Is it possible to 'decondition' yourself?

Is it possible to live in Western society while transcending your social, moral, cultural and racial conditioning?

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You sound like an edgy teenager.

How so?

Yeah. Just keep in mind you have to face the consequences of your actions whether or not you want to.

What you are saying is vague and makes no sense.

It's not vague at all. Don't blame me if you cannot understand the question.


Flesh out your theory for us user. Define for us what 'transcending your social, moral, cultural and racial conditioning?' would look like/ is, and I'm sure many philosophical orientated people like myself would love to help you in your quest!

Then explain it. What do you want to transcend and why?

>I was raised to follow Y
>Can I stop following Y?
Plenty of people integrate into other societies to a degree so I don't see a reason why you wouldn't be able to. A society's norms are learned, not congenital after all.
The real question is why? If you intend to live in Western society while not following it then you're no better then a nomadic traveler who doesn't belong there.
The whole process would be a lot easier too if you moved somewhere else and tried to integrate as opposed to sounding like some edgy teenager who wants to live in the first world but not be a part of it over whatever philosophical bullshit they read online.

We all have cognitive biases based on our life experiences, cultural influences, social background, education etc. which can cloud our judgement. With the technocratic materialist nature of western society, how can one overcome these biases and achieve a more enlightened state?

Yes, since there is no such thing as "social, moral, cultural and racial conditioning."

It's like you can only talk in vague, meaningless ramblings.

If you can't derive any meaning from that perfectly valid statement, then you must have learning difficulties.

Nicely put!

So we do have these biases ingrained into us, this is a fact. So to combat this? The answer is more education - read as widely and veraciously as you can. Ask why, why, why. Talk to as many people as you can. Live as many lives you can - travel to places where people live hard lives. Study to death ancient civilizations like Rome and Greece to understand how great civilizations like ours operated and ultimately fell.

This is simply a lifelong quest, and for those who are determined, rugged and intelligent enough, the mind will transcend the paradigms set by their environment. The majority will be confined by it, helplessly and blissfully - but they will still have the same human elements as our ancestors had who lived in much different times.

I'm going to leave you with two great sources which I think you will enjoy. The first is this blog, I have been following him since I was 15 and had the same thoughts as yourself. He is simply amazing, and his blog is pure delight. His knowledge is transcendental, and will open doorways you can't imagine. I vehemently disagree with his atheism and left wing politics, but he is operating on an amazing plane of consciousness.

The second, is a book. It's called 'Education of a Wandering Man,' by Louis L'amour. He wrote over 80 non fiction books in his life time, and was a vigourous reader and writer, and his book is inspiring. It lays out his life and every book he has every read, from Melville, Nietzsche, Kant, to historical and religious works in great detail. He talks about his life as a bum working across america, taking up boxing fights to afford to eat, to being a best selling author. This is a great man trying to find the truth, who lived an honorable, ascetic life, who saw beauty in all things. He has taken your quest you wish to set out and pursued it to the extreme.

Have fun!

More like, people don't understand your pseudointellectual rants.

Not op but if I can try, op is asking how to overwrite one belief with another. if you are raised christian, how do you stop seeing yourself as a mind/body/soul ? that's how you understand the world. but there are many things like this, ideas you walk around with and not all of them work.

upbringing is a large part of who you are, a part cause of depression is where your parents did not care to love you or whatever while your brain is still growing. later in life you're going to have to make do with what you have.
that's how you're raised
Then there is what you're taught, from direct experience with your parents or otherwise as in learned cultural social norms.
and there is all that pop science stuff about storing experiences in dna.
how are you going to overwrite that?

your personality is not 100% taught
epigenetics is real, you are not taught to be afraid of spiders.

Thank you! I will definitely check out those sources.

Yes. I'm glad someone else gets it.

>You're going to have to make do with what you have.
is the best answer I have, sorry op life's not fair.

Why you would want to transcend your conditioning is another question. You're already in a place where you see the difference in good and bad behaviour. materialism and so.

and if you see the difference in the two, then clearly your life's experiences has not been to your detriment

There is no such thing as true cognitive objectivity. Everyone believes they're the good guy, and everyone else is at fault. You can only replace one form of cognitive bias with another. And by the way, everything you take in is propaganda.

Also, your genetics determine parts of your personality that will make you come to certain conclusions as opposed to others, or if you choose to switch conclusions your whole life. Free will is false, and life would be boring if it wasn't.

Doesn't mean you shouldn't shoot a guy that's trying to rape you, though.

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>Everyone believes they're the good guy, and everyone else is at fault.


>You can only replace one form of cognitive bias with another. And by the way, everything you take in is propaganda.

Ahh a moral relativist. What a black and white universe you live in. You're not wrong, however a person operates best on a solid philosophical foundation of ideas. Not everything you take in is propaganda. 2+2 will always equal 4. There are moral truths which you must establish as unquestionable - such as murder, theft and rape of innocent people to be bad. What good and evil is. You can argue these through biological lenses, the sheer chaotic nature of the universe, however I believe faith and ideals are what saves us from the abyss.

>free will is false, and life would be boring if it wasn't

Oh you are a shock merchant and contrarian and a poor one at that. How is free will false, and why would life be boring if free will was real? I revel and delight in my conceived notion that free will is real, and I can carve my own existence out in my unskilled, excited way. Why would it be exciting if it was all pre determined? Also, if free will is false, wouldn't that be evidence for a higher order, pre determining events?

this thread 's gon' die

I'm not the person you were replying to.

> believe faith and ideals are what saves us from the abyss
They do, but they are made up by people. Because genetically we are predisposed to make some ideals up and not the other ideals.

>How is free will false
We are nothing but highly complex biological machines. You don't believe computers have free will, don't you? Then why would you assume biological machines have it? And on the deepest level it's all simply atoms obeying laws of physics.

Free will is an illusion. If it truly existed there would be 0 drug addicts in this world and advertisement would not be a massive industry. But for other reasons, it is better to behave like you believe free will exists. It doesn't, but sometimes it's a useful concept.

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Why do you want clear judgment? Your valuation of truth over all else is part of your conditioning. Lies exist for a reason; they are meant to keep you sane.

Oh look, a xenophile.
Nobody is going to want to be around you and you sound insufferable despite how worldy and enlightened ypu think you are

This. I don't know how old you are OP, but once you grow up, you stop caring about meaningless shit like this and focus on things you can do and the power you have in the world to make a difference, for your own life and for others.

Unfortunately I think you might be stupid. I hope you don't do anything important for a living.

Is it possible to live in western society and also be functionally autistic? I suppose the simple answer is yes.


Read up on some basic sociology, and go against what you learn. Then die alone in your shitty apartment because you failed to integrate.

It's better to figure out what you like about the conditioning and don't like and leave behind the bad. We're all conditioned from birth, our environment shapes us but you don't have to just go with what everyone else does necessarily.

yeah but
> transcending your social, moral, cultural and racial conditioning
is a distinctly western idea. so in reality you'll just be more western than ever.

>Is it possible to transcend?

Yes, anywhere.