Can you guys share your personality disorders here so I don't feel so bad about mine
Can you guys share your personality disorders here so I don't feel so bad about mine
You first
I sometime taste my cum and shove a dildo up in my ass. No homo and got gf. Dont know wtf goin on with me. I also want to suck a t
I sometime taste my cum and shove a dildo up in my ass. No homo and got gf. Dont know wtf goin on with me. I also want to suck a tgirl dick. But will not fuck her or being fucked. Maybe by my girlfriend.
That sounds like a fetish not a personality disorder. I wouldn't worry about it too much. Why does it make you feel bad?
Cuz I'm straight as fuck thats why. Always been the "leader" of group of friend or whatsoever. And without pretention I always been the alpha type. Having dinglydong of a tgirl in my mouth could just put me on the gay stage...
But damn thatd be great
that's not a personality disorder. you're just a perv
I have slight multiple personality disorder. I often split into two kinds of people when talking to myself but I guess that's just out of boredom
Borderline here :DDD
Daily mental anguish and unceasing shivers, only temporary release is when I drug myself to sleep
Likely won't be here long
You got it good user, don't worry
I'm borderline too, never was able to keep a friend and I'm completely covered in scars
Nothing wrong with me, but I haven't held a girl since I was 17. I can count the number of women I have talked to since then on one hand.
I am so lonely.
why don't you try to talk to girls again?
it always could be worse, you at least don't have a personality disorder
I am 28 now. I think the moment has passed.
Real talk OP; a lot of normies are the most fucked up people of all.
Schizotypal PD
I'm 27 now and it started to flare up bad from about 18 onward. Possibly because of my terrible childhood and mother. I have it mostly under control now. But it's a daily struggle
hold me
little reminder that there's dating sites for senior citizens
Not a personality disorder, but bipolar with psychotic features.
I am a sufferer of borderline personality disorder, schizoaffective disorder and a couple other ones. You are never alone.
Are you saying I should lower my standards?
Headshrinker said I'm a schizoid. Not so bad, really. Can't share personal stuff so I get around it by acting personable.
I rip off all of the scabs on my back before they heal.
I'm a sociopath with 3 bodies. First was at 15, 2nd at 23, and 3rd last year at 26.
They only found one so far but since I have no record and no dna in the system I'll probaly get another.
Alcoholic and very bad social anxiety. Does that count?
I'm extremely introverted but that's about it
Borderline here too. Daily struggle but I always somehow keep going
What souvenirs did you keep?
Kindness and Unpredictable disorder eh?@
What my therapist has confirmed:
Panic Disorder (panic attacks)
An inability to trust those closest to me
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Some form of depression caused by my anxiety
And, last but not least, I basically can’t converse with my family because I feel like I can’t ever trust them.
Not a personality disorder but I have schizoaffective disorder.
Severe depression.
and tons of others.
I try to drag myself day after day without having a purpose or trying to feel anything.
I get girls to fall in love with me and then leave them. I always tell myself that this is the last time, but then I do it again. Now I'm about to hurt another girl, but this time I hope is the last.
I've always had the temptation of stabbing someone halfway through their sentence. I don't get why but for some reason i always think in my head 'what if I dug my thumbs into their eyes' basically shit along those lines and to an extent I'd actually feel tempted to do it. Be glad you're not as nutty as me op.
There's nothing wrong with me, and I think, ironically, that it makes me "not normal" because it seems like so many people have mental issue that it has become the "norm".
Some sociopath symptoms.
Way too hard on myself.
A bit of OCD.
Nothing major here but it still annoys me to know that i'm ever so slightly not ok.
Antisocial personality disorder. It’s not like the Christian bale movie, it’s more like not really caring about anything and a very low to no emotional response to the majority of situations.
Pretty easy to deal with actually, pretty much just fake normal emotions so people don’t get weirded out.
Antisocial Personality Disorder. Therapist diagnosed me over the summer. I do a lot of fucked up things.
Read the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria retard. Its fucking about antisocial behavior not feeling nothing. If you're numb that's depression. Kys retard
I feel like the universe is just one big assault on all of us. Some people can detect that I have a personality disorder just by looking at me. I’m aware of the fact that 80% of my relationships were seriously hindered by my personality problems, and I’m aware of the good people I turned away by having so little confidence.
If you succ dicc or take it up the ass, you are the big gay.
You cannot refute this.
Enlighten me then edgelord. What am I supposed to feel when I do fucked up shit to people? I’m not numb, I’ve never had an emotional response things
Think that shit is normal dude. We just don't admit
I have borderline personality disorder and it’s made me a miserable bastard. I don’t talk to any of my old friends, the smallest thing makes me turn on people and hate them. I can’t stop the way I feel. It sucks.
Except that there is exactly one personality disorder which you SHOULD feel bad about having
which one?
On second thought, it's B-Cluster in general
>tfw borderline and narcissistic pd
user, please, for the good of yourself and all others, please get yourself into live-in mental care. I am not joking.
you mean spend time in a mental hospital? been there already
None whatsoever. Just here for the comedy gold.
Your standards don't matter, if anyone wastes their time with you it's because THEY lowered their standards and settled, not you.
I'm not diagnosed in any way nor having any knowledge about what that might be, but I am absolutely terrified of doing some things related to specific topic (I'd prefer to not enlist which). I cannot check any info on internet, I panic the moment I hear any key word.
It's not like anything really bad happened to me regarding it, which is even more interesting.
The worst moment was when I was standing next to the building related to the topic - and I was literally frozen on spot, not able to move. Just looking and breathing restlessly, not even able to speak. I was standing for like 10 minutes until some stranger guy came up to me to ask if I'm fine, because I was sweating, getting white as a wall paint and shaking.
After his question I was able to relax and just walk away.
That is very odd and I'm not sure what is wrong with me, maybe someone here have any guess.
You anons know that mental disorders go into the same category as Santa Claus, unicorns, and shit like that. Right?
and the same category as your love life lmao btfo'd