If Republicans want to accuse Cohen of lying, they'd better be prepared to file perjury charges...

If Republicans want to accuse Cohen of lying, they'd better be prepared to file perjury charges. He is under oath and is risking much more jailtime if he is lying here. Time to put up or shut up, this is official testimony.

Cohen has evidence, Republicans have unsubstantiated accusations.

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What evidence?

And could he name one?

this hearing will be a big step to getting Trump impeached and put in jail.. and his slut wife sent back to whatever shithole she came from.

Actually he has said he has suspicions.
He's probably telling the truth about the shithole.
And I bet he couldn't name a single one

Mueller instructed all his victims to lie. In compensation they would get reduced sentences.

>Cohen has evidence, Republicans have unsubstantiated accusations.
Holy fuck this Cohen stuff is hilarious. I literally can't stop laughing at this.

Attached: Sexy Jewish woman laughs.webm (742x718, 2.8M)


Rpublicans can call him a liar without perjury charges in the same way they could for the kavanaugh slanderers. Do you know how difficult it is to prove perjury based on a testimony of an event that ocurred without witnesses or physical evidence? It's essentially impossible. They could never come close to indictment, much less conviction. What republicans can, and are saying is that Cohen has already proven himself a willfully unreliable witness.

actually laughed out loud
what a great title

I came here to ask this. Isn't it just a "he said she said" situation?

your faggot Dems don't support Impeachment anyways, they want the "controlled burn". They won't even let their members talk about it anymore since the election.

Open your eyes dimwit.

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>your faggot Dems don't support Impeachment anyways, they want the "controlled burn". They won't even let their members talk about it anymore since the election.
Distract and divert shill detected. What should the penalty for Trump's treason actually be and why should it be imminent execution?

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California dreamin

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It was a trick question, there aren't any

>the testimony of a liar is what will help get Trump impeached

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And Cohen is admitting he didn't have a problem with that question until after he was fired?

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>And I bet he couldn't name a single one
I was thinking that same thing. I really just sounded like a joke and they probably both laughed about it.

According to the article:
>This was when Barack Obama was President of the United States.

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Nothing will happen because they all serve Zog. This is a show they put on for us so Trump looks embattled and like he's the underdog. He's just another Bush and that's what's being hidden.

>implying America isn't a shithole

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>barack obama made the country the powerhouse that it currently is
The question was obviously referring to literally any other country

Republicans don't do anything. It's basically their M.O.

>Distract and divert shill detected

That's not a thing, although "Memeflag Shill" absolutely is a thing

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Testimony is evidence, you low-iq drumpftard

No im not, i mean it's the best country on earth but compared to what it was 50 years ago or what any major yuropoorean country was 100 years ago, it certainly is a shithole as is Germanistan

Literally no one cares.

...and it really activated my almonds

>it's the best country on earth
Have to disagree.

>compared to what it was 50 years ago or what any major yuropoorean country was 100 years ago, it certainly is a shithole as is Germanistan
Sadly have to agree.

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So you're willing to put all your marbles on Cohen testimony? Heh, buddy I've got some news for ya...

>Dems don't support Impeachment
What the fuck you talking about?
Only reason they not talking impeachment any more is because polling told the Dems to shut the fuck up.

>"Donald Trump said Obama is a nigger!"
>"No I did not, I said Obama is a clown."
Both of these are testimony. Which one do you believe? Testimony that isn't backed up by hard evidence, or a confession, is hardly worth anything. I wouldn't even call it evidence at that point.

Literally as much proof as the claimants

He’s literally guilty of purjury already

yeah actually he'd have to be extremely careful with what he says, how he says it, and also the inflection behind everything that is said as it's said. truthfully the GOP could perjury trap him by producing witnesses who are credible and who have been thru the thorns along with Trump and all the rest in his camp who would speak contrarily to whatever Cohen ends up saying.

I don't know what's going to happen but they'll jump for red meat like sharks if it just honestly simply happened as that

.What should the penalty for Trump's treason actually be
That's the whole point. Demtards don't want to Impeach him, they just want their shrinking base to think they will.

Correct, they are totally fine with letting him remain in office because they think it makes them look good in comparison.

Hilariously awful strategy.

Testimony from a confirmed liar is not evidence of any sort. He is not credible.

I never said that
>Testimony is not as compelling as hard evidence.
No shit, shitbrains, but that doesn't make it not evidence.

Everyone lies, dumbass.

holy shit you are retarded lol

>He is under oath and is risking much more jailtime if he is lying here.
we all know he has many guns pointed right at his head

>No shit, shitbrains, but that doesn't make it not evidence.

I never said that it wasn't. Is reading really that hard for you? Do I need to sit here and spell it out like you're some kind of autistic 4 year old?

Worthless evidence =/= not evidence.

>Mueller instructed all his victims to lie. In compensation they would get reduced sentences.

the FOX spin has started

my sides!

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Jesus fucking christ guy...

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Cohen literally stated he had no evidence Trump worked with Russia. If we are to believe him then the whole premise of the investigation is false.

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a guy did that in the first 20 minutes.

Yes, continue to exhibit your vastly superior intellect with your rude and childish name-calling.

Is there a country led by a black person that isn't a shithole tho?

and OP needs to die for being a communist and ISIS sympathizing traitor!

So we agree that this evidence should not be dismissed, but given due diligence in determining its creditability.

So why would he do this?
I can think of two things myself; either he was offered a deal in which he would get a lower sentence by shitting on Trump or he knows something the media doesn't and is certain that Trump is getting arrested/impeached for something and he's jumping off the ship.
Anyone else have some theories?

Do you disagree that sworn testimony is considered evidence in the United States?

In local news, alleged murderer says he never murdered anyone. All charges dropped.

Are conservatives violent idiots because they hate justice, or do they hate justice because they're violent idiots?

>Strawman argument
Come at me harder, faggot.

Actually, no. If his "plea deal" included only testimony, with no actual hard evidence to back it up, then as far as I am concerned it should be dismissed and Mueller is a total fool for taking him up on it. It should only be investigated if Cohen can actually prove that at least some of what he is saying isn't just him lying to get a get out of jail free card. Testimony without evidence to back it up is extremely difficult to prove and is likely nothing more than a complete waste of resources; the US doesn't need another Mueller-like investigation.

This shit was supposed to happen weeks ago. Its a clusterfuck attempt to rile people up about racism before the muller nothingburger drops next week.

No, without corroboration, testimony is just unsubstantiated accusations.

They literally are giving him until today to fix a lie they caught him on.

Everyone now is trying to think of a non shithole country run by a black person

You left the best bit off the quote. OP...

Donald Trump challenged me to name a country led by a black person that wasn't a Shithole... Obama was president at the time.

Attached: trump piss.jpg (682x698, 189K)

He still hasn't given up any tapes, was just called out on recording any client too.
He even admitted he has boxes of other documents he hasn't turned over. I guess a Republican called to get them for evidence, but I doubt Democrats will go any further with that.

I tried this morning and failed the Trump Challenge. So it's pretty funny.