Holy fuck its over

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>Trump pays his lawyer.

>retainer fee
It's literally nothing

You mean his lawyer didn't work for free?
The Beginning of the End
Walls are closing in
Tick tock

I can't believe it is finally over.....


cohen actually said it was a retainer during the hearing. lmaooooo

Jews btfo

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We only have the word of a convicted perjurer (Someone who lied under oath, thereby introducing false evidence) that says otherwise.

>Trump gave money to his Lawyer!
>Its over!

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invoice mother fuckers. you don't just pay money out like that with no paper trail unless something is going on.


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>and no cents
Tottaly evil.

What a scrub. All my high end jew layers work for me for free. Trump needs to get on my level.

>Memo: keep that whore quiet


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No paper trail. Check...

I hope you choke to death on your boyfriend's cock.

This jew OP makes a good point.. I'm a HILLDAWGGER now!!!11

i don't get how trump can be defended on this one. Money was paid to a whore. That is a fact, are we meant to believe that Cohen (a jew) paid her out of the goodness of his heart? Serious question.

>it's ok donny i got this one

INVOICE. Why did that money go out? What determined the amount and the date? What was the agreement if it was not a back-hander? These should be easy fucking answers.

They are easy. It's a retainer. Cohen admitted to this.

Then this retainer agreement should exist in terms of a contract. Where is this contract? You can't take a shit without the tax man sniffing it.

>ima paayyy youuuuu...?..?uhhhh....thirty...?five...thoudand dollars. kthnkx bro

it doesn't work like that

>out of pocket
>after Cohen dipped into campaign money on his own accord to pay a literally whore to shut up
>this is called reimbursement
>which isn't illegal

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More at 5 Bob, back to you.

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>1 post by this ID

its on the original check

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>Trump paid his lawyer a retainer fee
>ermahgerd, you guys, its ogre

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It's only for 35k you fucking pleb

the best part?
that whore then had to pay Trumps legal costs.


The way your campaign contribution laws work is like this:
I'm running for office and I own a small company. The election is tomorrow. Today I give a thousand dollars bonus to each of my employees so I can look good and get more votes. This is, according to the statue, NOT a campaign contribution, and eventually, not any type of campaign violation.
So everytime you see someone on TV talking about "intention", you know that a moron speaking. Unless the paying is something exclusive to campaign matters, the motivation for it is irrelevant.

holy fuck you think i give a shit!

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Paying blackmail with your own money is not illegal. Thanks for your low IQ comment, we don't need any further evidence of your stupidity.

>you kill someone
>you pay your lawyer to say you didn't
>this, in itself, is illegal
you are an absolute retard


Gibs some then honkey.

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actually it does, it's on the lawyer or whoever is receiving the money to pay the taxes on it, not the person supplying the check, you idiot

Wow he paid his retainer to a person in his employ. Devastating.



That's not really proof of wrongdoing.

Next time you post this nonsense, at least shop in a memo line reading: pussy grabbing hush hush

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kek this

Holy shit, is that Big Smoke?

>pay lawyers to say you didn't


Trump paid his shyster kike lawyer who handled the dirty shit that actual lawyers didn't want to touch?
This is epic

Lmao this is the best they can come up with? The Mueller probe must have failed terribly because even this is desperate.

That is why he didn't provide the invoice. It would have said something like "Quarterly retainer". And reviewing earlier invoices, you probably would have found one every 3 months for $35,000 saying "quarterly retainer". And a few other invoices for expenses which exceeded the amount of the retainer.

literally all they have is fake ass Cohen to generate clips for the fake news. it is OVER

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If Cohen only charged 35k to cover up Russian collusion, damn, he works cheap. Most lawyers at his level won't even pick up the phone for less than 50k.

OP yet again proves that he is indeed, a faggot. Sage


>Trump paid lawyer

He.....paid his lawyer
I'm in the YANGGANG now

It's OVER for drumpfff!!! GET WReCKDE DRUMPFKINS!
~ discord trannies

>Cohen testifies he broke Campaign Finance law
>We have the checks
>We have the Attorney who received the checks
>We have the NDA
>We know he fucked Stormy and the other broad
>We have that NDA too
>We have David Pecker by his Pecker


>Nuh uh, Trump didn't pay off his cum dumpsters in violation of Campaign Finance law that has recently put other elected officials in Prison.

The amount of cope is unreal.

Paying lawyers is like paying for sex.


Drumpf is finished guys.

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>You mean his lawyer didn't work for free?
Leftist think everyone else should work for free but they deserve $15/hour for asking if you'd like to super size your combo meal.


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he didn't. Michael Cohen admitted he did it and Trump never told him to do it, you retard. Are you paying attention at all?

There's zero proof he ever got paid back for it either.

I just want to say, We're going to bankrupt Russia over this shit. Ya'll fucked around and found out, didn't ya?

Just sayin.


Of course. Keep telling yourself that. Keep repeating it in your head. Try not to rock back a forth so much, drooling out of your mouth.

It will all be over soon, sweetie.

Imagine being so cucked you pay your hard-earned cash to a j*w. Serves him right.

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u anal

Looks like you're finally getting some use from that creative writing degree. Which politician, exactly, went to prison for paying blackmail out his own personal funds to some whore he banged? This is going to be good.....

>No paper trail.
There's literally a check.

Stop trying to be obtuse on purpose.

>>Nuh uh, Trump didn't pay off his cum dumpsters in violation of Campaign Finance law that has recently put other elected officials in Prison
Please give the names of these people who were jailed. Put the crack pipe down for a second, and give us the details.


So what is he actually guilty of? As far as I can tell all he did was break a campaign finance law. So he just has to pay a small fine?

I sure hope Trump paid Cohen, slavery is wrong

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Pretty much. But remember. the leftists have the horrible combination of low IQs, miseducation, the fake media, an endless sense of entitlement, infantile rage at not getting what they want, and zero impulse control. They are crazy absolutely worthless and must be purged. Something like the Noah's ark story, but we need to purge them with hot lead and flame instead of water.

>lie to congress over and over


how can ppl believe this guy without any criticis what so ever ? Lol

he's guilty of various things. tax fraud. insurance fraud. campaign violations. witness tampering. high treason. you'll get the full list after he's impeached or 2020 comes and his non-presidential ass gets charged with the full force of the law.

He is guilty of nothing. Stop relying on CNN for your education about taxes and law. IT only makes you look REALLY stupid.

Tax fraud - an IRS issue. They found none
Insurance fraud - none
Campaign violations - none
Witness tampering - none
High treason - Trump did not conspire with a nation we were at war with to defeat the US.
Why don't you give me your home address, so I can take your annoying ass out, you piece of trash.

Even if that was for nefarious purposes, that evidence doesn't prove anything other than that he gave his lawyer money.

If I run a lemonade stand and you buy lemonade from me and the cops start investigating both of us, I can't just claim that the money you gave me was to pay for a prostitute.

Ladies, and gents, this is AOC’s base right here

>Holy fuck its over
Trump actual broke a very clear law around how you're allowed to behave in a political campaign. He's going to jail for this for sure. Who would even defend him on this stuff?

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>INVOICE. Why did that money go out? What determined the amount and the date? What was the agreement if it was not a back-hander? These should be easy fucking answers.
If it was done for illegal purposes, then it was done in such a way where there is no paper trail. Considering that this lawyer is a liar and has an incentive to lie about Trump, you can't trust everything he says.

Using his OWN money? Wow, what an amature.

Rich kike showing off he makes more than me in a year with a single paycheck.

Was this the evidence buzzfeed leaked out last month?


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fpbp. Burgers, raise the fuck already.

kys newfag

nice bait, faggot. can't believe people like you even exist, you're so pathetic

>>You mean his lawyer didn't work for free?
Press F to pay respect to the jannie

could you be any more obvious? kek

this sick fuck probably didn't even tip him

you're missing the point. It's only illegal to use campaign funds for non campaign purposes. Trump can pay off whores personally all he wants, as does congress routinely (but they use taxpayer money). The accusation was that trump told cohen to pay her off. His defense was that he paid the money to cohen so that it wouldn't come out of the campaign funds. Trump paying cohen for the payoff is what makes it legal, not illegal.

Check wankers btfo

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>oh shit cohen will testifies
....2 hours later....
>oh, is fucking nothing

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Dude he makes more in a week than most people make in a year, don't compare yourself to people at his level of wealth.


Hush money isn't illegal, money used for things that are a campaign benefit AND personal benefit are not campaign expenditures. Even if he got slapped by the FEC it would still amount to nothing.

this also

I shit you not i shitposted on FB abc stream of this, got nearly 200 notifications, im still trying to read all the comments i got. Fucking great time lads i recommend for anyone to just go shitpost pro trump bullshit during livestreams of news its the fucking best the salt literally comes to you, no digging necessary!

I really don't care if he paid of 500 of them, do you?