Hey Jow Forums I'm a Liberal, ask me what ever you want.
Ask a Liberal
Do you ever get the impression you're part of the problems not the solution?
Well if not get started.
Cause I believe in personal rights and free speech
Why do you want to kill babies? How can you justify your existence?
Nah, socialism doesn't work
How many cocks have you sucked?
If not, have you dreamed about it?
Look, it was one time okay? Besides it's not gay if your doing it for crack
Are you a racist? Everyone here is liberal
liberals dont exist anymore. just cultrual marxist.
I feel like my party has some bad seeds I need to get away from, so in a way I suppose
Good one, daddy
No, I'm not racist.
why the fuck are you here? leave now before it's too late, I beg you. I hate you faggots but nobody deserves the suffering of being red-pilled.
just fucking go.
It really seems like that now
LOL. Good one, mate.
I wanna have discussions
Shut the fuck up. I'd rather know the truth than be a faggot like you.
I do though, I may not agree with you but that doesn't mean you don't have the right to say it
But you're not a racist
I'm a classical Liberal. So I'm fairly red pilled
What’s your opinion of Joe Biden rubbing a 12 year old girls shoulders whispering, “I’m so horny right now” into her ear?
I'm not
Do you really think that bigger governments are better for society, or are you just buying into the demographics bullshit?
Who do you think is a good candidate for the Democratic party?
He did that? Well in that case he should go to jail.
Ohhhh kay
You have you left facebook?
I think bigger governments are better for society. People need stability and purpose
Are you a Cat Person or a Dog Person?
From what I notice, Liberal soi boi beta cuck nintendo switch owners tend to own dogs. While Republican Alpha Chad PC Master Race members tend to get pussy
I have a Jack Russel Terrier
Stay around we are always welcoming those that want to discuss politics and are willing to jump down the rabbit and get red pilled
So far it seems like no one.
Why are you a nihilist?
I'm fairly red pilled. I'm not a leftist, just a Liberal
Cause life is hard man.
Figures.... Why do you think liberals love dogs so much while republicans love pussy?
Are you willing to vote for trump if you dont like any of the dems that are running for president
I'm pro gun
I think being racist is defeatist and blackpilled. Do you?
I'd probably be one if I was in the wrong community
Thoughts on Andrew Yang?
Shit, that's a hard question. I don't know I'll have to think about that
Okay let's discuss. What's your view on Aipac?
Also what's you view on holocaust denial legislation?
Just looked him up, he seems like a hard working individual but I'll have to do more research on him
Thoughts on da joos?
Israel is hard to defend, they have done so much awful shit. I'm fairly critical of Israel. As for holocaust denial, as a humanitarian it sickens me. In fact denial of any genocide sickens me
They are Jewish
Take a shit and then eat the shit and then time stamp a OC lil Donnie with shit all over your face.
Dogs are a man's best friend. Cats aren't loyal
This is a weird fact. I'm a SovFundie and my girlfriend is a NatSoc, but we're both cat owners. Well, I took in a stray, and she's been with me for a few years. I don't adopt. Not worth the hassle.
But why the meme flag
who the fuck do you support then
No, I'm not into that
At this point, nobody
Cause why not?
Now this is a pretty big surprise, actually. If only you weren't for a big ass government run by unaccountable cocksuckers.
You'll have to inform this board of what a "classical liberal" is.
They've no clue.
You do have a point. I like all animals, to be honest. So did Hitler.
Yeah, if only
In a language you can understand, someone who is not a cuck
>Not racist (if you mean you dont hate white people)
>Pro Gun
>Free Speech
>You said socialism doesnt work
>Not leftist
>My party has bad seeds
What fucking kind of liberal are you? Or you a Right-centrist?
what do you view as the smallest component of society - the individual or the family (mom, dad, kids)?
Hitler also drank water. Therefore anyone who drinks water is Hitler
Do you agree that pol is the most liberal place on the net?
You think you're a liberal but you're not.
I don't hate white people.
>Also I'm for big government
In a weird way yes
I'm for big government
Cats are actually worse than Hitler and the Nazis. Cats commit mass genocide against the Rodent and Bird Untermensch annually killing billions. Hitler, Stalin, Mao etc could only have dreamed of that kill count
You just proved my point
I asked what you thought about making it illegal. You can go to prison in 15 or so countries for saying anything to the contrary to the official story.
What do you think about it being illegal to say less people died etc?
Also what do you think about the USS Liberty attack and Lavon affair?
And what do you think about metzitzah b'peh?
That was a good comeback OP. Respect.
That just makes them more alpha imo.
What is your butthole's diameter?
Why do you support paying for drug addicts?
Take the test and then well discuss your political side.
>cats commits mass genocide
I love all animals, even pit bulls, but you just made me love cats now where before I was simply ambivalent. Thanks, user.
Shit... you shouldn't go to jail for saying that kind of stuff. You should expect a fuck ton of criticism but not go to jail
Ya know, I know Muslims hate dogs, but what do they think about cats anyway? I've never bothered to ask before.
Why do you think they would make it illegal to question?
Also what do you think about the USS Liberty attack and Lavon affair?
And what do you think about metzitzah b'peh?
I took that awhile ago, I landed on the middle lower side of "authoritarian left". I guess that makes me a communist
A lot of people on the right are for big government as well, we’re not all libertarians.
I'm more familiar with domestic politics
I hope that's not your political test user, because that's literally the portrait of a centrist cuck.
Neolibs get the bullet too.
Well it seems that way sometimes! Also I'm pro immigration. People want a better life for themselves and for they're families
Okay Stalin
Not actually muslim, just wearing flag because I am promoting the Cat Jihad against the Canine, Rodent and Bird Infidels
Yesterday my girlfriend cat brought me a half alive Cardinal bird as a gift, she is such a good gf, 10/10. I decided to assist in the killing and let her play with it for a few hours.
what do you think about how now trump supporters have become just as sycophantic as obama supporters were ?
I'm not a centrist cuck. I'm something else. But not a cuck
Are you aware that by being against the wall you are supporting human trafficking, sex slavery, child slavery, and child rape and gang violence?
Can you draw your circle in the compass?
why did they take down Moonman?
Oh boy, OP. If you don't have respect for private property...
We don't need a wall because
>The American Mexican border is like a million degrees, most people die there
>Even if we built the wall, it wouldn't change anything cause a majority of illegal immigrants fly over the border
Oh no! I don't wanna go on a free helicopter ride