The absolute state of (((America)))


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With jews you lose

US Politics are a sitcom with an all Jewish cast.

What droopy (((loser)))

How is that woman not in prison?

la goblina...

>A Jew questioning a Jew
Typical in American politics.


Fucking hell...

Now to just stop Kushner and Genie Energy.

Because our justice system is a fraud and the US government is illegitimate


cohen doing as he is told or its off to prison for 70 years and his family on the streets

now that's what I call collusion

Thanks Trump!

for nothing

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I m I watching Seinfeld oh wait it s the ZOGressional hearings.

She's got wealth & connections.
Much like Trump.
And Epstein.

Donald Cuck is a wimp.

Chad Hillary kills everyone who she dislikes from Kennedy to people who know to much. Everyone is frightened to say bad things about her.


ikik its a circus

Yep just a reminder, she's the only person who rigged an election. It was cringe when she called out the Venezuela for rigged elections.

No fucking way!!!!!

That cunt is DONE SOON!!!!!!

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Wassermanschultz was in charge of the DNC and they hacked her account...

She also conspired to get Hiliary the nomination over Crazy Bernie even though crazy bernie won the popular vote in the primary.

this is the dumbocrat party....joos, NIGGERS and lying ignorant kunts!

If anything.......millions of votes went to TRUMP!

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>The absolute state of (((America)))

London is all NIGGERS, pakis and muslims....

Go fukkk yourself, britbong faggot!

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Is that the one lady who has topless photos with the hardcore tan lines

her hair looks like a wet mop

NPC News can't even spell

although seeing this ""woman"" the texter ought to have an epileptic episode by the hair alone. Can you imagine beeing Mr. Schulz and waking up to this...without makeup..

That goddamned kike should have been hanged last year. I guess we're going to have to remove the jew parasite ourselves. They're begging us to do it, just like they did every other fucking time it happened.

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*quiet honking from afar*

J*ws are above the law UNLESS they fuck over another j*w (see Bernie Madoff). Just like vampires.

What a retarded Jewish circus is Amerimuttca
The sooner people realize all Jews need todie, the better.

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why am I so hungry?

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this should be the motto on our currency

Laws that apply to us Goyim do not apply to Jews.

Because you faggots refuse to hold her accountable.

The 2% who controls Jewmerica

Cohen was a honeypot for the swamp

It's the same in France too...
In the picture, the right wing thinker VS. The left wing thinker... The game is doomed...

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When is she going to be questioned?

Pretty much. It's basically 'Friends' without Chandler.

Driving while listening to the hearing, mueller and dems are crooks and mops, all that tax money spent for this!

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That is one ugly cunt with a head that looks like a toilet scrubber.

I wouldn’t even mouth fuck that.

Why do they both look Jewish to me?

because they are

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Don't you ppl think, his 'change of mind' has something to do with them beating him up and breaking his arm, punching his face, circa a month or so ago ?

Link : random link, the first i found on google:

The beat him up, are threatening him. Mafia intimidation tactics at play.

>He said he would do and say ANYTHING to protect his family
He literally said it in his opening statement. He said he would do and say ANYTHING to protect his family.

So it's confirmed ...
You'd say that too, if they came for you, tortured you, and told you to do so or your children "could have some horrific accident" or something like that.

It is EXTREMELY obvious, that the deep state threatens him and blackmails him to bring him to make up anything against trump !

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That's one of the most extreme examples of coalburner hair I have ever seen

Please, enlighten us, which utopian part of the US you live in?

Auschwitz was built by the polish government to house the polish army.

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holy shit what a damn beast

Seinfeld IRL

Oh fuggggggg

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