
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

WH Public Pool/Schedule:

>Pres Trump/Lil Kim dinner date 2/27/19
>Pres Trump/Lil Kim 1-on-1 2/27/19 (arrival) (handshake) (meeting)
>Pres Trump working lunch w/Vietnam PM Phuc 2/27/19
>Pres Trump meets w/Vietnam PM Phuc 2/27/19
>Pres Trump trade signing ceremony w/Vietnam Pres Trong 2/27/19
>Pres Trump bilat w/Vietnam Pres Trong 2/27/19

>Amb Cohen @UNSC on Syria 2/27/19
>KAC on F&F 2/27/19
>SpiceDaddy on FBN 2/27/19
>RNCChair McDaniel on FBN 2/27/19
>AgrSec Perdue @House on Rural Econ 2/27/19
>USTradeRep Lighthizer @House on US-China Trade 2/27/19
>FEDChair Powell @House on Monetary Pol &Econ 2/27/19
>DoD Officials @House on Natl Emergency on Readiness 2/27/19
>DoD Officials/Others @House on Traps in Military 2/27/19
>CDC/NIH Officials @House on Measles Outbreak 2/27/19
>Don Jr on Tucker Carlson 2/26/19

OP pastebin:

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February 28th/February 27th
8:25AM/8:25PM THE PRESIDENT departs JW Marriott Hanoi en route to the Sofitel Legend Metropole Hanoi
8:45AM/8:45PM THE PRESIDENT arrives at the Sofitel Legend Metropole Hanoi
9:00AM/9:00PM THE PRESIDENT participates in a 1:1 bilateral meeting with the Chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
9:45AM/9:45PM THE PRESIDENT participates in an expanded bilateral meeting with the Chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
11:55AM/11:55PM THE PRESIDENT participates in a working lunch with the Chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

February 28th
2:05PM/2:05AM THE PRESIDENT participates in a Joint Agreement Signing Ceremony with the Chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
2:40PM/2:40AM THE PRESIDENT departs Sofitel Legend Metropole Hanoi en route to the JW Marriott Hotel Hanoi
3:00PM/3:00AM THE PRESIDENT arrives at the JW Marriott Hotel Hanoi
3:50PM/3:50AM THE PRESIDENT participates in a press conference
5:15PM/5:15AM THE PRESIDENT departs JW Marriott Hotel Hanoi en route to Noi Bai International Airport
5:55PM/5:55AM THE PRESIDENT arrives at Noi Bai International Airport
6:05PM/6:05AM THE PRESIDENT departs Hanoi, Vietnam, en route to Joint Base Andrews

March 1st
1:10AM EST THE PRESIDENT arrives at Joint Base Andrews
1:20AM THE PRESIDENT departs Joint Base Andrews en route to The White House
1:30AM THE PRESIDENT arrives at The White House

>tfw people choose yum-yums over a functioning society

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A whole lot more than you do, pal.

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>permanent peace in Korea
>Bolton begs the CIA to start a nuclear war in Kashmir as a consolation prize

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I loved Donald Trump, honest to God I did, I even bought The Art of the Deal and highlighted all of my favorite passages and quotes in classic neon yellow highlighter, I bought every season of The Apprentice including the 40 hours of bonus behind the scenes footage for an extra $20 smackers, I bought every version of MAGA hat, even the very rare green St.Patricks day hat and I even bought every MAGA hat from the Spring pastel color collection, but after the most recent Russia revelations, I can no longer support this man. I dropped off all my Trump suits at The Salvation Army and the homeless volunteer said "this shit is made in China!" And threw it in the dumpster, then the homeless man living in the dumpster threw it onto the street and I heard a muffled "cheap made in China bullshit!" then his stray pandering dog limped over to the suits and took a shit on them, I just shook my head, so symbolic, fuckin Drumpf.

Tulsi will get my vote in 2020

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All I ask for is a normal bake. T-that's all

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>Alex shilling for ethnic food and nonwhites

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Hiki can't be bullied by regular means. You have to bully him with love and positive emotions.

joe rogan: i agree with leftists on social programs, universal basic income, women's rights


>permanent peace with korea
Lmao good luck

I have so little to do in my free time that i almost want shit to hit the van just for something new to happen

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February 28th/February 27th
8:25AM/8:25PM THE PRESIDENT departs JW Marriott Hanoi en route to the Sofitel Legend Metropole Hanoi
8:45AM/8:45PM THE PRESIDENT arrives at the Sofitel Legend Metropole Hanoi
9:00AM/9:00PM THE PRESIDENT participates in a 1:1 bilateral meeting with the Chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
9:45AM/9:45PM THE PRESIDENT participates in an expanded bilateral meeting with the Chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
11:55AM/11:55PM THE PRESIDENT participates in a working lunch with the Chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

February 28th
2:05PM/2:05AM THE PRESIDENT participates in a Joint Agreement Signing Ceremony with the Chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
2:40PM/2:40AM THE PRESIDENT departs Sofitel Legend Metropole Hanoi en route to the JW Marriott Hotel Hanoi
3:00PM/3:00AM THE PRESIDENT arrives at the JW Marriott Hotel Hanoi
3:50PM/3:50AM THE PRESIDENT participates in a press conference
5:15PM/5:15AM THE PRESIDENT departs JW Marriott Hotel Hanoi en route to Noi Bai International Airport
5:55PM/5:55AM THE PRESIDENT arrives at Noi Bai International Airport
6:05PM/6:05AM THE PRESIDENT departs Hanoi, Vietnam, en route to Joint Base Andrews

March 1st
1:10AM EST THE PRESIDENT arrives at Joint Base Andrews
1:20AM THE PRESIDENT departs Joint Base Andrews en route to The White House
1:30AM THE PRESIDENT arrives at The White House

Isn't he a Californian? This is to be expected.

Cuck general

gute tbqh famalam

any leafs in here can give me the qrd on Trudeau today?

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THINK ABOUT THE ENVIRONMENT. WE NEED THEM TO GO TO WAR. Plus, if India gets nuked right that means less H1Bs.

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2-face cohen

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Alex Jones has confirmed republicans are running the democrat party

>I have so little to do in my free time that i almost want shit to hit the van just for something new to happen

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>Plus, if India gets nuked right that means less H1Bs.

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Is a show allowed to have two best girls?

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I fucking love this man!

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The UNiParty exists. We know Alex.

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>tfw even your enemies are exasperated with their own narrative

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KAC looks rougher and more haggard than usual. What is her age anyway? Looks to be about 66 or so.

i am maximally important

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Get a lathe.

jesus man
I imagine Kim is right next to him snickering like a motherfucker

Joe's a retarded faggot, anyone who ever believed otherwise is an e-celeb cockmongler

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are you really surprised by that? he just likes to have interesting guests on even if he doesn't agree with them (which is very rare for someone of a platform of his size) but yeah he's a progressive guy. Makes it funny when people call Joe Rogan a nazi because he has people on like Alex Jones and Peterson

Guy just wants to have an interesting show, which has apparently worked well for him considering he has 160,000+ people concurrently watching Alex Jones just because of him.

>Alex goes full civnat

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Lovely eyeshadow.

That homeless China dog bit was funny

I'm in the drive thru because fuck AOC and the green new deal

>/Asshurt Tranny General/

Trump is a full fledged crook. That fact that you all don't care is proof that you didn't care about Clinton's alleged wrongdoing, you ONLY cared about her being an Democrat. Not one of you care about corruption, fraud and this is clear or you would be APPALLED at what was revealed today.

Not one GodTard cares about democracy or this country.

Hannity in Hanoi

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Did people forget that Mueller dismissed the idea what Trump instructed Cohen to lie to congress?

Reminder that Toe's jewish wife fell for the BBC meme and he's raising their baby

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Worstie assumes his true form.

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sounds like a conundrum

shut the fuck up, boomer

Joe should have Huggers on

Pewdiepie confirmed for agitator

>Oklahoma Edition

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I'm 29!

Even better.

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Living skeletons don't age they just decompose more and more overtime

what show plz thanks

Jones about to wrap up with joe

that's not even gore though, that's just some bitch with shit lividity because somebody didnt check on her lonely ass for hours

>John S. McCain III Human Rights Commission.

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Be nice.

The ideal outcome is that both countries nuke each other badly enough to thoroughly scramble their ability to verify a passport.

He's always been like that


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KEK, he loved bombing them

Based and beans with breakfast pilled.

Suddenly a Kiwi tries to get on that commission.

there is really no excuse for you not being able to cook
there are youtube walk throughs for literally everything from technique to recipes

Did Jones say anything like his time one Joes show?
Of course.

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This would be a sketch on SNL if it were still funny

>Voting to send people to die for Shekelstein and bombing Muzzies to promote human rights

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I still miss him bros

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>/ptg/ posting anything about guns after their retarded zog bot banned bump stocks
It's OK when you do it!!
Us virgin losers here at /ptg/ will let you do ANYTHING to us and we will spinelessly defend it!
Ain't that right fellow maggotpedes?

The Devil Is Smoking Hot Sexy

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The first time I saw this tweet posted I thought it was one of those fake Trump tweets

>Trump orchestrated a nuclear war because turtleman couldn't get him a budget bill that cut H1 and H2bs

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the fuck is this pic?

Sauron confirmed real

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Must be bully day, this always happens when /ptg/ gets bored. No common enemy means we eat our own, kinda like the left is doing now that Trump is practically been exonerated by both Cohen AND Mueller.

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>implying there will be anything left to ban

How can any of you just ignore the simple fact that Cohen literally btfo Trump today?

Do you understand that he is done for now?

Drop the delusions, already. So sick of you blindly sucking his cock. Wtf has he EVER done for you personally?

I mean you aren't wrong it was just a welcome. Here is one from your friend. Trump is a kike

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It's not like he's vetoing a gun control law anyway


what's on the docket for tomorrow? Doesn't Cohen have another committee?

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>John McCain was a champion for human rights


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Yes. It was buried by "muh Covington kids"

>cock isn't even cut off and stuffed in his mouth
you gotta do better than that

Devilish plan.
>Trump starts wars worldwide for the sole purpose of culling other countries to cut immigration

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Vanderbilts being satanic autists

>tfw no camping /x/ waifu

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lmfao words have no meaning

>thinking gore will do anything against other anons on Jow Forums.

Because he didn't BTFO Trump? Maybe that's why.

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>John S. McCain III Human Rights Commission
jesus christ Sinema

I don't know. My work schedule has me so incredibly out of the loop.


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>feeling like that time is right for an O'Queef video right about now

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