Give one (1) reason why killing another human being (or being cruel or evil in general) is objectively bad, wrong or whatever
Give one (1) reason why killing another human being (or being cruel or evil in general) is objectively bad...
uh because god said so obviously read a bible for one
It causes physical pain to the victim and emotional pain to people who knew the victim. Pain is an objectively bad sensation.
Usually it's not that it's bad but unsustainable.
But you're not really hype for a discussion are you...
people will hurt you if you hurt them or people they care about. Don't do it
It's not bad at all, assuming the person you're killing is bad and harms others. Killing someone whose done nothing wrong and doesn't hold views that are harmful to our societies is wrong because they haven't done anything that justifies death.
Not my problem. Why is causing pain objectively wrong? Btw pain is not even an objectively bad sensation. There are people who enjoy pain or use pain to feel good.
It is sustainable. Not everybody has the privilege to be immoral.
Yeah, could be. Not necessarily though. So not an objective reason.
>caring about society’s well-being lmao
We’re not talking about what society thinks is wrong. We’re talking about what is objectively wrong.
Because the more people there are who are ok with doing harm to others (except in self defense), the more more dangerous the whole world becomes. It depends on your perspective though..
There is the sociopath perspectives: ie. Gangs, governments, corporate titans have this. It's a chess like mind that is unmoved by other's hurt.
Also there is the empath perspective where one cares about others enough to be incapable of harming them unless absolutely necessary.
>Not my problem.
So you would be okay with people causing pain to you?
>Why is causing pain objectively wrong? Btw pain is not even an objectively bad sensation.
I know you're just being edgy with this thread but come on now. Go stab a guy to death and tell him it's not a bad sensation. Pain is objectively considered to be a negative feeling.
>There are people who enjoy pain or use pain to feel good.
Oh sorry I didn't know this thread was about those people. I thought we were talking about murder.
Well if you wanna think objectively then you need to accept some objective truths. One of which being that in this universe, when looking at things objectively everything is the same. You are me. I am you. We are the trees and everything else and they are us just the same. We’re literally the entire universe and we perform all of its functions without us having to think about it. So if you want to cause pain to others, go ahead and do it. But by hurting others, you’re hurting yourself. Seems to me like you’re conflating objectivity and nihilism.
Kill yourself since you don't think it's bad. Thanks for ridding the world of immoral scum!
It's not, but luckily you are a subjective being
When observing healthy human behavior you will typically find that people will tend to avoid causing pain to others. The only thing that really elicits someone inflicting pain on others is necessity. Killing isn't objectively wrong. It can be a necessity but treating it as otherwise is objectively unwise at best and a long term detriment at worst. Ignoring the context of whether this hypothetical is in society or not is pretty fucking stupid because it determines whether or not the results of said action are helpful or harmful which is the long established precedent used to determine bad/good (given relevant context). To sum up, killing is, in most cases, bad.
The world would become really dangerous for the ones who can’t defend themselves. Not a problem for the ones who would rule the world. Subjective.
>So you would be okay with people causing pain to you?
No. I feel entitled to do whatever I want. People are not.
>I know you're just being edgy etc.
Pain is considered to be a negative feeling by society. Society’s pov ≠ objective pov
>I thought we were talking about murder.
I was talking about pain in general.
try to harm me little shit, see what happens
Ironically enough, this is the best answer
You cannot objectively argue any moral system under an atheistic framework
The most objective reason anyone can possibly give you is that God says not to do it. Any other reason is subjective.
Give us your current location so we a demonstrate our reasoning.
It is only ok if he is Muslim
because you can hurt so many other people in the process including their family
With that logic, surgery is objectively bad
kant was smarter than you and already did that
Evil as a concept was originally created to define specific acts which will inevitably bring calamity to your life.
Murder is considered evil because, by killing another person, you put yourself at risk of facing terrible consequences. It may lead to prison, which restricts your freedom and life. It may lead to a cycle of vengeance, in which an associate of the murdered seeks to enact punitive measures. It could damage you psychologically, creating debilitating mental scars. The list goes on and on.
I would highly suggest reading the bible. Most of what goes down in the Old Testament is basically an extended metaphor on how to avoid living a miserable existence. Especially the Ten Commandments and Proverbs.
You can't apply objectivity without having some authority or value system.
Now if you're talking about, within the context of trying to maintain a stable and productive society, then we could have a conversation.
Objectively, it is that the average value of society would drop immensely. America (or any proper first world country) wouldn't be the country it is, if people could kill each other left and right without repercussions. US is already struggling due to the rampant killings every day, and amping it up to a "it's all good to kill", would instantly destabilize society, and take away large amounts of what makes life good these days. A lot of the things you take for granted, too.
Internet is only as widely accessible due to how many people there are. If you killed half the population, it would neither have the speed, capacity, or coverage, that you enjoy these days. And this is one of thousands of examples of things that would be deprioritized, or outright lost, if freely murdering others was just an okay thing to do.
>US is already struggling due to the rampant killings every day,
It's not this bad, America is still a first world country. It has had some really bad mass shootings over the past few years but if you ignore those as outliers it's way better than most everywhere else. It's really only a select few places in the world that are less violent than the USA.
I strongly agree with your suggestions.
The murder rate in Russia is 3 times that of the US. That might be an old statistic though, probably doesn't factor in the recent crazy mass shootings like in Las Vegas or Orlando. I heard that stat in a documentary about Russian prison, I'm not a shill or some politically minded individual, just sharing my thoughts.
Biologically ants don't kill other ants unless it threatens the colony. Best chances of surviving for species are that they don't kill your society members, idiot.
>It's really only a select few places in the world that are less violent than the USA.
If you consider the entirety of EU as a single entity, sure.
But that's also not the point. The point is that it would quickly go sideways if these people were allowed to kill whoever they wanted to. Look at some of the worst shitholes in the world. Notice how they all have rampant and unanswered killings? And barely any infrastructure?
Being against killing is good for society as a whole, and is overall a better deal for the individual as a result. Sure, it's not all flowers and roses, but it's definitely the best case scenario.
Working with 2 Russians, can confirm. They left the country due to how shitty it is, and trust me, no one in Russia thinks their current form and legal system is good, or even average, and all of them believe the country is speeding towards a cliff at breakneck speed. All due to how little the government cares about these types of things.
But then, a lot of their infrastructure issues comes from being commies, or so I hear. Turns out that a select few being in full control of all means of production, is really bad, because these few never fully know what they are doing.
Violation of self ownership/NAP is a good one. Also is based
>No. I feel entitled to do whatever I want. People are not.
Yeah okay you’re just an edgelord.
Nah that’s not logical at all. Surgery is good but the pain from surgery is bad. That’s why we focus so much attention on anesthesia and pain management, so surgery produces as little pain as possible.
Sometimes you need to cull the herd
>I was talking about pain in general.
>Give one (1) reason why killing another human being
When your argument is completely shut down and you have nothing left to go on, so you change gears and argue about something else entirely.