I love jewish people, they are funny and smart and good with science, medicine and law. They helped build modern civilization but never try to take credit for it, despite the many times they have been blamed simply for existing they have refused to give up. They are strong and honorable and we should support them because working together is the best future for all of us.
Please stop and think
>and we- I mean they never try to ruin their host nations out of pure greed and degeneracy.
>Please stop and think
They are not human though
Are you a masochist? I mean, there's an an abundance of evidence which shows Jews hate you. They are anything but honorable. And they hate you. Very, very much, goyim.
It doesn't matter how much of a kike bootlicker you are, (((they))) will forever think of you as a filthy goy to be lied to, cheated, and finally discarded once you have served their evil purposes.
i would like that too. but i fear that as long as our and their politics are intertwined they will always face resentment.
reconciliation between nationalists and jews would be ideal
Read some history dumbass
Death to all kikes
Who is a Jew and who isn't? Maternal line, observant, self identified?
>i love jews
stopped caring after that.
get the fuck off my land you dirty kike faggot.
(((Hey fellow whites))), the post.
This guy really gets into why we need Jews.
You can skip through the audio
Alexandr Solzhenitsyn about Jews
Solzhenitsyn's Damning History of the Jews in Russia - a Review
"The Jews accumulated wealth by cooperating with each other. (p. 31)."
"They made profits by taking the peasants’ grain to the point of impoverishing them (and causing famine), turning it into brandy, and then encouraging drunkenness. (p. 21, 24)."
"Jews forced peasants into lifelong debt and crushing poverty by requiring payment, in cattle and tools, for liquor. (p. 31)."
Jews fucked up Russia 1000 years ago! Using the same methods they do now on the western world! Guess who allowed it to happen ? CHRISTIANS! Christians got curious about the jews who came from Khazaria into Russia. Once the Jews got inside and used the Christians the Christians revolted and finally got massmurdered by the Jews (((Bolshewiks))) Etc. How fucking stupid can humans be.
When one reads the history about the Jews and how Christians welcomed them due to Bible and how they did same in modern society. I cannot help but to feel I hope nature does its job to eradicate the wear elements. It's so beyond silly. Jews might be nasty and cruel evil. But Christians did and do Allow it. Sure Jews got expelled hundred of times from Christian countries in Europe while they got allowed into Russia by the Christians. But the same facts remain. Christians allowed them with open arms to fuck them up. Like they did in USA and the Quaker"Christians" foundations which built US with Thomas Jefferson.
This fucking society and humanity truly pisses me off. I don't care if its jews or christians wtf is wrong with this world and the humans that lives here. Like cattle braindead or something. But hardly no one wants to see the truth or bothers. Fuck this.
The only credit the Jews can take in forming the modern civilization, is in killing Jesus, and for that they should be hated, bunch of parasites
I am continuously surprised at how many evil things in the world have jewish involvement
I don't care if your jewish doctor is "alright", they got to go
what is the jewish redpill starter pack? please don't just provide data on how many high power positions are held by jews because that isn't evidence in itself.