Assblasting central, reporting in

Assblasting central, reporting in.

Attached: serb pepe.png (900x900, 794K)

Other urls found in this thread:Первый_болгарский_легион's_seizure_of_poweröprülü_family

Is Bulgaria Balkan now?

Is Switzerland Alpine ?

Does the pope shit in the woods?

This shit is going to get moved to Jow Forums or Jow Forums We are not interesting on the political scene. Maybe if our government had spines instead of intestines.

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Balkans should ally with Russia

Attached: zliruski.jpg (720x670, 87K)

Who should we do that.
in 1885, Serbia was aligned with Austria and Bulgaria with Russia, look what happened

In 1912 Serbia was aligned with Russia and Bulgaria with Austria.

Thread theme

Attached: serb bulgar.png (459x360, 13K)

Now we both ally with Russia, duh

Attached: Osvoboditeli.jpg (1200x630, 141K)

Are bulgars a turkic population?

Attached: 4.png (2529x597, 524K)

The root of the Bulgaro-Serbian hostility is foreign meddling, all the way from the times of Byzantium. In the middle ages we spoke the same language and no one genocided each other even after brutal conquests.

Fuck this gay shit, and fuck Russia for not recognizing that Bulgaria paid some greekniggers to create the cyrilic alphabet Russia jerks off to 24/7

Ally (again) with:
> The people who occupied your country executed the gentry and handed power to imbeciles that fuck this place up to this very day
>urged for the creation of Fyromia and ancient fyromians
>Urged the Serbian Tsar to attack Bulgaria during the unification with the promise of land
>Funded communism in my country
>Refuse to give back the pre '44 military archives
>these assholes still believe they "liberated" us from fascism whilist being a monarchy


Attached: Peperincip.png (642x670, 186K)

Retard, don't let your asshurt prevent you from conquering Constantinople alongside the Russians.

10-15% yes, as in the legitimate turks we allowed to stay after 1878. They are localized to the south-east and north-east.

Other than that, you need to ask Russia to return our achives the commies looted in 1944 to know for certain what out ancestry is, and end this meme once and for all.

Attached: 23972362_1967585273497531_1956370389_n.png (743x764, 476K)

Almost happened in WW1, but (((Americans))) and Germans decided to fund a revolution in Petrograd instead

Russians were shit in WW1. The only reason they did decent against the Austrians was because they were somehow worse and Radko Dimitriev defected to Russia.
Sorry for the 1913 cockup, but our tzar was Austrian, your people use this excuse for the 1885 bullshit so I hope you understand.

I've always said that apart from us Bulgarians are the only true state-building Balkanites (Greeks don't really count, being too far south). In that context I never really got the hate between us. Rivalry would be expected, but hate... I mean our mutual history is only expected when you have 2 nations not willing to submit.

No they were a tribe that got assimilated by locals. Similarly to the Finns.
When they elect Boris Nemtsov or someone who cares about the people and does not regard you as his henchmen or enemy maybe
Our government is made up from the old communist ruling class. Result is a russophillic government that pledges allegiance to NATO that tries to follow the bidding of both(Russian and Western interests). As a result the demography of my country is FUCKED (though fucking will likely fix the issue).
I think you are mistaken with the 1st Balkan War when Austro-Hungaria threatened with war when turkish and to some extend serbian units were a few km from Constantinople. We were allied with the Turks to get Fyromia and other lost territories from the 2nd Balkan War.

Attached: Bulgarian_Army_FBW.jpg (1920x1107, 304K)

>Russians were shit
Doesn't matter, had they waited a few months more the Germans would've cracked

stop fighting each other and start killing Turks pls

>When they elect (((Boris Nemtsov)))
Oh shit nigga what are you doing

He ded. Its infuriating knowing that a country like russia would leave a large % of its population live in poverty and spend money on some regime in the middles east or smth. Point was that Russians, Bulgarians and Serbs need politicians that care about their people, not their pockets or some fame in a history book.

Putin just announced new program to fund daycares and encourage the youth to have more children and to stay in the country
But none of that would be possible without their sea access being secure (Crimea and Tartus)
Russia is seeing improvement now that the economy is recovering from 2014 gut punch

Up to 1885 it was pretty timid. And our guerilla units that stirred up that big ass rebellion in 1876 that made Russia declare war on the Ottos, were indeed based in Serbia. If I am not mistaken, Vasil Levsky and Hristo Botev [biggest figures of our liberation movement] do have memorial plates in Belgrad to this day.Первый_болгарский_легион

Here it is, not of Botev but of Rakovsky.

>мфв you will never hijack a Austrian steamer on the Danube to disembark in Ottoman occupid Bulgaria to stir shit up

Attached: picrelated.jpg (1280x1821, 556K)

1885 was Milans straw-grabbing because he was losing power internally and wanted Austrians to prop him up. People didn't want that war and neither did the army. The results were to be expected...


>1885 was Milans straw-grabbing because he was losing power internally and wanted Austrians to prop him up.

Implying our Ferdinant Saxe-Coburg Gotha did not get over-confident on our performance in the first balkan war and refused to pursue a diplomatic solution, leading to a situation similar to 1885.
See what I mean ? Literally a case of "same shit, different asshole" but we never get the hear the end of "muh backstabbery".

Wheres a central europe thread for Croatia?
>Since 2011, the Kremlin has been promoting a multibillion-dollar campaign to modernise Russian cities and towns.
>outside Moscow, redevelopment cash is helping spruce up 40 smaller Russian cities with a combined population of 23 million, stretching from Europe to the Far East, as well historic towns in Russia’s west. Around $1.5 billion has been spent annually to transform rail, streets and squares — with billions more allocated for the future.

Attached: Russian_male_and_female_life_expectancy[1].png (1299x798, 77K)

You belong here, leave the central Europe LARP for slovenokikes and czech meth heads.

We are in a sweet spot for that kind of shit. Just high enough IQ to be able to hold a grudge, but low enough to understand what it's about.
Add to that the geographical location that makes sure no institution or cultural elite can survive for more than half a century and you have a forever going shit-storm. I hope we can change something...

Its time to put down the bow and arrow, vladislav.
>Russia unveils €390 billion plan to overhaul its economy
Digital economy: Increase domestic spending in the sector to three times the 2017 level; ensure at least 90% of softwares used by government institutions and 70% by state-run companies is Russian-made.

Education: Russia to break into the world's 10 leading countries for education.
Demography: Increase the fertility rate to 1.7 per woman from an expected 1.63 in 2019.
Ecology: Reduce the level of air pollution in large industrial centres, including a decrease of at least 20% of total pollutant emissions to the air in the most polluted cities.
Science: Country to become one of the top five destinations for research and development; enhance Russia's attractiveness to "leading foreign scientists" and "young promising researchers."
Exports: Increase export volume of non-energy goods to $250 billion per year from an expected $160 billion in 2019 which represents a 64% increase.

Attached: Natural_Population_Growth_of_Russia[1].png (922x603, 41K)

Come to think of it,Serbs are too brainlet to use an bow and arrow,they literally had no archers in Kosovo battle.

Unfortunately we are stuck for a century and a half into a futile mudfight, which led the intenational jew to take care of us both.

After my 5th trip to Serbia I realized that I am getting away with a ton of shit just because I am a foreigner and you guys need all the foreign cash you can get.
Either this, or it is completely normal to kick gypsies on the central bridge in Nis while drunk and yelling obsenities in torlak dialect.
>Russia scored its biggest local-debt auction on record and foreigners boosted their holdings of the debt for the first time in almost a year, even as the threat of U.S. sanctions lingered.
>Russia has enough reserves to cover almost two years of imports
>Putin instructs State Duma to adopt law on quoting of emissions into atmosphere
>The quota system will encompass Bratsk, Krasnoyarsk, Lipetsk, Magnitogorsk, Mednogorsk, Nizhny Tagil, Novokuznetsk, Norilsk, Omsk, Chelyabinsk, Cherepovets and Chita (AKA the shitholes that always get posted to make Russia look bad)

Attached: Russia-Gold-Reserves-June-2015-April-2018.png (576x348, 31K)

>it is completely normal to kick gypsies
What kind of a horrible country do you live in where this is not normal

You need to kick them more often as they are arrogant as fuck in Nis, literally bumping you with empty popcorn boxes asking for shekels, while even in the wild Bulgarian north-west they do not dare touch you and just stick with kind words. The kicking here is mostly done by the police so civilians dont have to deal with that BS, also you may have a point that it is a good recreational activity.

Stop LARPing

Nemoj mi reci da se nisi nikad pokacio sa Cigicem

>>Funded communism in my country
He is jealous his country has little to no roasties and coalburners
He is jealous his country has little to no illegal immigrants
He is jealous his country has little to no slave labour
He is jealous his country has little to no "foreign investors"
He is jealous his country has little to no privatisation
Wow communism fucking sucked, make Sofia like bongland plox

Hиcaм имao paзлoгa бaш. Maдa пoпpиличнo caм вeлик јoш oд кaд caм клинaц биo пa ce љyди yглaвнoм нe кypчe.

Hang around Nis center and fucking tell me that them little gyppo shits wont be around with their trash ass popcorn boxes in the late afternoon!

Jump off a bridge red trash, Sofia is already bongland level

That didnt take very long post communism didnt it?
>Telling someone to jump off a bridge while you have already jumped off


Attached: smrd.png (1594x842, 912K)

While our ""communist"" regime would certainly apply as borderline ethnostate according to Jow Forums's standarts today with all the gyppo repressions and deporting turks ... the dependence on the Soviet Union fucked us, along the purging of "uncomfortable" individuals in the 40's and 50's, who could have ran the country better than whoever was assigned on the top after licking X number of red assholes.

Attached: Admir.png (612x372, 69K)

Well now it's over, and you've been spared the liberal plague
You have another chance

Dont they call themselve Gjupci ... which is "Egyptians" if I am not mistaken ?
Literally the WE WUZ KANGS of /balk/

Uhm....serbia has much lower HDI than Albania...self-btfo much?

Attached: HDI.png (467x308, 10K)

serbia is also more corrupt than Albania...

Attached: corruption-perceptions-index-2016[1].jpg (1300x1300, 352K)


Attached: WeWuz.jpg (819x1024, 164K)

>and you've been spared the liberal plague

Not really, the resistance to it has just began. Do not underestimate the EU's laws that get imposed on your country upon entering that diabolical organization. I would not wish such fate even to the albanians.

Then why do you niggers keep coming here
And why are all Albanian nationalists posting with American and Italian flags

Attached: KnoTheDifference.png (1600x1200, 1.09M)


Attached: 1532476647730.jpg (600x528, 31K)

serbia also has lower IQ than Albania according to 3 sources....

>IQ and the Wealth of Nations
>IQ and Global Inequality
>Studies of national cognitive ability

Attached: balkansiq.png (484x344, 14K)

Attached: 1530749677957.jpg (640x879, 106K)

Higher number means it's worse you dumbass
Way to confirm the stereotype that you're all fucking retarded

Attached: aids.png (789x612, 84K)

On a objective standpoint, Albos have a more legitimate claim to be egyptians than niggers.
Just saying.

How awkward...why would you post an image if serbia ranks lower than Albania in 3 of 4 metrics presented...? Isn't that a bit of a self-BTFO....?

Attached: ed9[1].png (541x580, 505K)

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Probably because it's 1AM, natural diaspora hours..the real question is why are you screeching about Albanians at 1am in a 10 person thread on a Tuvan throatsinging board..? Is it maybe due to...dare I say it...asshurt?

Attached: kosovo2004.png (154x242, 37K)

Like Egyptians they have strange mating rituals

Attached: AlbanianConception.jpg (1536x185, 140K)

Waiting for Joe Rogan podcast to end
Nice pic, good to see you're stealing memes just like history and land

How can it be servian land if no serves live there...?

Attached: Reconquest.png (3008x1552, 340K)

At least post high quality content.

Notice how with the Indo-Pakistani shit flinging and the Trump lawyer sticky, we are actually having a proper talk instead of being slid 24/7

Hey, that is kino as fuck, I lost my virginity to some slag while "watching" the film "Hamburger Hill" pirated with 360p quality and shit subs in the late 2000's
I fucking wish it was in a bunker.

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How could Albanians be opressed if their population only grew?

Attached: ThinkTank.png (329x160, 37K)

You are long over due for more useful re-arrangement for your atomic structure, being grinded for a good fertilizer comes to mind first.

Attached: 43633174.jpg (800x590, 99K)

fucking dick measuring contest none-sense
just go to war already

>While our ""communist""
Is this the reverse "not communism" unironically?
> the dependence on the Soviet Union fucked us
Terrible just terrible, there is nothing worse and there nothing quite screams dictatorship than being prosecuted for laundering money to Switzerland. I fucking swear why cant we have brown sugar sy- I mean Coca Cola and McDonalds which werent designed to be addictive and didnt have additives that caused diabetes and obesity. Fucking commies, I swear! (Clear exaggeration)
> purging of "uncomfortable" individuals in the 40's and 50's, who could have ran the country better than whoever was assigned on the top after licking X number of red assholes.
Debatable, I dont know much about it that so I dont say much about it.

Alright, I laughed.... good one

there were also forced name changes to sound less muslim

Attached: 2837389.jpg (447x458, 49K)

History can erupt quickly, but eventually things revert back to the baseline. Serves were serfs for 400 years in Kosovo, no? Meanwhile, Serve occupation of Kosovo was short, we'll say 1912-1914 and 1990-2000, at which point history reverted itself again. The natural balance is in order

Actually yes, it is the reverse "not communism". The way shit was ran in the late 60's onwards was low-key nationalistic.

And when I say dependence on USSR, I mean the raw good required to run big industrial plants like Kremikovtsi, Lukoil refineries in Burgas and so on ... instead of focusing on less grand industrial facilities that could be self sustaining even when the USSR went to shit.

And about the late 40's and 50's ... well, shit was so fucked up then with Chervenkov and Kolarov, that it is no wonder a Zhivkov cult emerged. Evertyhing less than satan would be worshipped after that horror.

After all “life” east of Hercegovina is exterminated *

Bulgaria being so close to Turkey would have its problems and done well to expel the Turks would would likely had been involded with the Grey Wolves and Operation Gladio muslim extremists. I was going to say at first that Bulgaria would have been a transit to West Germany maybe it was.

albanians never had any independence
any alphabet
not even worthy to be mentioned by greek historians
when the turks arrived they albos cucked themselves to islam
and today they would be long dead had it not been for the americans
literally what is there to be even proud of as an albanian, hell you don't even live in your country
if i remember correctly the first mention of the albanian language even existing is when describing a criminal

Attached: 1518654120640.png (680x649, 386K)

Why do balkaniggs get triggered so easy?

Attached: albanians removing serbs from kosovo.webm (720x1276, 1.08M)

inbred sandnigger greek/shitalian, abbo gypsy and turanic genetics

>instead of focusing on less grand industrial facilities that could be self sustaining even when the USSR went to shit.
I certainly hope that you did not turn those facilities into scrap metal (literally worse than Africa at least they make their infrastructure run even if it has rusted and over 70 years old). Pre 1990's NATO countries would have appreciated that a great deal than depend on neoliberals and EU corporatists. For instance those plants would have stayed in Bulgaria instead of some primitive capitalist nation (pick one) and be enticed by a race to the bottom. The industrial plants would have provided widespread labour growth spurring the greater economy. Most likely included universal healthcare, universal education, welfare etc which capitalists were more or less conceeded in the capitalist countries as to mitigate full communism (maybe better as the circumstances were far from dire).

As for small self sustaining industry it can be done (le easier said than done) by most nations with relatively small budget allocations (compared to huge industrial plants) I dare say your politians post 1991 capitulated to financiers, bankers and industrialist beyong the communist block who were less than benevolent towards your nation. In other words the Bulgarian governments post 1991 done nothing impressive in that regard.

Said heavy industry decayed and went to shit as it relied on muh free socialists gibs from USSR in terms of raw materiel to run. In the period after 1989, prior to that the reds made sure to purge (read "expel") anyone who was able to run a factory in free market conditions, which led to a level of competitive-ness equal to 0 when it came to contesting the already powerful western markets.
I am not blaming socialism in general for this, but the mindset it imposes and the fact that it simply lost the attrition war.

>politians post 1991 capitulated to financiers, bankers and industrialist

They were not politicians, as a puppet state of USSR we ran on bootlicker peasants with only nominal knowledge on how to do shit. This is the reason everyone hates the reds, the removal of anyone who poses a threat to the 1% on top, it is just the same side of a coin.

Albanians slaughtered the centuries old Mamluk dynasty and wrested control of Egypt, and along with the Egyptians began proto-industrializing the first eastern country ever, later walking through the Levant crushing every army the sultan sent and threatening to topple the empire before the world powers intervened. Albanian admirals fought the Spanish in Tunis and Algiers, freeing Muslim, Jewish, and Christian slaves alike securing control over half of the Mediterranean for decades. Albanian commanders marched forth with Ottoman troops as far north as the Habsburg realm, as far east as Russia, in the south in Arabia, and in the east in Persia.

You should never project your irrelevance and serfdom on someone else, it's embarrassing.

Attached: o.e..png (2327x831, 2.29M)

Yeah I suppose those Centuries old Orthodox monasteries with paintings of Serb Kings in them were just all built in 1914
Fucking Alboshit
>We wuz kangz forreal
This is the level of bullshit we have to deal with
And people ask us why we don't consider Albanians human's_seizure_of_poweröprülü_family

Where is the wewuzzing you disgusting turkish spermlet? You were serfs, you are serfs, and you always will be serfs. Everything you screech about doing to Albanians, Albanians have already done to you. Key word: DONE. The world "do" is not even in the serve vocabulary, simply "will". That's why you were cleaned out of every country you infested in the '90s and are dying out faster than anyone in the world :P

Attached: Pest_control.jpg (2488x3240, 1.88M)

Such tough talk for a diasposhit
Compensating for abandoning your home hmm?
Soon there'll be more Albanians in the US then in Albania itself lol

Must be terrifying seeing your patron in decline, explains the insecurity

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