Reminder that video games cause violence

Reminder that video games cause violence

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reminder that you are a waste of space

Reminder that the WT/Nigger parents shouldnt let kids play R-rated video games.

let me guess, it was a nigger

Blessed post.

>movie rating
>on video games
Fucking westaboos.

There aren't even any sex scenes in GTA though

Racist pricks

Causation and correlation are two very different things, and I'm not even sure that correlation has been reliable shown in any kind of formal study. Causation is certainly not shown.

What sex scene

That's kinda hot


what the fuck

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>rated +17
>parents let 12yo play it
>it's videogames fault
what did they mean by this?

This reminds me of the kid claiming GTA taught them to make granades.

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>Rated M for Mature
*Rock music*
>"I'm... a bad person."
>"I hurt people, take their money, and do whatever I want."
*Assault rifle fire at cops*
>"But probably, the worst part? I don't care."
*Vocals kick in on 80s-era classic rock song*
>"Rockstar presents..."
*Another explosion*
>All The Fucking Games We've Ever Made

>a 12 years old play a game that must be over 18 years old to play/buy it

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Was it """rape""" or actual rape?

sounds more like it's the parents fault for letting their clearly unstable idiot child play an M rated video game

Niko cared.

ya but they are really good at doing what they do, better than anyone else.

Not only that, but they weren't supervising him while he was playing the mature game or while he was alone with his sister. Either that or the parents watched it happen.
Where the fuck were the parents?

>The boy raped his victim in the living room and a bedroom in their family home while adults were in another room or asleep, it was said.

>He raped his six-year-old sister at their home in Wiltshire, on numerous occasions - including Christmas Day.

>The boy, now 13, sat impassively for most of the hearing.

>But he smiled and chuckled when the judge talked to him about football - he hopes to play the sport professionally one day.

>White family

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Sure sounds like something their kind would do.

I don't think sex scenes are the only thing they're acting out.

Nah, incest is a white thing

>"Ma'am this game is rated M for Mature, I can't sell this to your underage son, you have to give consent."
>"Okay whatever."



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*bad influences causes violence
Guarantee you if he was watching a GTA tv show equivalent this would’ve happened


He'll fit right in with the NFL

Yeah, that's what it says on the OP you dumb retard.

>he hopes to play the sport professionally one day.

nigger confirmed

have you ever seen nig mothers? They even twerk with their brat, the fucking baboons.

Can't recall GTAV having any rape scenes in it...

>Violent video games make kids violent!
I remember when I was 12 years old, I played the shit out of SimCity. Next week I had built a whole new town in Pennsylvania all by myself.

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Gotta wonder what video games people have been playing for the last 3000 years

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Oh, so he actually got the idea from watching porn, ok then.

When did this happen and where
this reads like a fake story lmao

yup, he's a nig

It's ok when women do it.

there's a scene where Trevor is fucking a chick (Johnny's crack whore gf?)

> children are retarded so let's ban games
How about from now on would be parents need to get a fucking license to have children?

Its UK. So they are discussing soccer not football

Muslim confirmed

I used to let my sister play with my dick when I was 10 and she was 6
Felt good

One is easily doable the other is not, frogposter

I never understood why people get so triggered by the notion of media influencing people. How do you think Hitler rose to power? Yes, video games can cause violent desires to emerge, that's not even up for debate.

Swindon, England

The football they mention is the real football, what you amerilards call "soccer" because you are dumber than a box of nails.

When I was 8, the day after I beat Banjo-kazooie I pushed an old lady off a roof and dropped a boulder on her


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Everyone want cunny its normal.

12 years old, that's like 7th grade. I read Nietzsche and watched kurosawa movies at that age -yeah kinda pretentious-, but still 12 years old is by no means an impressionable child, that acts out scenes it saw from a movie without knowing what it is doing.

this probably, he's making it up though, he referred to it as "cuddle and snuggle" time or some shit

soccer is the most brain dead sport out there, which explains its popularity in dirt countries and the inbred isles of bongistan

except that it isn't.

Retards. It never says he played the game. He just witnessed the sex scene

Why do they blame it on video games when it clearly says in the article that he"got the idea from porn"?

Soccer is also popular in countries with higher IQ than the US.

OP is wrong and actually the exact opposite is true.
Here's the graph that proves it.

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This has to be a fake story, it's literally the county above mine, we would have heard about this

>walk into room
>see fake video game sex
>i'm going to rape my sister now

Not the logic of an average 12 year old, I remember being 12 and I knew what I was doing 100% of the time.

No, shitty parents cause violence.

>video game marked m rated for mature and 18/older
>"mmm let me buy this for my retard 10 year old"
this is why censorship exists, it's from retards who can't properly solve problems

must have been some pog ass shit

Soccer is big with the africans.

By the way you type you would have no issue convincing me that you were 12 last year.

Yep, that's a nigger. They're all either aspiring rap artists or footballers.

You'd be surprised; tons of crime gets reported but in a very low key manner. Especially when it involves the more diverse elements of society.

moving threads does not make the old board better, it just makes the new board worse.

mod if you are still here, just delete next time.

niggers gonna nig

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If only you knew how bad things really were

Retarded /v/ tards

based mod.

What sex scene? They don't even show penetration. How would the kid know what to do?

no u

>sex is rape
op is cia

What do Israeli kikes know about sports?

>correlation != causation.
That drop is actually because of aborted nigs.


Incest is very popular amongst niggers. In fact, inner-city physicians have stated that medical conditions as the result of incest were becoming more prevalent. This is largely;y due to the fact that black males are mating with their own daughters as they haven't maintained any type of relationship with them our realize they were related.

Did you not know how vaginas worked at 12? I mean at that age you should at least be vaguely aware that there’s a hole.

I wonder if OP can talk in a childlike girlie voice to project the idea that he was traumatized and became a glownigger like AOC and that bitch that indelible in the hippocampus bitch

Got a source on that buddy?

I won’t buy my kid that game... it’s way to degenerate... dyke lesbian games are nowhere near the level of trash in grand theft auto. His parents are clueless or shit tier or both

This place is shit and always will be shit, may aswell just keep dumping shit here.

Probably not at 12, no.

>claim to have high iq
>flood country with shitskins
lmfao seethe harder kraut

Bullshit. Its not legal for siblings here

Based kid, little sisters only purpose in life is to be bred by their brothers.

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fuck off plebbit nigger

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That's because black people aren't sure who their relatives are in the first place.

Hello britbong

That behavior doesn’t come out of the blue... some pervert probably got to that kid, somewhere


reminder: violence causes video games

>legal between minors
Dunno about Iceland and Greece, but in Germany it's still illegal, minors just aren't punished. Involved adults can still be punished for it, for example if you incite your younger siblings to fuck each other