What are the reasons Universal Basic Income is not a good idea?
UBI Arguments
Same reason trannies playing girls sports is bad
Because my country can't be taxed more than it already is without losing more money
The biggest problem would be how the tax for it is implemented. I would totally take Yang's $1,000, but not if that means things cost nearly enough to take that away
And that is??
Please explain why you're entitled to money for nothing. Please also explain where the money will come from, if not a huge tax increase.
What does that even mean?
>120% income tax
>What are the reasons Universal Basic Income is not a good idea?
1. You don't deserve money just for existing
2. It will destroy the economy.
3. You don't fucking deserve money just for fucking existing.
Now why don't you actually post an argument in favor of UBI, you forum sliding faggot.
The same reason socialism and communism were bad ideas before you lazy fucks dishonestly renamed it. Employment has always consistently gone up, despite technology improvement, so the underlying premise is bullshit out of the door. Anyone who isn't retarded knows that simply giving everyone $1000 a month will result in $1000 being the new zero. $2 tacos will quickly become $1002 tacos. Politics will simply be politicians outbidding each other:
>(((Politician A))): I promise $2000 UBI
>(((Politician B))): I promise $2100 UBI!
Forced distribution of wealth is the fastest way to destroy a country. Whether you brainlets comprehend it or not, productivity is an actual thing and actually matters.
Society needs to look out for its members.
Why don't you give an argument in favor of UBI instead of posting short, one sentence replies?
Stagnation and probably economic collapse afaik.
>Society needs to look out for its members.
So now society must completely take care of everyone?
Why would anyone work if they were given everything they want?
What makes you think people are entitled to UBI?
Why are you such a faggot?
That exists, its called charity. Tax isn't charity.
Absurd public debt
The gov't and corporation will tightly control your lazy ass manipulating prices, inflation and the value of the gibs
ENOURMOUS taxes paralizing your country
A lot of idle niggers and spics wrecking your neighbourhood
Shitty jobs will cease to exist without a replacement (fast food, store clerks, ...)
Maybe an inflationary feedback loop.
Your income will end up being worth less due to a higher tax rate. If you work, you're making less than you were before even with the fake gibs.
> 1CumC0k ID
Oh look. a complete lack of an argument from a UBI faggot.
Okay cumcock
if you can't generate 1000$ a month you should
not spend 1000$ a month.
It’s not like you could live off it, it would be supplemental.
I get it, you're a selfish faggot that doesn't actually know why he believes what he believes. But don't get pissy because I call you out on it.
>It’s not like you could live off it,
When has the UBI movement ever claimed such a thing?
>it would be supplemental.
Why do you think people deserve a free, supplemental income?
You want to destroy this nation with your faggot socialism because you're a lazy nigger.
Because it doesn't go far enough: why don't we suppress money instead? Everybody could have what they can consume, like in a Chinese restaurant.
Huge inflation, it's really 30 billion a month since there's 300 million citizens.
>What are the reasons Universal Basic Income is not a good idea?
it pretends government produces anything
I’m sorry I’m not a representative for the UBI movement you absolute retard.
And again because we should look our for people, it’s the right thing to do you asshole
>Please explain why you're entitled to money for nothing
please explain how government giving the people's property to corporate interests in exchange for nothing is good?
Why don't we raise minimum wage to $1 Million/hour? That way everyone can be rich.
>I’m sorry I’m not a representative for the UBI movement you absolute retard.
Yet you're advocating for it you communist faggot.
>And again because we should look our for people,
What makes you think turning people into welfare niggers is looking out for them?
> it’s the right thing to do
Who are you to determine what is "right" or not?
Clearly the government employees get something when they fuck over the taxpayer, often in lobbyist bribes.
Along with other issues, such as tax policy and the fact there just isn’t enough cash in government coffers to do this, there is one giant problem. Inflation.
If every landlord, store owner, service technician, etc, knows that everyone has an ‘extra’ $1000/month, they are all going to jack their prices up to get some of that dosh. To implement UBI would require price controls on housing, food, utilities, white goods and automobiles.
Oh, right, in this Communist fever dream, there are no automobiles. And there won’t be food soon.
The purpose: To force corporations to compete with the State to offer a better quality of life through work while also incentivicing entrepeneurship so people work on improving their lifes and others'.
The reality: People reduce their standards of living to adapt to the minimum wage so they can avoid working or producing anything.
The alternative: Give people and infrastructure to be self-reliant. See what Putin wanted to do with Syberia. Give people a house, land and the tools needed to work the land or have live stock. Those things wouldn't belong to you, you'd just be the usufructuary. A percentage of your production would go to the State.
If you want to have private property then get a job or produce something by yourself. This way you don't become a NEET but you also don't need to artificially create jobs for the unemployable.
You can’t generate income without work. Period. To do so is dangerous and causes inflation. We already do this in small scale. UBI will reduce productivity, it will create a greater financial disparity.
on top of which, where are they going to get the massive amount of money to give every single person (illegal immigrants included) every year?
It would cost trillions of dollars every year, not even counting for the other policies, organizations and methods needed to enact it.
OP is a gigantic faggot and has no idea what the fuck he is talking about.
wow it's almost like there's is one easy solution
end the fed
let the government print their own money
stop subsidizing mega corporation
stop fiscal evasion
stop usury
it's almost like slavery is the only fucking way humanity can progress
sorry moshe i will slave silently
>2. It will destroy the economy.
how you destroy something that is already destruct?
It's just a different name for communism.
Funny how there's one racial group that controls all of that and would never let any of that happen...
>Clearly the government employees get something when they fuck over the taxpayer
yeah they do, their salary
>"Well, the building is already on fire so we thought we could put it out by dumping thousands of gallons of gasoline on it. For some reason, that didn't work!"
UBI is what owners give their animals and slaves.
When given money minorities will not use it to better their lives. They will instead use the extra income to but drugs, alcohol and garbage frivolities.
I give you money so you give me back money. the logic is flawed
Main reason would probably be that its not even possible financially, it would cost 3 trillion plus per year, the US budget is 4 trillion.
It will cause hyperinflation and bread will cost 500 dollars a loaf. Google Weimar, Zimbabwe, Venezuela
It’s welfare under a nicer sounding sudonym. Which means that the ones that still work are the ones that get taxed
Because the jews don't want it
it's still a welfare state
in a country that's 60% white max by its own estimates
Why give the government that much control over people, why wouldn't people not just vote for who ever says they'll increase the UBI minimum? It's retarded to even entertain this stupid joke.
>get taxed out the ass
>but look goy! Free money
UBItards and minimum wagetards are just unwitting pawns for the federal reserve to print more money and further devalue the currency.
Remember the more money in circulation the less each individual dollar is worth
>faggot op runs away when he can't defend his support for idiotic policies based on "muh feelings!"
Imagine that.
>It will cause hyperinflation
funny you mention that because hyperinflation just happened to destroy the buying power of the working class in the last 60 years
you guys just work your assumption based on the fact the society would have to take UBI on top of the system already in place but corruption is the only prominent factor in today society
the biggest recipient of neet bux are the riches but you're too stupid to understand that
Boesn't mean shit if jews run your central bank and makes the purchasing power of the dollar worthless you can have a UBI of 1200 a month but inflation will make that useless in 2 years, I'm sure Jow Forums can explain that the U.S. dollar is completely worthless if you audited the FED
Who will pay for it?
Because money doesn't grow on trees. Why the heck would anyone work all day when you can sit on your ass instead and live off gibs?
Anyway, they tried it in Finland and they found it didn't work.
or you're just totally stupid and unable to have any kind of critical thinking at all
Stupidity gets paid for living.
Lazyness gets paid for living.
>muh slavery
you're an imbecile and that's and understatement
The reason above all else is that, because we don't have control over our own finances and are instead at the mercy of the Federal Reserve, all UBI will do is divide the value of a dollar even further. Without a closed economic system, a guaranteed income cannot function.
Second, it would lead to the exact same problems that have plagued collectivist societies since their inception: if people don't have to work in order to have a decent standard of living, they won't feel the need to work. This causes the influx of money to slow to a trickle if not stop altogether, as those who still work will come to realize that the fruits of their labor are taken from them to subsidize the lazy and stupid. Once nobody's working, there are no taxes to fund UBI, and the entire nation collapses.
Third, welfare already subsidizes the stupid to breed while the gifted are forced to work endlessly to feed them. In the short term, assuming that utter economic collapse doesn't occur within a decade or two, we'd see an entire generation composed almost completely of sub-retard IQ chimps.
Not an argument retard
Try again
Increase in money supply means the only way to save the purchasing power of money is to increase the supply of goods, across everything people buy. From TVs to Groceries, cars, etc.. This is not to a companies profitability, but to maintain the purchasing power of the devalued dollar. It's back ward economics. It's neo-keynesian economics. Impractical and inflationary.
It will make us into docile slaves, totally reliant on an international financial power structure that fully intends to reduce the human population by a substantial amount.
Oh you're still here and you still don't have an argument that doesn't revolve around "muh feelings".
Do you have a single point other than your feelings as to how UBI should be implemented?
Or are you just a shitposting troll?
You’re naive as hell if you don’t think UBI is just slavery with some sugar sprinkled on the term
These retards think eliminating welfare, and telling people to eat healthier will cover the cost, oh and a 10% VAT.
I'd be worried about how inflationary effects
And then taxation to pay for it
And as someone who adds significant value to the market, I would be the one taxed for it. Tell you honestly I would probably stop working all together or do something that adds significantly less value to the world if I'm taxed even more to pay for UBI/Healthcare/etc. The job is only worth it right now due to the compensation.
i'd immediately stop working desu
as i'm sure would too many other people as well
Enjoy your $5000 grocery bill. I’ll be laughing my ass off at you faggots and have 0 sympath leaf nigger
if at least you mad an argument to begin with
>muh ubi is an evil plan by the federal reserve
it all depend how it's done and in which context but ya
they are putting the cart before the horse
paying people to do nothing is going to make nothing get done by americans
they will cash in on gibs while mexicans work under the table giving industry no reason to automate
Refute this
as opposed to now??
The problem is, if you can live without UBI (because you actually work and have a good payind job), you'll be the one (attempting to) pay for it with your 75%+ tax rate.
>I’ll be laughing my ass off at you faggots and have 0 sympath leaf nigger
you're already a slave for the kikes
your whole government is controlled
you belong to the banks and corporation
laugh your ass off as you want you're in the shit neck deep
Why work when the government is gonna give me money? Same problem we have now but you give retards more money to work with.
>Refute this
Why would I refute that? I agree with that statement.
Are you sure you're responding to the correct post?
350 million Americans getting 1000 a month is 350 billion which is 4.2 trillion a year. Where do you think that is going to come from? We already have debt we can't pay back. How do you think we're going to magically come up with 4.2 trillion per year?
What context is there for UBI other than “fuck it I want welfare too?”
So everyone can afford housing and food.
It's like under Communism where the janitor at the hospital is being paid the same as the doctor.
Why would anyone want to work hard to be a doctor when you have nothing to show for it?
All that's left to do is sell your soul to the devil and become dependent on their QE for the poor program which will devalue the American peasant's last store of wealth, the monopoly fiat currency.
>So everyone can afford housing and food.
It always makes me laugh when commies talk about food existing.
It hasn't really motivated people to go look for a job, for the most part
>How do you think we're going to magically come up with 4.2 trillion per year?
inb4 "tax the rich"
Im fine with it as long as taxpayers can opt out in exchange for becoming a political and economic elite having a full array of rights and privileges denied to UBI recipients. Most importantly, the rights of free speech, reproduction, association/exclusion, land ownership, and bearing arms. Anyone on UBI is denied those rights until they've been off UBI for three years.
If any of these people were willing and able to do math you probably wouldn't be seeing this thread.
Yeah, it's very clear OP can't even defend his position. If he could, he wouldn't be shitposting.
You have no reading comprehension great leaf education
>more money in circulation
>less value of each dollar
>your savings become worth less
Economic necessity is one of the last essential threads holding society together. UBI will be the ultimate atomizer.
1. Inflated prices
2. Increase in rent cost since every rent mob knows you have a base income to spare.
3. Increased taxes or else debt accumulates faster than before UBI
Just a few, is it really that hard to think of this stuff yourself?
You are not owed anything you lazy low iq trash.
Damn you! You uncovered the key to UBI!
Because you are born either male or female, accepting trans delusionalism does not make it different.
UBI sounds like something a tranny who had his dick chopped off may get.
You do not deserve thing from society by virtue of being born. You do however have the right to work your way through life to try, and succeed, it does not mean you will, and it does not mean it will be easy.
The only people who owe you anything are your parents, and that is until you reach adulthood. After that you are on your own. Do not like that then go be a Hiro.