>the government is giving neo-shamans massive amounts of DMT to communicate with the machine elves / extradimensional beings

I'm done DMT and been believing this ever since the Hillay emails mentioned benevolent extra dimensional beings.

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Other urls found in this thread:

im an occasional lucid dreamer.
the "other" side" is real,paranormal is normal

Because they're actually all demons. There's no "benevolent extra dimensional being" other than God and Jesus Christ

Remember the best way of smoking dmt is in an e-hookah type device. I bought the smok 22 for $15. Just dissolve 1 gram of dmt into 2 ml of non-nicotine vape juice and your set. No bad taste or smell, and you can break through in 2 hits with the push of a button.

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what about angels?
i think they're made of light. like bio-photons.
some say theyre"Inmaterial", but i think theyre made of a non-atomic material

This is highly possible

OP is a stupid beaner who thinks that any being that is "benevolent" toward Hillary is a good being

Alex Jones might just be fully insane

Have you tried DMT?

1 billion Hindus disagree

>the government is giving neo-shamans massive amounts of DMT to communicate with the machine elves

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Bullshit, most just don't like you for your content of character.

Boy has today been a wild ride.

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I'm a shaman and I aint getting no free drugs

>le blue man
hindus are tantric which is an excuse for sex
true religions embrace celibacy

have you tried stopping your heart for 5mins and pumping oxygen into your blood so you can talk to elves about technological advances?

1 billion Hindus are also confused and enraged by the idea of potty training

Maybe, pic related looks like a machine elf.

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that doest even relate to my post.

Correct, meant for

No, but I don't doubt it has been done before.

Came to say this. Devils can masquerade as angels of light
Demons are angels. They're definitely material in some way, but I agree that they're probably non atomic. They exist in the next dimension, or the spirit realm, or whatever you want to call it. They can see us, but we can only see them if they let us
They're wrong, and they unknowingly worship demons

Alex Jones says that shit atm live

What email,got link?

> uncritically accepting what you see from DMT and taking it all literally
Unearned "wisdom" is dangerous and shouldn't be trusted. The only use hallucinogenics might have is to help you work through stuff you know but don't understand. Even then, there's probably better ways.

DMT is just another psychedelic. You can get similar effects from heroic doses of shrooms or thumbprint doses of LSD.
The true redpill is Zionists are trying to build the third temple and every single US politician is under AIPAC/MOSSAD/ISRAELI control, including Trump.
OP is a faggot.
>I've done DMT
Wow welcome to 2011. I did DMT five times before senior year of High School. Who hasn't?

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Checked. Praise the Lord


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They are indeed benevolent, it feels as if they care for you.

Besides, have you read the "canonical" description of some angels? Its all whack.

The ultimate red-pill is that various drugs and social license are allowed along cyclical periods throughout history to further progress. It's popularized and let loose and harvested for the creative things that occur. The fact that various drugs are being hyped up ATM are indicative of a realization that society is grinding to a halt and a desire to push beyond the current rut.

Garbage in Garbage out though....
Some will get nothing.
Others will get something.

Based post.
Third temple will be delivered.
It's along the cycle were in.
Only various people know the design.
It's not what most people think.
Jews will play a role as will others.

Just because you have a trip doesn't mean you'll understand what you've seen.
A lot of people will be lost in such experiences.

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I’ve blasted off on DMT several times and never saw any “beings”, just tons of fractals and weird flags. Maybe because I’m an atheist.

Not everyone sees the same things

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>I N S T A L L G E N T O O
has it code of conduct compliance?

The Machine Elves might simply be TRYING to look like the wheels.

How the hell do you druggies even find this stuff

I've got the opportunity to try it. Should I?

How attractive are Machine Elves?

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you extract it yourself

They are way smarter than all humans and can overjew any of you. I would like to see them fuck you retards but you share the same planet with me.

This jewish bullshit is an occultist scam

John 3:13 And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.

14 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up

Matthew 6:22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

23 But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!

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Kundalini is often described as a dormant serpent energy coiled up at the base of the spine.
Revelation 5:1 And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals.

2 And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof?

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You guys would help more people if you posted the plain English versions.
A friend have me the easy to read version and it won me over

Wait what email stuff about extra dimensional beings? Must have missed that one.

Our goverments are literally consulting demons

No wonder things are so fucked up

a repost because this seems to end threads:

"how do you stop hiding from your self? it is certainly not do you even define it? I am aware of the comparative frame between a digital and physical world, but that's not what I mean. The only thing that has ever been trustworthy to me is my intuition, but I don't even know what my intuition really is. where did it come from? I am navigating this world using only human senses, and am aware of this, but am not aware of the force that has granted me the power of thought, the ability to render waves to particles, or the origins of these forces. What was the first ever thought, and how was it conceived?? How do we define this existence in the absence of this explanation, and finally, where is my energy going?? is it created by the self, it it imbued by the machinery of the human body?"

was replied with "You’re looking too much into it. Maybe your thoughts aren’t what you think you are. But you have them. Embrace them. You were meant to"

Of course, I'm not sure I know how to do anything else, or even perceive it from my frame of reference.
maybe, but in this fractal experience, all is one; and through this all advancements of humanity have been achieved, coupled with our thoughts. if all laws of nature are bound by these fractal mathematics, and observations of the workings of reality are observable on all scales, then logically it follows that through the study of the self, the manifestations of mind on all dimensions and their relationship with each other can be extrapolated to create a working model of the element of thought itself, and it's origin, right?? Intuition has led our minds to use this method for so many discoveries before, and the only way I can imagine the element of mind not being subject to this is if we were to discover the mind is the only part of our reality that is not fractal - but how can this be the case when psychedelics trigger geometric visions of fractal proportions, affected by genetics? what about the manifestation of geometry in vibration?

I'm a Christian and I've smoked DMT. I think those elves are like sweeper programs in the simulation that clean up user access from administrative space. They seem to sort you out and bring you back. There are demonic type things I've seen but the elves seem to have a digital fungus type consciousness that is very far removed from what people normally understand. They are a function of God and are not malevolent, they serve a purpose.

1 Corinthians 10:21
You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too; you cannot have a part in both the Lord’s table and the table of demons.

Alex has been playing out how the enemy works with more and more clarity since he started supporting Trump. He like trump publicly asked for gods help. Ever since then he has bursts of truth that shatter conciousness. Listen carefully he is telling you about your enemy.

Ive smoked DMT multiple times and have never seen any elves or demons, it was like looking through a kaleidoscope. You lose you motor skills and vision is impaired. The only time ive seen "beings" was when I took 4 grams of mushrooms, thats when I thought I was seeing demons leeching onto people.

What the fuck does this post even mean? I feel like you just raped my eyeballs with random words.

They have dmt vape now. Instant dimensional travel in a pen.

t. schizopisting drug addict wetback

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But race-mixing is still bad right?

Yeah I dunno so many things effect the filter in which you perceive those states. Those were demons if they where sucking on people. Not dick sizing but I've smoked DMT hundreds of times. I use to smoke it every day. I've also eaten LSD, MDMA, mushrooms each most likely 100s of times and some good 2CB trips as well. I use to consider myself a new age energy pagan but now returned to my childhood religion of Catholicism. If anyone wants to ask me about entities, simulation model of reality, demons or what I perceived Jesus in a psychedelic view I'll try my best to answer.

>cunt in id
sounds about right

Well some of those things arnt demons in the biblical sense, there are these bacteria leech things that follow people around and eat negative energy. If they get into your head they can trigger a person's perspective to be negative to feed, they can also attach and kinda cum in your brain to create a symbiotic shit relationship. Some people are infested with those things and those people usually have hardcore traditional demons as well.

>2CB trips
I use to take that every weekend in college with my genius buddy who is a chemist.
I getting confirmed this Easter.

I agree, user. Maybe I didnt actually breakaway, I dont plan trying it again anytime soon. Glad to hear there are fellow polacks returning to the church as well.

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Ive heard of these type of entities. Every sin causes a piece of your soul to be stolen by the devil, purgatory is a hospital for the soul.

Arma la tau anima

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>to my childhood religion of Catholicism
>anyone wants to ask me
Yes, let's talk. Why Catholicism?

Looks like more than 10th tier

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Did you need to get exorcised?

>i think they're made of light. like bio-photons.
If I'd have to guess, I'd that they are a kind of coherent condensed plasma


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Post the wikileaks link or gtfo. I can't find it on there.

Good stuff man I started going to church again recently but I started reapplying my childhood programming and its evolved my spiritual perspective beyond what I could have imagined. I'm getting reconsiliation soon so I can participate in the Eucharist.
2CB is wild shit, I would snort like 40 mgs and completely lose my vision in the klaidoscope roar.

Yeah I believe they exist to eat up the energy so if your negative all the time they follow you around and can infect your brain and turn you into a host and infect others in that way.

It's my culture and it's the most true of anything I've experienced. It gives you hardcore protection against evil and it encompasses everything in this reality when you understand the symbolism. There is nothing that exists that they dont address. It describes the whole and the tools to navigate it to upload your data to God without it getting corrupted by Satan.

I did not but I've had to slay the person I was. A part of you is a demon in the Jungian sense of the shadow and in following the path of Christ the perpetual war with your personal demon can strengthen your soul I believe so you never get rid of that thing you learn to use it to sharpen your spiritual blade.

You said that you perceive Jesus in a psychedelic sense, can you expand on that? what is his relation to the singularity and the machine elves? who is Satan?

I like you, user. God bless you.

based and Christpilled

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Jesus I perceived was the sense of ultimate bliss existing in the heart of man. When he died he updated reality and a part of his soul exists in everyone to help our souls upload into God. The machine elves are far out things that serve functions in the simulation like data recycling or energy transfers. Jesus's relationship to them is not my business but they all seem to exist in bliss so I imagine they are cool. Satan was an Angel that was jealous of God and tries to corrupt our data from joining God to be a slave in his simulations. The singularity is God at a certain point in space in time but time doesnt exist when you die so everything is happening everywhere all the time. The singularity I imagine is the creation point and the most intense place to be.

Thanks brother God bless you too.

>2CB is wild shit, I would snort like 40 mgs


t. snorted 2c-b

Is it easy to get dmt and shrooms in England? Or should I go for an online market?

Yeah the pain would turn into intense buzzing then that buzzing would engulf my head and then my whole body. Like if my phone was on vibrate in my pocket I wouldn't be able to tell. It's very euphoric more so I think than MDMA.

Jesus is the sense of ultimate bliss*
I meant to say in the first sentence. I'm phone posting and trying to cook sry.

I'm with chu hokmes

machine elves told me to get smart about the cuestión judía

Jesus Christ is a machine elf, one among thousands

Someone redpill me on DMT. Co.pared to eating 4 grams of mushrooms or 2 tabs of lsd of a massive hit of 40x salvia what is DMT like and look like and how u do it ect.

Also doing 2CB like that was very much like a slowed down DMT trip that lasts 5 hours.

post resulting tendies please

DMT is nothing like other psychedelics. Absolutely impossible to compare to LSD, mushrooms, peyote etc.

I would, but wouldn't recommend. Everyone talks about machines elves, but all I saw is that we were in one big zoo/farm in the vein of The Matrix, Dark City, Westworld, etc... Not exactly a pleasant trip.

my machine elves usually just look like clowns of different colors but strangely the same shape and friendly disposition

they also seem to project their thoughts, they don't speak, they "show" you things and for some reason you understand them immediately

everyone wants to talk to god, but they'll never find me because I just want to be left alone

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go to Peru and pay a shaman 20 bucks

Maybe you’re not a good shamen ever think of that?

Many people cannot handle their entire conscious turned inside out to be examined and anthropomorphize their thoughts and feelings into personalities while under the influence of the major psychedelics. That's my guess anyway after 1000s of hours through the looking glass.

>It describes the whole and the tools to navigate it to upload your data to God without it getting corrupted by Satan.

are you saving yourself for marriage?

its not like hallucinating, with shit breathing and moving around. its not delusional, with cats walking around and talking to people who arent there. It's like being transported into another world built on crazy geography and colors with little beings tinkering about. A lot of people report "going to the same place". That's on a decent dose though. A light dose will just make colors a lot more VOOMPF and maybe some closed eye visuals. It looks like shards of glass shooting out from a central point, sometimes its a powder. You usually freebase it, that is vape it or put it in a crackpipe.

My cameras jacked I cant.

Not my personal AMA. Discussing psychedelics and religious subjects.

Ultimate redpill: Smart psychopaths will always win, nice people or peaceful societies doesn't stand a chance

To be honest this sounds like willy wonka chocklate factory. Could the DMT just be rushing your consiousness through every memory you have and that one got talked about by 2 people than 3 than 4 ect. I was in Donkey Kong 64 off salvia once. Shit grows wild here. I had an entire hefty bag at one point.

Which god?

EVen Christianity has lesser beings (i.e. angels). You're dumb as fuck, man

provided you believe that dmt allows communication with extradimensional beings, you can'r rule out that humans have an afterlife. i wonder, in the eternity after death, how much winning will they do there? they don't stand a chance.

also mutual cooperation and benefit makes civilization itself possible. a society of assholes isn't going to work, they at least have to get along with each other. even the most violent warlike societies in the world were filled with people who just wanted a stable world to raise a family in. the people actually fighting the war always believe themselves the good guys on both sides, few exceptions.
edgy psychopaths like you can only start wars, normal people finish them

i mean its not like a demon would just lie and call himself an angel to fool you. no, that couldn't happen right?

What if there was an extradimensional angler fish and its lure was shaped like a crucifix?

The nature of existing outside of physical space means that it could fool you 100% of the time, every time