/BPG/ - Butler Plan General

The Butler Plan is a territorial imperative calling all racially aware whites in North America to relocate to the Pacific Northwest (Washington, Idaho, Oregon, and Montana west of Interstate-15) and in time, form a sovereign white homeland on the North American continent.

The Plan:
>Relocation of the remaining racially aware White population of North America to the Northwest Homeland.
>Creating communities of white nationalists across the homeland, which can act as support networks for eachother and other incoming white settlers.
>Eventual creation of a fighting, revolutionary party dedicated to the separation of the Pacific Northwest from the United States, and the creation of a White Ethnostate on the North American Continent.

Why the Northwest (and secession)?
>The latest spending bill effectively grants amnesty to most illegals in the US currently. And further supports illegal immigration.
>Whites are being electorally outnumbered by immigration
>System politics are not working for us
>Outside of select major cities, it is essentially an all white territory, one of the last in the world. (9,000,000 whites)
>It is geographically and infrastructurally sufficient for sustaining itself independently.
>The climate is more or less the same as Europe.
>There is already a significant racially aware white population present in the Northwest, which is growing every single day.

White man, its time to Come Home!

Radio Free Northwest:
Northwest Front
The New Awakening
Thread theme:

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Why the Pacific Northwest? Why not the Northeast/Midwest/ect.
>Northwest Migration 101
>Draft Constitution of the Northwest American Republic.

It is now fairly clear that at some point in the future, the United States of America will cease to exist as a viable political, economic, and social entity. It is a historical truth that nothing lasts forever, and the USA will not last forever either. When that collapse occurs, the many races and vested interest groups that inhabit the North American continent will begin to rip and tear at whatever’s left of the United States, like vultures on a carcass. Bluntly put, we need to make sure that Whites get their piece of the carcass.

We need to create a country for White people alone. Considerations of history, economics, and logistics dictate that the best place for such a country is here in the Pacific Northwest. With your help we can achieve a Northwest American Republic. The core territories of our Republic are Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and Montana west of I-15. The surrounding areas of Northern California, Wyoming, Eastern Montana, Alberta, British Columbia, and the Alaskan Panhandle, have also been suggested as potential territory. Primary settlement should focus on the 4 core territories of Idaho, Washington, Oregon, and Western Montana.

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Our flag is a simple blue, white and green tricolor.

>Blue is for the sky
>Green is for the land
>White is for the people living in between

Tricolors had their genesis as national flags in Europe in the nineteenth century, when flags were hand-sewn by women, and when the secret police or king’s soldiers came calling the stitches could be quickly pulled out and all you had were three strips of cloth.

We deliberately do not include any seals in the plain white field, nothing that would be sectarian or cause controversy or dissension. Just a simple Tricolor design and simple color scheme which is beautiful and can be worked into all kinds of motifs and graphics for the different groups involved. Such as the flag of the New Awakening (A tricolor with a Swastika in the center). The Tricolor is a flag representing a national Identity, not a political party, and should be treated as such.

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The Northwest Independence series was written by Harold A. Covington to build a sense of Northwest Identity, as well as being a sort of instruction manual if you know how to read it right. You should absolutely read these novels even if you have no intention of working with the party. Any possible question you can think of regarding the hows and whys of Northwest Independence is addressed in these books. They’re Tom Clancy tier stories and honestly blow the Turner Diaries out of the water storytelling wise.

>The Brigade: northwestfront.org/novels/The_Brigade.pdf (reccomended for first read)
>A Distant Thunder: northwestfront.org/novels/A_Distant_Thunder.pdf
>A Mighty Fortress: northwestfront.org/novels/A_Mighty_Fortress.pdf
>Freedom’s Sons: northwestfront.org/novels/Freedoms_Sons.pdf
>The Hill of the Ravens: northwestfront.org/novels/The_Hill_of_the_Ravens.pdf

>What good will fiction do us?
Uncle Tom’s Cabin, a fictitious story, is widely credited with being one of the sparks which ignited the American Civil War, and the Northwest Novels will be one of the many sparks that brings the Northwest American Republic into existance.

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>Why is the Butler Plan different?
The Butler Plan is the ONLY real plan White Nationalists have to achieve a white ethnostate, and unlike other “plans” this requires something of the person partaking in it. It requires you to MOVE to the Northwest and make your life there, thats it.
>Isnt the Northwest full of Liberals?
Only small pockets in the major metropolitan areas, just like the rest of the United States. The rural areas are essentially all conservative/christian/racially aware Whites. We’re dealing with one of the last all-White territories left in the world. Liberals will more than likely get the message and leave, or maybe even join us.
>How will we win elections with only 3 states?
We wont, we do not advocate system politics except for in propaganda stunts with local elections. The only politics we plan to take part in are local. If you still think we can work within the US Government System, you’re wrong.
>The Northwest is too cold and wet!
Its the same climate your ancestors decend from, the land you are biologically built for. If it’s truly too cold for you, you’re of no use to us.
>How do we form communities?
Start with a basis of 3 people, what the NWF and NA dub a “Trouble Trio” these three likeminded friends living within a 30 minutes drive of one another can further spread racial propaganda and recruit trusted individuals in the community.
>But if Yellowstone erupts we’ll all die!
Yes on the 1/1000000 off chance that yellowstone does erupt, we will all die; but that’ll happen regardless so long as we are in the Northern Hemisphere. We will have to plan for this in time.
>Who is White?
Anyone of unmixed European racial ancestry. This differs on every individual basis. Heres a good rule of thumb. Within the first 30 seconds of physically seeing someone, if you have any doubt of their white ancestry, they are most likely not white. Its just something you’re able to tell. (Jews are an exception to this rule as we know)

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The only "creation" of an ethnostate that should take place is the reclamation of our own nations.

Giving up pieces of our heritage or running away to other lands is cowardly and cucked as shit.

Either we fight for what our grandfathers left us or we perish.

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The plan is to do that exactly in the long run, but right now we lack the resources to do so. With an Ethnostate in the Northwest we would have a springboard to retake lands we were forced to concede. From Dixie to South Africa, this homeland is just the first step.

>giving up on huge sections of the country your ancestors hacked out of the wilderness, built on, and waged wars to capture or defend
>giving up on resources and territory
>create pariah state

At least have the fucking integrity and dignity to fight or die for the whole thing.

I hope you're just larping because if you seriously would abandon some of your national inheritance, you honestly don't deserve a damn piece of it and it should rightfully go to the immigrants who are gunning for the whole prize.

You give up parts of *your* country to them, you aren't getting them back.

You think you're going to be mass producing tanks, jets and nukes in Oregon while they have access to the resources and industry of the other 47 states?

Its not giving them up if you come to take it back, we dont have the people to reclaim all of America right now, with an ethnostate however, we can have enough people. We’re looking at the big picture here. I would hope one day to live to see an all white North America.

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White Americans are the majority. 2/3s of the country.

And historically whites fight better than non-whites.

Running away won't solve your problem. Please use your brain. The Pacific Northwest doesn't have the goddamn resources to wage a continental race war.

White Americans are barely above 50% of the population, we dont know for sure because they count arabs, turks, north africans, jews, and some spics as “White”. I’d argue we already passed the 50% margine. We all know thats the point of no return. Also show your flag

>White Americans are barely above 50% of the population
Non-Hispanic White Americans are 65% of the population. If you say otherwise you should cite a source. I can cite one if necessary.

And a flag is irrelevant to the debate. We've had flag choices for years here, and it wasn't until after we were flooded with newfags from the 2016 election that it seemed to be a problem to anyone.

Address the concerns of international reputation, economics and resources. Or how having 9 million whites in the Pacific Northwest is better than 150-200 million in the United States.

Read what I just said, they count copious amounts of nonwhites in as “Non-Hispanic White” the census figures dont add up. Too afraid to show your Israeli flag?

Show your flag or continue to get mocked

>they count copious amounts of nonwhites in as “Non-Hispanic White"
Is this the cross you die on because you don't have answers for any of my questions?

>Israeli flag
Aren't you r/the_donald types supportive of israel?
How new are you, exactly?

Anyone who focuses on crying about flags on Jow Forums is either new or compensating for having no argument.

Read the archives sometime.

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Pardon me, but this sounds like BS. Weren't whites the first to discover, open op and populate the first 13 states (if this should have to be mentioned at all)?


Jews are attempting to demoralize American whites into abandoning the land their forefathers left them.

See: why the shills ITT have no answers for how resources in the Pacific Northwest are supposed to sustain a white ethnostate that can reclaim the continent.

Thats /PTG/ not /BPG/ Shlomo

It isn't your homeland.

Stfu comme, go suck russian dick în cremeea

All i’m reading here is cope

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It is now Ivan, dont worry you’ll be welcome here too

>still no answers


I'm not the one making escapist LARP threads about giving up the country to kikes.

I should add, where do you guys even stand on the JQ?

You think you just walk out of 3/4 of your country and (((they))) wouldn't economically destroy you? Or harness the country you abandoned to their own ends?

You're living a dream if you think walking away from the problem and talking about fighting for it in the future, sometimes, manana (like a Mexican) is the right idea, instead of fighting in the here and now.

I know you all mean well, but you're the type of person that is literally the problem with white nationalism. It's easier for you to sit back and hatch these Jewish-type plans instead of getting out there and actually standing up for the country *YOUR* ancestors built.

fuck off iphoneposter, we're full

Tried once, didn't work.

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If you can guess the model iPhone i’m on in one try I will quit making these threads forever, deal?

How much are you paid to demoralize whites?

We learned from the past mistakes of our ancestors, things are different now, America grows weaker and weaker each day.

"Nazi hunters" had to kill that old bastard. They would have been able to avoid punishment in Israel.

Unlike you i dont have the luxury of being paid for this

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>It is now
And other parts of your country is now a homeland for illegal aliens. Such is life.

the poster wasn't in israel, he was using the old JIDF flag choice. Back then on Jow Forums, everyone used flag choices all the time.

>phoneposts to demoralize whites and has no answers for how his LARP country will work
>doesn't get paid
Sounds like Cohen got you good.

I really love the flag

>the old JIDF flag choice.
Sounds funny. Sad they have removed it now, probably to stop triggering stormcucks.

Indeed it is, but the Southwest is a desert shithole with little in the way of resources anyways, White people dont belong in the desert.

Statistically it's most likely to be an iPhone 7.

Yeah we had a bunch. JIDF, Rebel Alliance, Palestine, Libtard, Best Korean, Tea Party.

It was a good time. Now we're full of phoneposts and r/the_donald types like OP who freak out at flags.

>the Southwest is a desert shithole with little in the way of resources anyways

>disregarding oil, coal, copper, natural gas, gold and silver

God you're an idiot

Its a 6 actually, you were close though

>implying we need oil
>implying there isnt coal, copper, gold, and silver in the Northwest.

I'm wondering which flag they have picked for it.

>implying there's enough
>implying oil doesn't have its uses
>implying there's any non-cowardly reason you shouldn't have both

Do you get some cuckish thrill from the idea of abandoning parts of your country to other peoples?

And the Larp continues

There are hundreds of cleaner and cheaper alternatives to oil. We will not fall victim to the global oil empire, if we want economic Autarky and a clean environment we cant use oil.

>america is an oil exporter
>"oy vey, we can't produce oil and sell it!"

this LARP is getting stale

We dont want anything to do with oil. Its dirty, its expensive to produce, and there are infinitely better alternatives to oil.

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