Why do shitskins hate water so much? Is hydration white privilege?

Why do shitskins hate water so much? Is hydration white privilege?

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I would beat that kid up, too. Why do white people do such stupid fucking things?


Its a jug of water you cunt, stop being a nigger

virgin sip detected

Because clean water is the result of western imperialism.


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You wouldn't say shit though if it were a litre of grape soda

should have been chocolate water.

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cuz they can't swim

Sure are a lot of prominent, pretty, socially cool and accepted (((white))) girls displaying their hate for white guys. No wonder more and more white women are burning the coal, they think its cool. I hate women and jews.

>this kid
Isn't this dude a vet or something?

>ha, hydration? So white! Ahahah
Excuse me?

Hydrated privilege

>Getting this worked over a jug of water

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>I hate white people
Isn't it racism? She should get in jail, no? How is this post even allowed? Swap colours and you get "I hate niggers"

They only drink grape soda and coca cola.

I used to freeze a milk jug of water overnight and then lug it around with me when I worked at the lake. It was a great system, lasted most of the day.

lol, that's funny and true.

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Yeah, didn't you see his jacket and backpack? Thank him for his service already bro


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Proper hydration is white privilege because only white people have access to clean drinking water. If clean drinking water wasn't white privilege then Flint, Michigan would have clean drinking water right now.

I carry around a five gallon refrigerator shelf water container. It drives the women of color CRAZY.

It's ok everybody hates you niggers

This is a man's water bottle.

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Also friendly reminder to stay hydrated frens. Most Americans are dehydrated, you can prove it to yourself. Drink more water and you'll become thirstier as your body gets used to having a consistent supply. Try drinking a gallon a day and you'll feel much healthier. (Exercise too!)

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lol says the twinky thirty pound fag man

>doesn't spend most of their foodstamps on junk and bottled water

wow fucking white privilege

but where's the image? :(


Glad we're 54% now

Can confirm, staying hydrated is good for you

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You become more thirsty because it's dehydrating and you'll end up just pissing it all out. Drink vegetable juice, blood, or raw milk instead. Or fat, usually being thirsty is just a fat deficiency.

Yeah you tell that nigger Cletus.

Why are you defending some nigger. Fuckin loser

I'm thirsty and I sure as shit don't have a fat deficiency.

Anyone carrying around a fucking jug of milk filled with water is either a hobo or a retard.

People that carry around giant gallon jugs of water and drink out of them like a savages in public annoy me too.

It's uncivilized.

No decapitating people is uncivilized, using a gallon jug instead of a proper mug is uncultured.

Nigger detected. Stick your sugar water, porch monkey.

>can't swim
>don't bathe
>don't clean anything
>it's not malt liquor or grape drank

Really, how would you feel if I just walked around with a jug of your kryptonite?

>just walked around with a jug of your kryptonite?
I'd do it just to prove a point. I don't know what that point is though.

i know this might blow your mind, living in a third world country and all, but water is sold in jugs too.

>Why do shitskins hate water so much?
because they can't swim
it's not purple drank

And milk is sold in bags. What's your point? Who the fuck buys water anyways, just drink tap water. Filter it if your baby mouth can't handle the taste

I should've been specific, raw fat deficiency*. Cooked fat is for the most part non-utilizable and stores as a toxin, especially plant fats which turn into plastic in your body. Also cooked fat is 10 to 50 times larger by volume than raw fat, meaning an obese person is likely starving (hence the eating disorder).

If you have dry lips, dandruff, or dry skin, you definitely are deficient in raw fat.

>The container size of your water storage vessel is uncivil ed, the only civilized vessel for drinking water is a container of less that 20 ounces of water.
You're a dumb-ass.
People sometimes need to drink a lot of water and can't be bothered to refill their bottle 7 times a day.

Calm down Ribby

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Because its not fuckin koolaid with 3 bags of sugar poured into it.

Niggers can only sustain themselves off of condensed fruity syrup.

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Yeah. I also don't get why people look at me weird when I carry around spaghetti in my fanny bag. Sometimes people get hungry and they can't be bothered to pack a lunch box.

goddamn i love this site

They charge me for my tap water and it's fucking hard, more calcium than milk.

>not drinking cool yerba mate
fuck white people

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Literally makes you high, no wonder all the elites are drinking baby blood and eating them. Try it if you're not a pussy.

Reminds me of the swimming pools during the Olympics.

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Not sure I'm buying that. Cooking fats increases the size 10-50 times? Heat generally breaks things down. Please explain.

fun fact, I've actually seen niggers brings JUGS of sunny D to class so fuck who ever wrote that post.

because where they live drinking water will kill you

>plastic container
Dumb fuck

>i hate college and i hate white people
man aren't those two things just a match made in heaven

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I did this all of the time in college lol, why does anyone give a shit?

never miss a chance to hydrate, good soldier

also, always do shitting, all the time

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most of the niggers i know and fellow spics only drink soda and sugary drinks. they're constantly tired and lazy and complaining about how crappy they feel

They're upset no one else drinks that shitty off brand soda they buy at ghetto cornerstores.

WRONG. I'm brown and I love to drink water.

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This. Only retarded brown people don't drink water only.

I like Dr. Padre and I'm white.

what is this I am feeling? is-is it mirth? what is happening to my face with my cheeks and mouth? am I ENOYING MYSELF? omg, this is great, I want to do it mroe

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10/10 would swim

I'm glad somebody gets it. Plus, I think tap water tastes like ass. And drinking out of a jug makes it easy to track how much I've drank.

Haha that’s a conspiracy theory.

Do we know if this person is actually a shit skin? Could just be a white girl.

>especially plant fats which turn into plastic in your body
I did not know this

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nigger thats oreganno

Just watch out for those degenerate trans fats. Zir ruin your day.

It's been a few months since I've researched diet so I can't explain the science behind it. I'd say get some raw fat, measure it, then cook it and see for yourself but it will likely be hard to get your hands on raw butter.

Niggers and spics are too poor to afford water filters. Literally the definition of hwhite brivlege.

why is drinking water a stupid fucking thing? i don't understand.

Better believe it, it is the cause of a lot of cancers and health problems. Clogs our lymph systems (which is where we get our nutrients and discard wastes) and dehydrates the surrounding fat causing cellulite.
(btw these are heated, oxidized plant oils I'm talking about) Raw avocado wouldn't hurt.

Basically vegetable oils right? Fuck that, I may have some unheated olive oil but very little. Definitely not frying meat in that stuff though.

what if I eat plastics? will they turn into fats?

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Damn that brownie ground looks delicious, checkmate western world

You are what you eat
I guess u turn into plastic

Hard water is delicious. Unlike soft water drunk by soft men, it actually has taste.

americans think water is poison but are perfectly happy to drink coke and monster energy

You'll probably get bitch tits like:

Looks like he’s an army vet, I think he might shove a grenade up your ass if tried that

damn, I already had those, how fix?

I am burger

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kek imagine him bringing that to the next class

Holy shit! AND he drank out of it!?
Fucking privledged fuck!

Why do Jews only drink Fiji?

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I doubt she’s white, white people dont hate water, the profile picture is a screen shot of Nina Dobrev, who plays Elena in the Vampire Diaries, the combination of these facts leads me to believe she’s a not white female who likes white dick, she probably wants to fuck this dude and this is how she gets his attention
Welcome to the real world outside your cuck fantasy

Oh boy, I haven't looked into it. Perhaps stop using things associated with plastic (water bottles, receipts, plastic wrap, etc), hot baths (102-105F for an hour or so) to unclog the lymph system, and lots of raw fat to help detox it. For more info on this stuff, google Aajonus Vonderplanitz and read his books or watch his lectures. I have a dropbox with all his stuff if you want it. Oh and avoid onions at all costs, but you should know that already.

>Have you heard of estrogen mimicking compounds? These chemicals are in our plastics, synthetic fragrances, food additives, and personal care products.

S O Y******

Tap water is full of all sorts of chemical trash bottled water is much better for you, effects of BPA from plastic aside

Bottled water is literally the same water as the tap

>not mineralizing your own RO/DI water in a lab to ensure no jewish glow in the dark AIDS shit gets slipped in

This is America, Hans. We don't get arrested here for speech.