Are the French considered Nords or Meds?

Are the French considered Nords or Meds?

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50/50, best of both worlds

arab and negro

I've never actually seen a white French person, most of them look like berbers and Algerians mixed with west africans, I always thought Zidane was french, turns out he's algerian.

Northern (especially around Normandy and Brittany) are nordic as hell
South of Orleans is mostly med.

it's actually quite astonishing. we are witnessing in real time what happened to both Grease and Italy. if you look back at photos of the French from the 1700s there were many blonde French men. today they are a rarity for sure.

I spoke with a French girl and asked her if she thinks they will become a minority (leading question). She told me "I think we already are"

They are considered faggots and cucks

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mix of celtics and meds. and no they are not nords ( germanics). never was. maybe north east france and elsaß-lothringen.

>a county
It's not one nation, user

same goes for your kind tho. i personally ( in real life ) have never seen a white english man. they all had dark hair and brown eyes. which makes me wonder, because you guys should be germanic as fuck thanks to saxons. but for some reason you are not. makes no sense.

The high north and the far eastern parts are Nordic, most parts of Normandy. Center is sub Nordic; Celto-nordic mixes. The rest, center southern down, italic, Celtic, Iberian, littoral, and dinaric.


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DNA proved you wrong
Because you're a Russian rapebaby now France has a purest celto-germanic blood than the Germans.

Frogs & Meds

OK, just to settle things : I'm not an ethnic French, since I have a slavic background.
I guess both of them, plus Celtic in some areas ofc, depends where you are from. You can find various profiles from one region to another.
He's Kabyle, they're genetically quite close to South europeans and many aren't mixed with Arabs.
I've always wondered if your race mixed with horses, yet I don't spit on you without a reason.
I'd tend to disagree. For instance, there was a huge germanic settlement near Toulouse, due to wisigoth. German seed spread all around France, unfortunately.
Nice b8

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French are Gauls (celtic people) conquered and submitted by Franks (gemanic people), speaking a Romance (celtic-italic language family).

So, French are celts, R1ab Y-DNA HG, speaking near Romance language, and being ruled by germanic elite (just take a look where is Paris).

Med is pre-Hitler era terminology, bro.

about 5% of german women have been raped. average pregnancy chance is 14%.

of those 14% who got pregnant, over 90% either aborted or killed themselves.

>all germans are russians now


>photos from the 1700s
I literally can't

sorry, I meant paintings

They're Celts

Oh fuck I didn't notice, keked hard on this one.

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>ruled by a Germanic elite
This was true maybe 1000 years ago at latest

>OK, just to settle things : I'm not an ethnic French, since I have a slavic background.
honest question. pls no troll and answer honestly.

why do slavic people always shit on other countries especially succesful countries. why do they always go to places like germany, sweden, france, england etc. why do they always talk about slav power and pride, slavs stronk and shiet. why are they aways leaving their slavic countries then? if there country isnt that much of a shithole, then why leave and move to those ' shitty countries' ??