We are living in a fucking clown world

We are living in a fucking clown world.

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When them cotton bolls get rotten
You can't pick a-very much cotton
In them olllllld
Cotton fields back-a home

We're all still slaves. There's a breakaway civilisation in Antartica, and you're not in it.

Liberals eating their own and nit-picking every trivial thing a white person does is turning the Democrats into the Marxist brown people party. Being white in the dem party is literally cuck suicide.

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fucking boomer memes

This is honestly true. I don't know if they are in Antarctica, but they are a separate civilization now, and our labor paid for it.

This, really

WHo is user?

Lmao fuck m7+2-1 that's lelz

I unironically love this whole vid. Just wish the roastie was blurred out.


Come on virginia democrats are worse than most of us here. How the fuck does that work

One way tickets to the settlement are 10k USD per person. You have to be sponsored by a member before you can even find out the down payment to live there. I've heard it's in the billions though. Who wants to live in a colony with a bunch of rich, greedy kikes anyways? They'll end up back stabbing each other and destroy it. Just stay in the US--it's basically the same thing.

No shit. Why would you do that?

She should have got the strongest black kid in the class to start capturing the week blacks then he could sell them to Jews trade ships

I had a teacher like that when i was a kid. Coalburner too. Made me despise teachers and niggers by the end of it

Virginia is a safe blue state. She will.be fine.

Did she also tell the students that it was jews who enslaved them?

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maybe she's a jew?

under rated

Niggers enslaved other niggers and sold them to jews at costal trading posts white men didn’t even go to inland Africa till slavery had been going on for decades - centuries

Portayed as racist but almost surely an exercise in anti white indoctrination.

As you hold this cotton children, imagine what it was like to have a job, and try to learn as much as you can, so that if you ever find your daddy, you can tell him what it's like.

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Kikes just want to get rid of all Whites in politics. If you aren't explicitly anti-White and anti-Racism, you'll have no place in either party in the next decade. USA cuck nation #1

Yep. It was popular in the south where i grew up. Every fucking day was an excuse to fire up the niggers and take it out on the rest of us. Sometimes it made the papers because it would go on for months

Bro in grade 5 when we were learning about the Holocaust (more like lolocaust amiright lol) our teacher marched us in the classroom while it was dark, yelled at us, confiscated our belongings and threw them in a pile and had us take our shoes off and throw em in a pile. We had to shut the fuck up and no laughing or shed lose her shit on us. Then she went into this long rant about this is what the Jews felt when they went do death camps and all that. Shit was wild bro. Good times. Actually gets me kinda hard to think about it.

I thought she was the sensible one when she stopped her husband from moonwalking... LOLOLOLOL

It’s funny cause republicans fought the democrats to end slavery...


honest question goys.. what the fuck is this clown world shit about?


This might be the first reference then the clown frog came out. I won't call it Pepe. That's newfag normie shit

>republicans have always been dumb


We had something like that except we couldn't go to recess, couldnt talk to "non slaves", ate later and had extra homework for a month.

The phrase "clown world" is a psyop.
People laugh at clowns, they don't genocide them.
The fact that this "clown world" meme is pushed means that someone is fucking guilty.

Do you laugh when your politicians use your tax dollars to pizzagate kids? NO! You have a legal trial and then execute them.

Do you laugh when all the mass media companies are controlled by a cabal that seeks our genocide? NO! You have a legal trial, dissolve the companies, and imprison anyone that was actually guilty of deliberately injuring people with psychological warfare news.

Do you laugh when you are financially enslaved? NO! You get enough people together to form a new state, then throw the tea into the harbor, physically remove the tax collectors, and fight anyone who tries to put you in life-debt again.

Do you laugh when someone else says that your duty is to be taxed at a 50% rate and then to die childless? NO! You tell them that you don't consent, and you arm yourself for the day that they decide to impose their will be force.

The "clown world" meme is a psyop, and anyone who pushes it is controlled opposition. Anyone who says "clown world" needs to be asked if white demographic genocide is a laughing matter. If they don't immediately agree and then push for greater awareness of white demographic genocide, then they are controlled-opposition or political enemies.

This was even predictive-programmed by Batman.

Don't fall for it: always respond to "clown world" memes with a White Genocide purity test. Because going extinct isn't funny. It hurts. It hurts worse than you know.

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Has /x/ covered this? Is this new? If no i believe it


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humanity is crazy. always has been. the fact that we have internet news to spread the word of all this insanity makes it seem like its a new thing.

dont forget the catholic church used to burn people alive and torture them only a few centuries ago, and it was legal.

What is your opinion on the ongoing demographic replacement of white people in all of our ancestral homelands, OP?

Liberals just race bait hard, all the fucking time, it's disgusting. Liberals are monsters.

Imagine not knowing that clowns get staked in the heart and then immolated.

Who the fuck laughs at a clown? They exist to be reviled.

Is this an insult? Where they learning about slavery and she wanted them to actually think about it or something.

>dont forget the catholic church used to burn people alive and torture them only a few centuries ago, and it was legal.

Ah the good old days.

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> Clown: A comic entertainer

What is your opinion on white demographic replacement?


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Haha yeah! Democrats are the REAL racists!

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>Just stay in the US--it's basically the same thing.
Unironically this. Nothing will change until we stand and turn into Hitler to save the day. That's it, running saves no one.

In my day sadistic teachers had to be sneaky for fear of being fired. I guess they just let those sick fucks do whatever they want now.

I knew a guy whos dad was the phychiatrist for the court system. His job was to asses fucked up people to see if they were sane and could stand trial. He told me once to be extremely wary of people who take jobs where there are children as those people desire easy access to kids. Teachers and preachers are bad news.

The only CLOWN that matters.


I thought Pepe was reclaiming the rainbow from pooftahs? Maybe your a poof and your info is the psyop?

Jews aided by cucked Christians and some miscellaneous shabbos goyim did it. Why?

Based honkposter.

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thanks bro. Yeah I saw the clownfrog meme come out 2 weeks ago and I ws like wtf. Now everyone is referencing the meme. feels inorganic to me.

Then proceeded to offer post birth abortions to the students all while she hummed a coon song.

wtf I'm a Democrat now

White and Based

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Way down upon the Suwannee River...

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>"Democrats are the REAL racists"
Thank you Daily Wire! All those BRAINWASHED brown peoples will finally see how NOT racist we right wingers are. Can't wait for the couple of generations when the browning of America is complete so we can see them trade their own collectivization along racial lines for the same individualism we've embraced, as well as let go of their increasingly open resentment towards whites. Gonna go to the nearest inner city and hand out copies of Ayn Rand.

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An hour later and no reply lmao at least you tried. White faggot.

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Return of Kings is controlled opposition.
Here's what that article said:
> Give up the culture war, you lost!
> Create your own 1950s bubble to live inside!
> Oh, none of the things you fought the culture war against are even real. It was all just news fiction.
> It's OK that you lost the culture war; you can still have good feelz and orgasms.
> You still have to lift weights for some reason.

Two reasons this is wrong.

First, it's selling the globhomo dream to alt-righters. It says to prioritize feeling good, ignore the real world, and cut off anyone who gets inside your hugbox so you can maximize your own orgasms. That article is literally feminism with different words.

Second, it doesn't fucking work. There's nowhere to hide from globhomo. Creating your own 1950's bubble get you burned out like the families at Waco. At best, you'll get marked for diversity by the Cabal media and flooded with Somali refugees and lawsuits and anti-white propaganda and Marxist educators. If you find a little safe (i.e. White) 1950s town that's not being actively pozzed, that's only a temporary thing while many many other towns like it are absorbing the full rapey weight of the Cabal propaganda machine. Soon, the other towns will be ruined, and it will come for you.

It didn't work for me. I tried to build my own bubble; to live my own good 1950s life as the article suggested... But despite my best efforts the Cabal Culture still got through and hurt me in shitty and unpredictable ways. I failed to be discerning enough about women, friends, jobs, media, products, etc. etc.

I find I am tired of navigating a world where people are constantly trying to sell me poison.

This is what the jews have planned for all american debt-slaves, Tyrone. But remember to keep voting for the party of banker's whores

Did my post end the thread? Weird.

based af tbqh

The Democratic Party's days are numbered. That party will not last.

>Yfw the Democrats are actually going to save the White Race

more whites were slaves in the barbary slave trade

everyone has enslaved everyone else at some point

Gas the Mike's, race war now.

Is that another /fa/ meetup????

Did she put you on an automated roller-coaster masturbation machine before electrocuting you?

I read the first line of that article this morning user. Anyone who publishes shit online these days and peddles it as "news" fills their articles with their cries of vanity and entitlement. Fuck reading anything.

That can't be true. Why would she do that

they took a daylight train going ev-ery-where

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Based. I can't wait for more nothing to change as the secret uniparty becomes a visible one. All hail Israel!

Are they ok?

just some city boys
born and raised in South Rajkot
he took a daylight train going AAAA AAA AAAAAAAAA

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Moar toasties

'clown world', indeed - especially THIS clown!

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>but the parties flipped!

Shut up, nigger.



Everyone is racist. That's how human beings are wired- my tribe good, their tribe bad. The left wants to exploit brown people for cheap labor and use them to prop up their power by forcing them to be dependent on the elite's pocket change. We just want them to fuck off.

i cant tell which photos of her forehead are photoshopped or not. it is so comically large

That Brain Age costume is fucking awesome.

>implying the Spanish inqusition did anything wrong



The nigger was made for picking cotton. It would be wrong to deprive niggers from doing what they are good at.

My 4th grade teacher pushed all of our desks over and threw all our belongings around after school one day. She said this is what a tornado would be like when we came in the next day. We weren’t learning about tornados before this occurred and didn’t ever discus them after we picked all our shit up. I’m convinced she just had some kind of breakdown and decided to take it out on us. She was a strange woman.

Women are so fucking stupid.

Why can't modern politicians be racist in more useful ways? They offend feelings but nothing comes out of it other than moral outrage.
At least pic related passed legislation.

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What legislation?

one on left pic cause less trouble than ones on right pic