CNN: Cohen isn't telling the truth

Holy shit wtf is going on? CNN actually doing real journalism???????

Is that 2 EXTRA PERJURY CHARGES today now???

Attached: CNN_Cohen.jpg (877x628, 150K)

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Hahahaha even CNN is throwing this idiot under the bus.

The whole point is to generate legal basis for continued probes into trumps fiances to obstruct and tax. It doesnt matter if this kike is beleivable or a liar.

He comes off as a very poor witness and they are trying to distance themselves from it.

Trump wasn't kidding when he said CNN wanted him to win a second term.

Because CNN Jews know Cohen is a Jew to not be trusted. They'd rather throw one under the bus than all look like idiots. It's the same old Jewish trick of saying "oh he's a liar and a swindler and fool, but I'm telling you he is so trust me Goyim."


CNN's rating will collapse if the dem wins in 2020. MSNBC does the 'woke' news much better. It would likely end the network.

This doesn't matter either though, we're talking about a guy with 2 ex-wives and even they are under lock and key and won't turn on the dude.

If you can't flash enough money to make an ex-wife want to punch their ex-husband in the nuts...chances are good there isn't anything to punch the dude with after that.


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Calling out bullshit has been strong overall from the very opening.

>Here we go.

I imagine most people are perfect aware Cohen is just a snake looking to profit in the form of reduced prison time or something if he cooperates aka says anything he's been instructed to say.

This tbqhfam. They have no examples of Trump being racist, that hasn't stopped every Democrat from believing it.

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“To my Laura, my Sami, and my Jake, there is nothing I wouldn't do to protect you.”

Oh but sure, we’re supposed to believe it is President Trump who is threatening him and not Herr Weissman

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Fuck off, new Tranny

All those people on the left are Jews. Jews control America through the media.

Many of the "thought leaders" on the right on Jews too.

Jews always control both sides of the conversation.

It's hilarious to me that the left is pushing this Cohen narrative now. They don't seem to get it: this will backfire and boost Trump's poll numbers. How is it they never learn?

that would be amazing if true

I don't know the three right of Blitzer but everyone else is a Jew.

>Jews always control both sides of the conversation.
Of course. Rachel Maddow to Ben Shapiro, Maggie Haberman to William Kristol.

>that twitter profile account
>"fiscally con socially lib
>"los angeles ca to dallas tx"

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what is the origin of the perlman meme?

perlman himself

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Cohen is trying to make democrats like him by lying to favor them and its still not enough.

This is why you never give in to dems. Cohen hires Clintons attorney to kiss her ring and they still stomp him.

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Four dimensional chess

None of this shit means anything.
A Jewish lawyer is less than truthful.


How many commentators do they fucking need? They all have the same point of view anyway.

drumpf is finished

>Being so full of shit the TDS crowd can't even buy it.


They're all on the right side of history, sweetie

Cohen is still lying and towing the party line. Just the party changed when he got into legal trouble and hired Clinton's friend and lawyer Lanny Davis

They have been scammed so many times by Trump that they don't know how to handle Cohen.

Hol on a minute

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Where will he finish in the victim olympics?

Dare I say it? CNN are still and never will be /ourguys/

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We all know what the fuckin kike media is mainly going to say about this
But holy shit, this hearing was a net gain for trump, Cohen seemed like a nervous wreck that was reading from a poorly remember script.

>Not telling the truth
Who could have ever seen this coming I wonder.

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