Hello anons

Hello anons.

I am working at NGO which help refugees moving into Japan!
I know you guys hate refugees. But you guys seems specialist for refugee related issues.
I have to increase the numbers of refugees who I helped getting in Japan. (in order to get into good graduate school)

What is the best tactics to invite more refugees in Japan?

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If you have the slightest amount of honour in your miserable being you should do as pic related

thought japan had a strict citizenship restriction? BlackPigeonSpeaks did a thing on it. Why you looking to bring more foreigners in?

See, I am so overcome by your shame I forgot pic

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just don't

trust me.

why do you fucking shills DO THIS shit to Japan man

If I got into good grad school, I can make good money. I am happy with it

Selling out your people, your heritage for your own selfishness greed is against noble Samurai principles. Seriously, kill yourself

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Money can comfortable.

what is YOUR problem?

pay their bills for them. that seems to work for us.

Where are you at friend?

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I don't want to lose shekel for them.
I just need good acomplishment to enter good grad school

What brings you to japan schlomo

I fear for my life due to the criminal brown horde every day that targets ethnic swedes and the government would jail me if they knew of my political leanings, can you arrange for me to become a refugee in Japan?

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>I have to increase the numbers of refugees who I helped getting in Japan. (in order to get into good graduate school)
Your acceptance is based on how many nogs you help import?

Just forge the paperwork. Any college that cares about this bullshit - let alone enough to actually verify your claims - isn't one you want to go to.

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>16 years old

>What is the best tactics to invite more refugees in Japan?
Free gibs and immunity.
I hope you get shanked by a nigger tho.

I want to get into best public school in Japan.
I have shit GPA and test score. I need good accomplishment for amaze the admission

Japan is cucked too? REEEEE

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two nukes weren't enough.

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Do you seriously not have a life outside of here?

OPs lack of concern for his nation doesn't bode well. Pic related

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Why are you a hedonist and consumerist?

why not?
Isn't it only reason we live in the world?
I am not priest

Selling out your country won't impress anyone.

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>I just need good acomplishment to enter good grad school
>letting shitskins loose in your country
>good accomplishment
Japan is one of the few ethnostates left, why the hell are you willingly destroying your community to let a bunch of migrants in?

What organization foreign friend?

As an undergraduate student, I engaged volunteer and helped holess refugees
In fact, I managed to save few hundreds of refugees from disaster. ...

I guess this actually impress the admission

You should not sell your country integrity because you lack discipline to study. The immigrant you are going to import will destroy the very fabric of your honorable society. They will rape and kill your wives and children, leech away your money and destabilize your economy.
All that because your politicians are bowing to the jewish hegemony.
Pic related. This the future your building for your people. Take a hard look.

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Kys my man. Japan doesn’t need any of the filthy hordes.

>the only reason to live on this world is to be a slave to corporations and accumulate money by slaving away even more and having instant pleasure gratification which lasts and extremely little amount of time and being miserable

Yep, we were put on this world to accumulate printed out paper as much as we can

Probably another coward Nigerian here to take advantage.

nice flag you gaijin motherfucker.

uuuuuh I don’t think that’s how lava works...

The only people it will impress are the people who hate your heritage, your people and want them destroyed. You're a fucking moron, no wonder you are such a failure

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The admission staff at the school your trying to enter are fools that can't see the long term consiquences of displacing the Japanese population. They will be remembered as traitors if they are rememberd at all.

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hello english teacher

You're better off asking jews how to subvert a nation.

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Money isn't the answer. Money is a mean to achieve your dreams. Greatness is within you my brother. You only need to work smarter and be creative. Find a loophole in the system and exploit it to the fullest. Find a way to do your work without importing a horde of degenerate. When there is a will, there is a way.

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>What is the best tactics to invite more refugees in Japan?
Create a program where when the crisis is over they have to go back
That should reduce local obstruction and friction
Offer education and training as a pull mechanism so they can improve their homelands when they go home

But I guess American Public policy school love people who engaged NGO stuffs as undergrad?
I want to work at U.N

Sure, why not. Let's just mix until everyone is some shade of brown. One indistinguishable brown mess that just consumes until there's nothing left on the planet. That's the future capitalism brings. I'm sorry anons we need to find a new way. A constantly growing population isn't sustainable.

Don't sell your county for nothing.
There are a lot more important things in life than what school you go to.
The reason you want to get money is to improve your quality of life, but what you are doing is the opposite.
You might not even be able to finish the school if you don't have a good GPA now.

I'm a refugee. Give me a six mat room and one bowl of udon a day, senpai. It's all I ask for.

Also reach out to the Australian government and offer to intake refugees that should get you plenty


Pretty sad. He's probably laughing his ass off

Take in real refugees from South Africa. Take in all of the poor white South Africans, they all live in ghettos and will soon be enslaved by their black masters. White South African farmers also need help. These folks won't be parasites leeching off the system like Middle Easterners or Africans.

>still bumping

U.N. is a scam. The whole organization will implode on itself once the chinese belt road initiative is fully operational. Don't waste your deeams on someone else perverted chimera. Build your own legacy that will be remembered by future generation. Those poor shitskin will take care of themselves in time. They will all dissapear in the global food shortage that is to come. AIDS infected cockroach.

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>still bumping bait

Open more family marts that are only open at night

I don't give a shit about your salty view on U.N

I just need good prestage and money

>bumping obvious bait
Have some self control user
then why are you posting bait on Jow Forums like you do every single day?

Because I can practice English in Jow Forums

Well you admitted to posting bait. Good job everyone

Thread is over now

You've been given some suggestions
Why are you ignoring them?

Dude you're a larping JET expat aren't you

Fucking faggot get the hell out of Japan, I left because I'm mixed blood and don't deserve a life there so you don't either.

Don't ruin Japan by bringing more foreigners in. We already have a rough time trying to ban Chinese and Koreans from even entering the country.

I honestly don't know why we don't outsource our blue collar labor instead of letting shit skins in temporarily to watch them stain the beautiful aesthetic built by the Japanese people that is Japan.

He literally admitted this is bait you dumb fucks

And you're still bumping

i beg you, stop what you are doing. you are killing your country, what good is your education if the country your ancestors lad out for you is over taken before your grandchildren have a chance. if you have any love for your people, then you will stop

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Because he isn't what he says he is.
Those JIDF shill are not that clever. I just keep exposing them on instagram and they keep coming. Israel finest isn't what it once was user.

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> Does this make him family?

>having grandchildren

the do Muns and join the soros foundation or any other globalist organisation (like the french american foundation or a progressive political party) or you wont get in

Chill out, my fellow burger. This is a larp. This is some fat retard with a nip proxy who spams anti-nip threads all week long. You can tell by the fake ESL. There’s nothing to be alarmed about.

Obviously the ones who can make it should be the ones that are smarter and less brain washed by their religion.
To me I would send the refugees back if their from Syria, any where from Africa and tell them To go back and fix their country...and also say my country isn't for you.
Think of all of the refugees who don't understand your culture and education system.

in all sincerity, don't do it. Japan is a beautiful country with next to no problems. with your intellectual prowess your people easily automate what you in person want to outsource to some filthy niggers that will never appreciate one thing you've done for them and neither will they give a fuck about your unique culture
last time I visited japan it felt like a piece of heaven on earth. don't you dare take away the only ethnostate left in existence

why are you so butthurt?

God bless Op
Will you help Serb refugees from Bosnia and Albanian-controlled parts of Serbia move to Japan?

Stop ruining your country you fucking retard.

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Commit seppuku right now

>retards falling for bait