Daily reminder that it isn't enough to just know right-wing philosophy

Daily reminder that it isn't enough to just know right-wing philosophy.

You must train your body in lifting and MMA so that you can physically do good in this world as opposed to just being a perpetual opinionated onlooker.

Take the glorious pill

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that guy looks like a fucking freak

why are all Nordics adorable retards
every Scandinavian i know is a retard yet strangely lovable: golden twink, pewdiepie, varg

and yet he's living a redpilled lifestyle instead of just collecting useless opinions he'll never act on.

I watched some of this guys videos. He seems pretty cool. But doesn't he use steroids?

who's the guy? How do I achieve such abs?

not yet. He said he has no moral problem with steroid use and his current strength levels and how long he's been at them suggest a slow steady progress, normal for a natty at the upper limits of strength

What's wrong with him exactly? Of all the stunningly beautiful men in the world he is one I least want to sex.

Is the Swede meme real? Are they really not men anymore?

his brother is an unironic super chad


Fetal alcohol syndrome
His brother got lucky


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Every time someone posts a person to Jow Forums who looks a bit off, some cunt always says "fetal alcohol syndrome". Looks nothing like fetal alcohol syndrome, it's just how his face turned out yer dafty.

This lifestyle is just therapy.

There's no such thing as "right wing" philosophy

Train your mind


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He ain't natty though.
If you ain't natty, you don't get to preach iron pill.

Based and redpilled.

Enough with the skinny autistic fags in MAGA hats. It’s time to push back.

Agreed with everything except the right-wing philosophy part.
Fascists suck cause they view everyone as a group before they even make contact, and that's the height of their technology.

Tbh the gym culture is full of narcissists and brown people.
That's not to say there's no redpilled guys there but you're going to be surrounded by browns, especially MMA because all the gyms are full of Mexicans with high and tight haircuts.

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A lot of the guys on Jow Forums became homosexuals via lifting narcissism followed by body dysmorphia.

>bigger than me means he isn't natty


If he blew up in a couple years you could say that but he's been lifting consistently for a long time.
Strongman comps are full of old guys that've been lifting since highschool. Turns out building muscle takes time, which sucks because beginner gains blow you up in a year and then it feels like a constant plateau.
Also expect to get dunked on in an MMA gym for about a year straight.

that dude is ugly as shit though

Currently bulking to bounce feminists off me who don’t fuck out the way.

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yeah, and he has been lifting for a long time. He's 30 and his squat is still in the 400-500 range last I checked, which is really natty

Do you also have to have a face like a pig horse dog hybrid?

Are you gay?

That's all fun and games until a homeless guy with nothing to lose pushing her into oncoming traffic

At least she'll die a martyr


I thought they didn't want men making concessions such as moving politely out of the way, holding doors open, lifting heavy things? She's trying to assert herself here by....hoping men will do a thing that she doesn't want them to do?

Eat well, this you can asure to check you get all the required vitamines from your food.

Second is protein

Thrid is training them

I use abs as a buffer workout everytime I get sour on other muscles. So instead of resting I do abs.

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He thinks Horus Heresy is a well written work of art, and not the nerdy male version of romance novels.

Where/how do I start with the workouts?
I'm dumb when it comes to this stuff. I eat good but I'm no Adonis.

Looks like you're holding your stomach in.

Depends. If you can do it on your own, just go to the gym and lift weights, ask a trainer to help.

However if you want something with more routine to follow then P90x3 to start (30 minute videos a day) for 90 days and diet to build up a base strength.

Then switch to body beast which will be no cardio and all weight lifting to gain muscle


Water and loads of it, 2 eggs for breakfast and the most nutricious, seedy and protein/fiber bread you can find. Some Scandinavians eat "rugbrod" slavs do it too, can't remember their word for it.

Eat your eggs with the bread, 1 150ml glass of water before you have eaten (make sure to chew well!) and one 150ml after you have ate.

Drink water whenever hungry and don't eat anything besides apples, bananas. Cucumber, cellary, pears and other fruit/vegetables between meals. (every fruit/vegetables, one 150ml of water)

For the 12 'o clock meal, tuna about 150-175Grams. If you can buy fresh fish do that. Since alu cans are TOXIC AS SHIT.

Make sure to walk atleast 10k steps a day, (no its not alot, get a grip mate)

Eat whatever you want for dinner "with moderation"

Give it 1 month, for cleanse of unneeded é numbers and other "litteraly" shit.

You should lose atleast 1kg at first,

After second month you will lose more and more weight.

I am 195cm high and weigh about 80-85 kilos, I'm not ripped I'm not bulky I'm just normal, this is more than enough to leave the zone of no gf.

Now if you want to get ripped too, go to Jow Forums this is not a place for eating guides or anything else, but since most of you are too far to even move the mouse, here you go. Now quit ordering domino's, it's shit BTW. Really disgusting too. "I worked there"

I wish you luck and remember. Why spend money on prostitutes when a suit and a drink in town is enough to get a wet pussy home.

See this one

>fighting people is "good"
>take the vanity jew
>take the fighting jew

you suck

Drink atleast 2.5-3.7 L of water, depending on your weight.

That wasn't a compliment. You look soft all over.

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daily reminder that Jow Forums will turn on this guy. You will hate him at some point. Most of you nigger loving faggots will find some odd conspiracy style link to him being a jew or doing something degenerate.

In fact I'm waiting for the threads that call him a gay shill for the lgbt racket.

His body is great but face is so off

Trump supporters are such specimen...

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This guy looks like the tranny from the Gamestop

>when a suit and a drink in town is enough to get a wet pussy home

Walking around in a suite all day for no particular reason is not doing well here

Also, if you're a fighter, lifting is fucking retarded.

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Do you even work out?


If he does, it must be minimal. Otherwise he might have a hard time gaining muscle mass.

Lol saved.

>Look guys am I le traditional male yet or what?

>I wish you luck and remember. Why spend money on prostitutes when a suit and a drink in town is enough to get a wet pussy home.

My soul died a little just by reading this

I actually did some boxing. It was incredibly hard for me to close the distance and hit someone without getting hit back. Some people are born with a fighting instinct, and I don’t think that’s me. The only time I would do well is if it was against somebody who is sparing for the first time

Increases in tendon and bone strength is nothing to scoff at.
You just won't be lifting for size, and unless you plan on competing it's a moot point.
MMA is fun maybe an amateur fight or two under your belt, but I've seen the stupid knocked into professional fighters too much to think professional level fighting is worth it.
Look at Mohammed Ali towards the end of his life, staggering around behind coke bottle glasses, just awful stuff really.

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Kickboxing solves that desu, if you can't reach you can kick the shit out their legs.
Guy want to hang back shitty leg kicks all day, also you are going to get btfo for like a year until you actually pay attention to the coaches and ask for advice.

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>training hand to hand for self defense

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Military sports > Gymqueens

This faggot has never taken a real punch in his life. Like all alike think they're Muhammad Tyson Rambo Ali...

How many sit ups one needs to do in order for his abs to be able to deflect 9mm?
And 5.56?

You're russian, you're born with that ability.

Just training is for cucks. You gotta compete too.

isn't this the guy that roleplays killing hillary supporters while playing skyrim

>You must train your body in lifting and MMA
>Not cardio and endurance
Not that lifting is bad, it just will provide you 0 (zero) benefit in modern combat.

ITT: Couch crusaders from both sides of the aisle justify being involved in their own retarded ideology that they will endlessly push until someone makes it happen for them

add hiking even if it means lifting less. spend time outside.
