I'm sick of being fat and feeling like shit...

I'm sick of being fat and feeling like shit, this western society fills us full of poison so we're tired and can't rebel.

I'm gonna have one last piece of cake and I'm gonna go vegan, no sugar, no wheat, no caffeine, tobacco, or alcohol for one week, culminating in one 24 hour fast and a three day juice cleanse.

Any ideas for what I should do to keep myself busy? No video games please..

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Meditation, reading books, hang out with friends...

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books and /out/ ing?

some stuff like hiking, fishing, diving, sailing. You're an aussie your country has all of these

>juice cleanse
Yup, OP is definitely a women.


Somebody dropped in last week with a story about trying to go vegan but couldn’t hack the farts. I was not aware of this aspect of veganism. Can you even imagine going to some bunch of cat ladies doing “hot yoga”. Just think of the smell.


I particularly enjoy this style of spending time. It's free and I always feel a whole lot better afterward. It also helped me cut down on drinking

>going vegan
Big yikes from me senpai.

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>no sugar
>he doesn't know

>Just think of the smell

I would but I already polished my knob this morning

It sucks bit you should do this

Yeah fuck reading
It sucks do real activities

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go for an aggressive bush walk every single day for 6 months. It should take you 45 minutes at least from when you walk out your door to when you get back, but you can never stop walking and you can't dordle. I promise you'll lose loads of weight and the best thing is you don't have to run you fat piece of shit.

>one last piece of cake
You're doomed to fail

>I'm gonna have one last piece of cake
>and I'm gonna go vegan
Buddy, you're just going to go straight back to sugar tomorrow. It's an extremely addictive substance.
You're better off hiring someone to just slap food out of your hand every time you reach for garbage.

from 130 kg to 85kg .

>Learn what is a calorie deficit and learn your base metabolisme.
>Learn what are micronutrients (fats,carbs,proteins) and how much you need per day .
>Sleep eight hours preferably sleep at maximum 23:00 and wake up 7:00~8:00.
>if you go the gym form is a lot more important than weight (but not go too light)
>The best cardio to reduce fat without hurting your bones/ligaments is swimming. best way if you are moderately overweight is jump rope(build calves/and abs)/body weight exercises

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this nigga bringing me back to 2009! do people still make caches?

>for one week
You fucking weak faggot. Go on Jow Forums, visit fat "people" hate threads, post your body and get bullied.
Veganism is a fucking meme.
Start intermittent fasting, grab yourself by the balls and drag your disgusting fat body to the gym, read the second edition of Greyskull LP and start working out.
Stop being a fat slob you fucking idiot. Life is so much different when you're physically fit, you think more clearly. Eating shit makes you feel and think like shit.
DON'T have that last piece of cake you fucking retard. You're like those subhumans saying "I'm gonna start next Monday".
Dieting for a week won't change shit. Hell, losing fat won't change shit if you come back to your current habits.
You're choosing the life of a dog.
>so we're tired and can't rebel
That is true, but it's not only about diet and exercise. A dog does not bark when he's being fed.

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>Not just Water fasting
I've lost 11lbs in 2 days

Yes and no, i would say the ideal diet is 60% veggies/grains and 30% white meat (birds/fish) and 10% red meat .

can confirm OP this does work. look up Autophagy

>juice cleanse
>cleanse juice

>I'm sick of feeling weak!
>goes vegan
>Why am I still feeling weak?!?
Eat meat, retard.

Vegan is an NWO invention you retard. Go eat some beef from a gras fed cow and stay away from sugar and processed garbage food.

Cries about being and feeling weak...wants to go vegan to make it even worse.

go to the gym dude

Exactly this. Don't try these shortcuts and shit. Depriving your body of what it needs for a week or more is going to show small results but you're gonna bounce right back. Instead make small changes for a long time, progressively making shit healthier. Look into intermittent fasting and what this guy said.

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>water fasting
What is this 2017? People dry fast now. Gone 5 days and felt even better then on a water fast.

If u actually want to lose some weight stop drinking all that soda and drink more water.
Become aktive and go out with friends do stuff like other anons said. Stop eating that infested meat you get to buy on every corner or your local market. Make yourself smart and check from which trustfull source you can buy beat. It will cost you more but your body will love you for it, trust me.

get a job that involves physical work (you might think the pay is shit but you'd be surprised, lazy fat fucks such as yourself now comprise most of the workforce thus there is now a demand for workers willing to put their backs into it and do hard work for a full day, you'll be working hard, drinking water because constant physical work plus fat or sugar laden food will make you feel sick)

Bro u know that only going vegan isn't enough
Vegan food can be as unhealthy as non vegan food
So u don't have to go vegan to loose weight just look out u eating healthy food and not that fast food trash

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Don't go vegan.
You'll need fat and protein.
Also drink plenty of water.
Staying hydrated is important.

Kek. Probably thinks protein in beans and tofu is a viable energy source.

Fucking stupid. I agree with your initial premise of course, but all these fad diets like keto and veganism are ludicrous. If your goal is to lose weight, download MyFitnessPal, get a scale, and start tracking your calories. You can eat about 1,800 calories a day and you'll be losing weight without any discomfort or hunger pangs (assuming you space your meals out). I'm also not entirely convinced veganism is actually any healthier than a normal diet, but that said, make sure you eat fresh fruit. Not only is fresh fruit low on calories, it makes you feel amazing because it contains necessary nutrients and sugar (sugar is not the devil and it actually boosts your metabolism which will help you lose weight, the problem, as with everything, is overeating sugar, but as long as you're tracking calories you'll be fine). Good luck.

Listen to them. Based.

"juice cleanse."

HAHAHAHHA, he doesn't know.

You have to exercise m8. If you just eat less, you will lose weight but you'll also lose muscle. That is what causes skinny fat. You'll end up with a gut and skinny forearms and your legs will look weird. Unfortunately, you have to do both. 90% of a man's diet should be eggs steak or chicken vegetables beans and brown rice. Protein shake after your workout. Get a flavorless one. Mix it with milk frozen fruit and you can do a fiber supplement too. That diet plus exercise will get you very close to your potential. I own one Teflon frying pan and one sauce pan and I make everything everyday. Also don't fuck around with dumb shit like avocados and coconut oil. That's just trendy bullshit. Olive oil is where it's at.

Might as well try coffee enema too.

read a book

Ok ill do it. Veganism is a 100% sugar based diet. Every calorie you consume will be suger. Protein isnt fuel. Your body only burns protein if there is no sugar and every ounce of body fat has been used. Read about rabbit starvation. If you want to be healthy eat a high fat low carb moderate protein diet centered around animal products.

>Using Teflon in Le current year, it's like (You) want to kill those gains. Gotta use a Cast Iron or good Henckel pan.

>Teflon frying pan
Throw that shit out unless you want to get cancer.

>three day juice cleanse

3/10 try harder next time

This is the kind of nigger tier retardation that has resulted in half the population being land whales. Every piece of fruit you eat tells your body to store every excess calorie as body fat. Unless you run your ass off every day you're going to slowly accumulate fat on that diet. Eating fat trains your body to burn fat as fuel. If you're going to eat fruit you might as well drink soda or eat a candy bar because physiologically your body reacts the same way.

Yeah, stop being stupid and gay and start browsing Jow Forums for at least an hour or two a day everyday. Getting in shape or even not being fat is the easiest shit in the world, personal experience. Godspeed

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I'll take my chances.

It's your fault for being fat.

If eating occupies enough of your day that you need a new hobby maybe you are eating too much

What is this the 90's. Fat isn't bad for you nigger, at least the natural stuff found on fish and so on. What's really doing a number on us is high sugar intake and artificial carbs, the natural stuff found on bananas is okay for example

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Social Advice too :
>getting muscular will make girls attracted to you/gives one night sex .But if you want affection or a strong relationship you need to have character ex: i do not want my future wife to have her ass on instagram and she must not have boyfriends. you also need to be able to entertain your girl from time to time it can be done without money (you know how to draw ,play an instrument or something) but mosly you will need money to build a future.

>Having muscle or being an MMA fighter doesn't make you able to rebel, you need to understand that the warrior "culture" is dead if you fight someone he can sue you and he can win, another scenario is you fight with the wrong guy and his gang will demolish you the world ain't fair, instead having big muscle make you avoid fights by intimidation because a coward cutthroat will prefer to prey on fat/women/skinnies then big guys.

>you can't change politcs by physical strength, this the era of the deceivers if you want to change your society to what you want do politics and bamboozle people.

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>What is this the 90's. Fat isn't bad for you nigger
He didn't say that, he is in favor of a diet with fat in it

How will we know you kept it up?

Did you read my post? I'm on the same page fat wise. But there is no difference between the sugar in a banana and the sugar in corn syrup. Your body reacts and deals with it the same way, by storing it as body fat.

My bad, phonefagging

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Read books op!

>I'm gonna have one last piece of cake
god I hate fat people. are you being sentimental about a fucking piece of cake?

you have to stop eating you fat fuck that's literally all it is

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veganism is a death cult.

Don't be so harsh on em user, at least this fatty recognizes it's shortcomings and seeks help. could be worse

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>not going fruitarian
Not gonna make it

Trying to go vegan will fuck you up.

Lay off the sugar and carbs.

And, a week is weak.

If you really need a non stick pan get an anodized metal one or ceramic. Teflon is going to kill you eventually.

don't fall for this shitty meme

hahahahaha what the fuck
Sorry, auscunts, looks like one of our califaggots got loose.

Yeah I hear this bullshit from ketofags all the time. I wish someone had told me what I know now before I tried keto for a year and ended up with hypothyroidism because I wasn't getting enough sugar. If you're eating at a caloric deficit you WILL lose weight. How fast you lose it depends on your metabolism, and guess what if you want a fast metabolism you need to eat carbs, fruit being the healthiest source of carbs. The reason people lose weight on keto is because they underestimate how much fat they need to be consuming for energy when you deprive your body of glucose and so your body is practically starving, but it's not healthy because your thyroid will die eventually like mine did.

cold training can increase your caloric consumption massively

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Meditation can literally give you the same body high of nicotine or opiates without any side effects if you git gud

It won't work and you will fail... You can't and shouldn't drastically change your entire way of being all at once. It's too shocking to your system and you will fall back into your bad habits...Make 1-2 small measurable changes per month using a SMART goal format. tracking your progress. IE cut back alcohol by 25 % to start.. maybe only limit alcohol to one day per week. Cut back sweets by 50% so on and so forth. 1-2 years of this and you will look back and not recognize your old self.

Just hit the weights, start exercising, change your diet and have everything in moderation; you don't need stupid vegan gimmicks to make a difference.
This seems more like a thread meant for Jow Forums desu

Brush your teeth alot. One it will help with cravings and two it'll tame down your ketosis breath.

I do a lot of juice cleansing, you'll enjoy it. It kind of is a cheap high. I think it's a combination of your body getting a rush of plant sugars mixed with an empowering dopamine rewards for accomplishing your goals.

And this sounds healthy to you? Way to destroy your pancreas with nothing but sugars all day... You aren't cleansing anything X-D.

>In Straya.
Or he can take hour long walks twice a day in the outback, much more effective

juice is sugar you dipshit.s

but that doesn't activate your white superpowers

they have cold water in straya

Collect rocks while out walking and paint them with cryptic messages and then hide them! Fun. Good times.....LOL