What is wrong with women, exactly? Is it nature (the female mind + modernity = disaster) or nurture (daddy issues...

What is wrong with women, exactly? Is it nature (the female mind + modernity = disaster) or nurture (daddy issues, pumped and dumped by Chad and Tyrone, countless beta suitors, etc.)?

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The problem with women is that they have rights and no positive male role model to tell them what to do

I would say nurture

You got a rapist, I bet he doesn't kiss you.

how does the caption of this headline make sense? just put me in a coma until women are banned from the workplace.

Fake as gay.

Peak Western civilisation

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Peak Indian civilization

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> Is it nature (the female mind

Genes, nature.

Women like rape (as a sexual concept). Rape fantasies are like the 2nd most common sexual fantasy that women have.

-> Boyfriend is a beta basedboy who constantly defers to her, puts her on a pedestal.
-> Really wants a man who'll take control and dominate her.

To be honest it's fucking annoying. They're too ashamed to admit what they really want so men have to play this stupid yes / no game all the time with the fucking law hanging over them.

it's complete bullshit.

Thanks BR got a chuckle out of it


You just know this is one of those cases of an extremely loose definition of "rape".

> how does the caption of this headline make sense?

She probably had multiple orgasms while being raped. It's a very common occurrence.

They're not stupid - why give something up for free when you can pretend you don't like (when you really do) and make the man pay for it in one way or another?

(((Feminism))) removed men from their God given position of authority over women.

Females like men who are killers. They see that as dominance and is a result of the female mind still having ties to our past where men killed each other on the regular basis so they can spread their seed. Fast forward to now where men don't need to kill in order to get a women pregnant. They can display their worth in other ways rather than just brute strength alone. The female mind hasn't adapted to the modern times though and because of that they are prone to making irrational decisions. Which is why you tend to see stuff like pic related about killers and rapists and such.

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Basically Stockholm syndrome, then.

Don't be alcoholics, kiddos. You might rationalize stupid behavior like that.

Inferior brains.
But there is definitely something wrong with White women especially, they are so filled with selfimportance, jealousy, and delusions of grandeur that Other women don't have
I don't get it
They destroy their own communities so easily it's like they are literally dysgenic.

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>Very attractive Chad: "Hey, wanna fuck?"
>THOT: "Oh, no, I'm being raped! Better seduce him so at least I'm in control!" *rims his ass while she milks his dick*
>THOT to beta provider: "Honey, I swear, I got raped, I didn't enjoy any of it! Now give me back the credit card"
That's what probably happened.

There is nothing "wrong with" women, they are just women.

What is wrong is that society is following the obviously false assumption that women and men are equal, which they are not.

White women when left to their devices in the absence of strict tradition, gender roles, and culture, are very destructive creatures. I mean they couldn’t even obey God In the garden of Eden. Without patriarchy, women will fucking destroy everything, just to get their jollies off

My ex left me while I was in the hospital with heart problems. My replacement? The middle aged guy who molested her when she was 12. That's what paying a woman's car note and putting her through college gets you

Women are evil, to put it simply.
In fact the entire idea of evil comes from women.

Damn. I am sorry you went through this user. I don’t know what to say; women are completely insane.

How do we Solve this problem?
Because Societies are never static, even When we Do Restore Order there will be a point where the civilisation collapses again and the women become destructive again, and in the future this will be an even bigger problem as third world birthrates will only have risen, outnumbering us even more so if women and their naievety start making decisions for the West again they will invite so many hordes in that the replacement will be irreversible

Nature makes them vulnerable and nurture in the form of social media encourages all of the worst behavior

>putting her through college gets you

>Putting her through college.
You literally asked for this.

the "rapist" was probably chad thundercock at the frat party. I can't remember the last time I even heard about a real rape.

Female nature: that is hypergamy coupled with emotional thinking + modern technology such as social media & dating sites.
Add to that the complete and utter loss of any ethics and morals, promiscuity is not only not discouraged nor stigmatized but encouraged and cheered upon + females have zero expectations placed on them, the highest accomplishment of their lives is having a vagina and that’s all they need in order to be rewarded and showered upon with attention and prizes.
You can also blame all the thirsty beta cucks who literally worship them for a 0,2% chance they ‘ll get to fuck them.

You can look elsewhere

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If you are an actual good father and raise your daughter right you wont have any problems

>My Morning Routine with Jesus

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Alot of the problems stem from desperate "muh dick" white men who are so desperate for some pussy that they bend over backwards and do anything for women, becoming subservient to them, which is obviously not the natural order.
This goes all the way back to Adam, who did the same for Eve.
I think God wants us to trust no thot.

the part about seducing him afterwards to reclaim her body, I don't get it.

If you read the story she clearly wasn't raped. She got drunk and put for some guy, then didn't remember all the details when she woke up so cried rape.

All of them, and the fact that men like you don't do absolutely anything.

Not a surprise someone with a Black Lives Matter flag is into racemixing, good luck with your little happa mongrels.

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Both really, women are opportunistic and hypergamous by nature and the current socio-political climate just exacerbates it. The only real check on stupid, degenerate female behavior is male control and the system is designed to deprive white men of that control. You can't punish a woman for infidelity or force her to stay out of situations where she'll cheat without the law coming down on you.

The only way to have a stable relationship in this day and age is to be an absolute master at mindfucking woman and find one who's especially susceptible.

>to deprive white men of that control.
Most men dont want control because they are egalitarian retards and are just trying to get laid
>You can't punish a woman for infidelity
How many fathers do you know would disown their daughter if she was having premarital sex?

> Basically Stockholm syndrome, then.

It's built in.

The stats on rape and orgasms are insane, 30 to 80% of rape victims experience one or more orgasms during the rape. The percentage varies by study, but universally it's a huge percentage. And this may sound outrageous, but feel free to look this up yourself.

It's a much higher orgasm rate than during regular consensual sex. Some have literally never experienced an orgasm at all until they were raped.

Basically, to put it together with the near universality of female rape fantasies.

-> Women need to feel raped to enjoy sex.

As a guy, this was a pretty fucking disturbing realisation to come to when I went through the data sets.

When I started to put it into practice in my own sex life, consensually of course, the effects were immediate and obvious.

There's nothing women (and this includes feminists) despises more than a beta onions boy, and lusts after more than a dominant bad boy.
Think of it as a role to play.

>How many fathers do you know would disown their daughter if she was having premarital sex?

Doesn't do much because she can just latch onto some beta idiot for money. There is always a thirsty moron willing to open his wallet for a cunt. Meanwhile if you catch your woman in bed with another guy and you beat her senseless for it, YOU go on trial for aggravated assault.

>Doesn't do much because she can just latch onto some beta idiot for money.
It is better than just sitting there like a faggot and letting her be a whore

It’s not fake.

There is biologically nothing wrong with women. They instinctively and unconditionally follow the strongest force in their life because that usually offers the best chance of survival.

If you are not a strong force, you must ask yourself why not. Who is stronger than you.

The point is the game is fucking rigged, its set up to deprive you, the white male, of power and hand it to the whores and shitskins. The legal system is against you at every turn and every other moron around you has been socially conditioned to take the whore's side.

>The point is the game is fucking rigged,
No the point is most modern men dont even care and are doing nothing to try and fix things

Technology. Technology has allowed women to have the same roles in society as men, so they are getting fucked in the head by having no option but to live a life they didn't evolve to live. Men are getting fucked by technology too, but in a different way.


URGENT!!! RUSSIA is showing their citizens on all nightly news USA missile targets for their new hypersonic nukes
>camp david?
>camp richy?
>San fran?

while America is having a soft civil war, other countries like China and Russia are gearing up for major war..

SPREAD THIS INFO! our media and government have failed us


Mods have the power to clean Jow Forums up... but instead promote degeneracy and ATTEMPT to silence truth or board culture..
>mods are going to hell
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Stay true to yourselves and fuck subversive Mods, Jannies and Jews
Stop TRYING to ban good anons you faggot leftist C U C K and CLEAN THIS BOARD UP!!!!

Well, girl, you do what you gotta do, but you fucked a guy twice now that wasn't me. First time wasn't your fault, but if you gotta do this, then you're gonna have to do it without me.

bye bitch!

What are some 'rapey' moves to pull?

Believing in heaven allows for the Earth to turn into hell.

Undocumented consent makes cunts wet.

What is wrong with men? You are DESIGNED to serve women, and a normal man will forgive her every time, only defective men can’t handle this sort of thing.

>Paying for her to no longer need you

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What's wrong with women? Feminism. Feminism is interfering with their biological imperatives. All they want is to be loved and protected by a good man, but they feel pressured by their family, friends, and society at large, to delay marriage and child-bearing, all because of some retarded nonsense about "careers" and "life experience". Fuck that. You get life experience by living a good life, having a solid, strong family and going through the good and the bad together. The only career-path suitable for females is to be at home, in a small town or village or small city setting, and to raise children together, in harmony, all the while taking care of their husbands' needs and giving them affection and love.

Women don't want to be pumped and dumped. They have forgotten what it is that they really want.

We need to stop pussy footing around the truth. Women are inferior to men in just about every aspect. Analyzing their behavior based on the standards of men is not applicable. Never ever consider the possibility that women are equal to men. They are the inferior versions of humans. Our ancestors knew this. Why haven’t you accepted this?

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It's just an excuse she thought sounded good at the time. The reality is that she enjoyed it that much she craved seconds.

It's simple, user. Women are basically children, and like children, will get into bad situations if they are not properly monitored and disciplined.

Female behaviour was kept in check via localised social shaming. Today local shaming is either illegal or drowned out by facebook likes. How can getting likes be shameful if it's getting likes?

Its not even done
Most fathers are ok with their daughters dating

First of all, I'm not advocating actual rape in any way. For all the psychos and autistic fucks out there.

Second. Use your imagination. Imagine she's a sex doll made for your pleasure, and don't be too gentle or caring.

No, fuck off.

I fucking despise being a woman because then it means being associated with these useless fuckers or dumb traditional breeding cows. I just want to study and be a good physicist.

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>they’re not illegal aliens just undocumented people
>it’s not rape it’s just undocumented consent
user you might be a genius

Their only worth is the children they bring into this world, and from the viewpoint of rational self-interest it makes no sense to suffer for 9 months and lose bone and muscle mass just to make a crotch-goblin that will require another 12 years of support before it even has a chance at becoming self-sufficient, and at the end of all that it's more likely to refuse to give anything back anyway and might even murder you just because they can.

Women have to be irrational to make and raise babies, it's just that simple. Any rational woman is going to view pregnancy as the worst thing in the world, and make sure she never has a baby, even if she has to resort to coat hangers to make it happen.

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You didn’t earn your place don’t forget that

Tits or GTFO.

Could you specify what you mean by 'place'?

Jow Forums is shitty and you shouldn't take everything here to heart, a lot of these fags here resent women because they aren't desired by someone who they only desire for nothing more then sexual attraction

but you shouldn't put down women for wanting to have children, that's a cunty thing to do and those traditionalist women could easily call you an ugly bitch who's only into physics because nobody wants to impregnate you. Both positions are respectable and important. And if you're truly good at your position you don't have to worry about being stereotyped at the least since your work will speak for itself

>. Both positions are respectable and important.
Working women are not respectable

Yeah but they have to be interested in the guy to begin with. If they think the guy is an ugly freak they wouldn’t like it.

It’s a natural defence against damage.

Source of all pics?

You think Chinks are any better? Phew lad.

>dumb traditional breeding cows

You mean being a mother, right. Watch your mouth.


I acknowledge that to breed is a very important thing but I don't want to be associated with people who do so. In my personal experience, they are usually retarded and can't even grasp basic concepts, so they resort to dedicating their lives to breeding but I understand that this isn't always the case. I don't care if they think I am an ugly bitch. I just don't want to be associated with them.

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Women were a fucking mistake

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My wife is a good women because of her father.

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>tfw you just want someone to love you for who you are, but you have to be someone else to be loved.

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women are not mentally competent humans, they are deranged

Pro tip : There was no rapist, she just loved Chad cock and lied about it to feel better

At this point? The government. I could overcome chad, but as a single individual I cannot overcome the entire goverment.

Self professed smart people are literally the dumbest people on earth.

Who cares they were not even married

Because fixing it would literally require overthrowing the government

They deserve to be raped

You will regret not having children.

Those are mixed with blacks, no?

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No it would just require not being some beta faggot that lets his daughter whore around