The White Italian Ariana Grande has passed the Beaner Mexican Selena Gomez in most followers on Instagram Press V for Victory for the White Race

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who the fuck even cares?

Kill yourself for making this pathetic thread you fucking mongoloid


Normies are incomprehensible

>thank u, next
is she saying she's a whore ?

Ariana Grande is a literal occultist
Fuck off OP

She's talking about all her Ex's that either killed themselves or went insane
>thank you, axe

that makeup-mutts are different people? sage

They have no God so they idolize celebrities in an unhealthy and sinful manner


>The White Italian Ariana Grande

Kek, fuck you

It’s beautiful

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Kek nice b8.
But seriously, social media was a mistake. Stop using it and delete your accounts.

have you considered killing yourself yet?

Selena is bae

can we purge them both instead?

A thread died for this OP.
Have you no shame?

Selena Gomez is a trad mestizo with proper values
The other thing is a coal burner.

Yes, yes, our plan is working.
Selena will be desperate and do a spread in Penthouse. (Because playboy got cucked after Hef died)
Playboy to answer suit will publish a spread with Ariana to get her throne back.

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>White Italian Ariana Grande
>americans call that white

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ahhh now i get it. she's a cheeky little cunt isn't she ?

She's a spaghetti spic

>White Italian Ariana Grande

i weep for the state of the world

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How much would you make from 146 million followers?

The chad mediterranean vs the virgin spic

Just came to pol after a 5 year hiatus, im afraid to scrolll down since this is the first post im seeing so far. Jesus Christ

She's barely white. She has fully adopted the nigger culture.

Arian grande is north african, tunisians i think, and also greek

neither of them are white and instagram is for niggers

not an happening.
Celeb news aren't for Jow Forums this isn't a tabloid

Selena is whiter than Ariana

Stupid. She hates Americans- was caught on vid and everything. I wish they'd just kill themselves instead.

Everyone wants to be brown, sweetie :^)
That's the power of melanin.

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i dont recognize these people

Selena has been my 3dpd waifu since Wizards of Waverly place.
I find the way she keeps other thots around to harvest their organs arousing

>The White Italian Ariana Grande

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>white italian
She's a fucking kike

>One roastie is better than the other roasite
>Pls care goyim

KYS fucking kike

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"Ariana Grande Talks Kabbalah" written by Anne Cohen.

Is our boy pewdiepie still above the indians?

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Imagine being so desperate for attention that you post off-topic threads just for replies from anonymous people. Go to the store and bother the cashier with small talk. Go play an online game and spam chat. Go do anything but what you're currently doing.

Fucking mudbloods.

But Italians are White

Who is Selena Gomez? Isn’t that the ex-gf of Justin Bieber?

aren't they both 'white'?
isn't the one like really darkening her skin tone with make up these days?

Just because someone has light skin we don't say they're white you retarded americano. Features matter

What kind of ransom would a guy have to pay to delete their accounts? The attention withdrawals would bee amazing.

>Hurr the White girls that wishes she was nog and darkens her skin to look mulatto is beating a white Hispanic qt, Victory!

It’s not Ariana’s fault that her White Italian Ass had a Concert just so Muhammad can blow it up >:’O

>was a*

Selena Gomez is half Italian tho.

>pretending this hard to look cool
Hanz it’s ok

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>1 normie pop singer has more followers than a different normie pop singer

It's the same picture. Italians officially aren't white.

pretty sure Selena is whiter than Grande

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Followers = bots. All this means is Ariana threw more money at it.

She only did it because she larps as a beaner herself

Nah she larps as nigger

lol shes a good whore.

>The 'Gram
we live in a society

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This, fuck your follower count. You faggots are a laughing stock,

why are mexicos so good at social media?

how da fuck are any of those two mexicans the most followed people on IG?? I expected it to be taytay or some other white celebrity like michael jackson or something.. I am guessing S.G was among the first celebrities to sign up?