He could have just created more resources instead of killing 50%. There's plenty of space to live...

He could have just created more resources instead of killing 50%. There's plenty of space to live, the resources were the bottleneck.

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Why didnt they fly the eagles into mordor?

Fuck off with your normie leftist shit-teir movie

Comics pre-date the leftist agenda sweeping the US.

Sauron has a big ass lazor in the eye, he could have taken them down.

This is a political question.

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>he thinks amerijew comics weren't jewish invention
>superman is literally a metaphor for crypto-kike

kys pleb

It's just folklore replacement for a new country you spastic

>Comics pre-date the leftist agenda sweeping the US.

That shit started 100 years ago, f a m.
And most of Marvel's silver age stuff was Jewed to hell. Stan Lee was a leftist Jew.

He shoulda got the genuine gems instead of the discount Romanian ones.

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no it isn't you moron. cape shit comics started in the usa by kikes for dumb goyim. captain amereica punches hitler on the cover WAY before america was in the ww2. the x-men was literally a metaphor for faggots and kikes. the main "villain" who you are supposed to like is a kike that was in auschwitz and fears aundda shoah. and so on and so on

kys you brainlet

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Still wouldn't work. Life follows an exponential growth curve. He attempted to solve it using non-exponential one time division. Essentially life will continue to explosively grow at the same rate, just delayed by around 50-100 years. The plan fails due to high school algebra.

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If you are that sad, that you can't enjoy entertainment as simple as reading a fictional comic book because you are afraid the Jews are going to brainwash you with it and you might start sucking dick... you are probably already gay and an easily manipulated brainlet

Pretty sure that's what he did in the comics.
He doubled the universe and sent half of the people to the second universe.

>thanos explains the resources and universe is finite
>op wants miracle creation from nothing

You don't teach people a lesson by giving them free stuff.

Comics pre-date the Frankfurt School

He said the population learned, on the planets he had previously culled one by one, and that there was no pop growth.

The big fucking eye would have noticed them straight away, nazguls on fellbeasts

the question is retarded on the premise as is the person asking it

what part of "the mad titan" morons don't understand?

it's like asking why insane people believe they are god or napoleon or whatever

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Faster than a speeding shekel able to leap tall ovens in a single bound

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He can literally change realty and the laws of physics. He is the Creator with the gauntlet.

The still have to work hard to get them, the resources are not served on a plate.

>the x-men was literally a metaphor for faggots and kikes.

It was an allegory for the black civil rights movement. Today, it's probably all meant to be about fags and trannies though.

Worse, he made all the survivors shit themselves.
He killed half of everything plants and bacteria included.

jokes on him there was an oven on the other side

Not at all. I stopped reading comic years ago because they are lefty trash now but I still watch the movies for the most part. But being alert for Jewish brainwashing never hurts.

Was for racism, now for bedroomism

it would take much longer than 50-100 years to repopulate the universe, are you insane, the Gaunlet was like the end all move, it destroyed half of life in the universe, can you imagine how long that would take for the universe to be populated so that another Gauntlet could be justified ? checkmate, gaylord !

yeah the comics changed their subvertion from one thing to the next over time

now it's all about niggers, trannies, kebabs and strong wamen

if you think it was all good and dandy 60 years ago you are literally retarded, that's all i'm saying. media is always used to push a narrative. especially kike media, which comics are 100%

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Oh sure, just magic trillions of tons of matter into existence, that won't wreck havoc on gravity and make the entire universe collapse in on itself or anything.....

Oh wait, that's exactly what would happen.

They fucked it up, in the comics he kills them to show his love for the personification of death.

They did it to shove overpopulation bullshit down our throats.

>removing uncountable tons of living mass won't

He controls the laws of physics, brainlet. Reality is what he wishes, even if it contradicts logic or laws.

Population of the world in 1959: 3 Billion

you are right, why wasnt his plan to get the stones at any cost so that he could make more resources and stop what happened to his world from ever happening again.
he could have done that with a snap of his fingers as well.
it only makes sense when you realize these movies are social conditioning devices first and entertainment second

Human population doubles every 63 years. Most alien races outside of deific beings have similar lifespans. The Snappening does not erase species or worlds, but instead halves the population of each. He conquered many worlds but NOT all. His war machine may have stalled growth on worlds he conquered, but NOT on all worlds, as he only captured a small fraction of the total worlds in the universe.

Ergo, his work will be undone within half a century, and continue on regular curve from there. His plan is extra shit.

is correct about the whole mad titan bit. Thanos is a moron.

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Transforming matter is not the same as breaking or rewriting the laws of physics. Were you not paying attention to the movie?

He killed half the universe before as a courtship offering to bone Death.
It didn't work
As for conditioning, funny how its the villain doing it and being depicted as evil.
Are you saying we should kill half of all humanity?

damn, I never thought there were sub 70IQ people on Jow Forums

He should've snapped twice.

>He said the population learned, on the planets he had previously culled one by one, and that there was no pop growth.
Honestly, if he just popped around to planets that weren't learning with his army once every 100 years, they'd learn pretty quick. This explanation does cover that plot hole pretty well. They should have contextualized the snap as just a drastic first lesson.

good point

Why wasa that the story line?
Seems daft as did not genesis with machines.

in the avengers they tried to squeeze in the death bit but i guess it didn't pan out in testing so they changed it to muh resources

who cares, it's all kike shit. literally find something better to do. like read some books or go to the gym or whatever.

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>if you think it was all good and dandy 60 years ago you are literally retarded, that's all i'm saying

I fully agree. My first post ITT expressed that exact same sentiment.
Also checked.

>Comics pre-date the Frankfurt School

This conflict predates the Frankfurt School, my dude. Pic related.

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He could have just killed the non-whites and the space niggers

I think that´s why (((they))) didn´t really want the Deathpool flics.
It embarrassed (((them))).

Though utterly juvenile, Thanos´ courting DEATH Lady who then cucked him for Deadpool etc. etc was still the better story than the Masonic useless eaters bullshit.

I'm with thanos on this one I wouldn't give a species that seems intent on destroying itself more resources I mean look at today the europeans seem content with the idea of their death and everything they worked hard for destroyed do you want these "people" to have more resources


>All I need to do is snap my fingers and every nigger, spic and Kike will cease to exist. I consider this mercy

Tfw based Thanos

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I got a D in kindergarten for calling that book out as being about an ungrateful bastard who takes everything from the Tree and gives nothing back. My boomer parents told me I should have just told the Jew-educated socialist what she wanted to hear.

Fuck the Commie Tree.

No way can a fellbeast fly faster than an F15

>He could have just created more resources
this drives me nuts. What resources? Food? Thats really the only one he references. Food is not a finite resource. You can breed animals and farm crops as much as is needed.
None of this makes any fucking sense unless hes talking about african niggers.

Thanos the originator of AOC’s Green New Deal.

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Lee is a pseudonym, his real last name is (((Liebert))). So you have to see his work with a pint of salt, always.

But he didn't want to do that.

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you mongol normie faggot

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He break or makes mass dissapear by wishing it. Reality check. This is not possible due to laws of physics, thus breaking or rewriting the laws of physics.

I have a theory that superman was an op to make sure Americans associate superman with superman and not the German superman

and what would anyone learn from that? they would just procreate and overpopulate again. sometimes the best lessons are learned from trials of extreme pain and suffering.

unless you're a jew

He supposedly Magicked thousands of tons of biomass out of existence, with no clear problems. Which is kinda a big fuck you to planetary enviroments.

Stupid movie is stupid

Thanos was a pussy. I would have snapped twice.

Tfw you realize Thanos was the original beta orbiter.

Stop thinking like a fucking American for a second. "Creating more resources" doesn't solve the fucking problem. At least the occasional extinction event forces people to evolve.

No it was to make them sympathetic to immigrants. Superman illegally crosses Earth’s border, but it’s okay because he assimilates and makes everything better.

The Supergirl show tries the same message but since it’s written by/for women it just comes across as retarded.

Not to mention that he could have easily killed all the doctors and farmers leaving everyone to starve and die of influenza. It’s literally the reason the Communists’ countries went to shit after they took over.

You want the eagles to fly 400km and not get noticed?

pretty sure the windsors killed his mother and married his wife off to a serbian rapist(sponsored by tony blair and ed milliband and david miliband, yes cia your clinton network is ...), and then haarp connected him to two black holes n the most technologically superior species in the entire universe

Then that'll just spur an explosion in population.
Look at the Black Death and what it did to Europe. It basically forced society and economically system to change since you had a whole bunch of infrastructure and land, but not enough labor to the demand, hence everything needing to become more efficient in order to adapt. If resources just exploded and there was no mass die off of the population due to the disease, you'd have just had more of the same shit but with maybe a demand for more baby making but the overall system staying the same.

the only sense to be made of it is
>white people, stop having children


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what retard made this image
his hair goes to the right, why does the little curly thing not come from the left
fuck you

Бaл cъм ви мaмaтa

are you questioning God?

deceitful Judas anyone?

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based and redpilled

>doesn't understand exponential population growth.

I think this is why libs don't see immigration as an issue

Why not turn 2/3 of the females of the universe infertile? The results would be better and with no retaliation

That is amazing, but he wants to prevent the suffering that would come from killing the people en masse, so I guess the same applies with infertility - it will cause suffering and regret on a massive scale. Thanos said he is merciful with the snap cuz no one suffers, they simply cease existing.

Creating more resources would be even more cruel than ignoring the status quo. You’d get an Africa-tier population explosion completely reliant on daddy-Thanos’ gauntlet gibs.

It's explained in the books, the one ring drives animals mad. Although I think frodo was riding a mule for a while in the beginning, so that was an oversight.

shut the fuck up you slavshit nigger

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URGENT!!! RUSSIA is showing their citizens on all nightly news USA missile targets for their new hypersonic nukes
>camp david?
>camp richy?
>San fran?

while America is having a soft civil war, other countries like China and Russia are gearing up for major war..

SPREAD THIS INFO! our media and government have failed us


Mods have the power to clean Jow Forums up... but instead promote degeneracy and ATTEMPT to silence truth or board culture..
>mods are going to hell
A fair and balanced video on the theory that Trump is in a secret society mystery school..
>is trump a mason???
>is trump a member of Plus Ultra?

Find out here

Bonus Based live stream with great live callers
India paki war LIVE

Stay true to yourselves and fuck subversive Mods, Jannies and Jews
Stop TRYING to ban good anons you faggot leftist C U C K and CLEAN THIS BOARD UP!!!!

unless that mule was sentient, theres no issue

See Africa for why more resources is literally not the way to go.

why is his chin so big

Cuz he is an alien


Bulgaria was better under Zhivkov.

No. It was a state wide prison with no freedom, food or money, kill yourself.

what is sentience?

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Sterilize all stupid and/or evil people and we are going to try to become great again (?).

>He could have just created more resources

In nature, nothing is created and nothing is destroyed, but everything is transformed.

Nigger do you even know what you are talking about? He is GOD with the gauntlet, he can do anything even if it goes against physical laws (or change said laws).

In that case it's fair to mention that he killed half the universe to please his waifu in the comics.

He should have just reduced fertility rates of all lifeforms. That'd be a much more effective and less cruel solution.

I really like thanos but western entertainment is for soy_cucks.

Thought beyond immediate external stimuli

What the fuck are you talking about? Thanos kills people people because he wants to bone Death. Thinks "maybe if I kill bajillions of people maybe Death will notice me". Hes a cosmically powerful thirsty faggot.

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>the x-men was literally a metaphor for faggots and kikes
The X-Men are niggers, bro.

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