rational than your media induced concern about white violence, but feel free to hate away, it's human instinct to be racist

Everyone hates Niggers, that isn't limited to Whites. Niggers are only upset at Whites because White are the most superior race on the planet so clearly the biggest is the most known. White cocks are one average the biggest cocks on the planet also which makes Niggers, and Kikes mad big time so they started this whole "bbc" myth.

lol niggers are most coward race kys

>I prefer germanic or slav countries
Guess school is shitty where you live, you have comprehension issues
I visited Poland, Austria, Germany, and Russia
I know what eastern europe is my friend
there is a lot more culture there to see than in your beggar's nest
There isn't a lot of black guys there so a lot of women want to try, that's a plus

Now keep searching for fun pics for your circlejerk racist folder, hope you realize someday black guys here don't really give a shit about them

I was born here in Paris

the racist larpers on Jow Forums own your mind
take it back

who cares about a hat? I've seen blacks wear totally racist shit starting clothes before

Just making a meal out of that bike saddle.

I just realized shes pulling someone in a kids cart thing. With no cloths on.
>Imagine the smell

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>slav countries
>don't belong to eastern europe
You may be born in Paris but your iq is the same as the other animals, nigger.

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That's only if they conceal carry.

Hope you also realize white supremacist views you as subhumans
It's kinda funny you still lick their feet

Austria is not part of Eastern Europe

The absolute state of niggerdom do you actually believe being born somewhere changes anything about your chimp genetics

I hate pakis and sandniggers more than Africans.

Why? Because Pakis and Muslims don't fucking integrate here - some blacks don't, but nowhere near as much as the semites - never mind the ones raping children are all Pakis.

It's different in America - blacks tend to commit all the crimes as well as spics - hence why so many Americans hate blacks and spics.

Why don't chinks get as much hate? Because they integrate and don't cause any hassal.

If you mean an in-group preference then most people of all races have it. I wouldn't call it racism.

>muh magic dirt
yep and i was born at the north pole that must make me an eskimo

Well I had better education so I guess that make me smarter than my African brothers
I'm still pretty sure I'm richer than you

It's east to me

I keep reading that, we are chimp etc.. but that make whites even dumber for accepting us, make babies with us and giving us rights

Giving nationality because of the place you were born in is retarded we agree on that
But it was whites who implemented it so what's you take on that?