Nasa says ‘iceberg twice the size of New York City’ is set to break away from Antarctica
The iceberg would represent the largest break off there since scientists first began monitoring the area, in 1915.
In a release, Nasa says that a crack has been growing at a rate of about 2.5 miles (4km) per year since 2012, and that the chasm was dormant before that time. That northward growing crack could soon meet with another growing chasm, the so-called “Halloween crack” that was discovered in October of 2016 growing eastward form the McDonalds Ice Rumples.
I'm right there with you anons And leave it to a fucking leaf to not understand 80% of this shelf is ABOVE sea level meaning it's going to have massive consequences when it does break off in the next 6-12 months and crashes INTO the ocean. Goddamn newfag idiots do 0 research before they post.
Alexander Smith
The majority of it lies above the McDonalds Rumples (which is underwater), this chunk if falling/melting/sliding off the top which isn't already in the water, but good question. It's basically an enormous shelf of ice sitting atop of and on the edge of the Rumples about to crash straight into the ocean and it's the size of NYC.
Sorry to break my post up but it would be like dropping 4 ice cubes into a glass of water but all of them sitting on the bottom instead of floating. The shelf has a greater density than the water itself so like most icebergs, the majority of it, when it breaks off (about 90% or so) is going to be underwater raising sea levels while about 10-15% visible on the surface. The worry that NASA is having is with the initial butterfly effect of it breaking off and which countries it's going to impact the most with actual tidal waves and shit even from Antarctica the ripples in the water build the further they go out and pretty much roll over one another until a giant wave is created when it hits some mainland.
Cameron Sanders
Possibly. I'm trying to keep up with any new updates on it because as of right now they have no idea which hemisphere/mainland it's going to hit when it comes. If it's somewhere like poo land it's not as significant as say half of south America or all of Japan. They always keep this shit on the low to minimize public panic.
Nicholas Brooks
It sounds less impressive when you actually put the numbers to it rather than using vague estimates like "new york city". 302 square miles of ice falling into 140,000,000 square miles of water, it's also pretty asinine to summarize a volumetric equation that way, by comparing it to a 2 dimensional area, but maybe I'm mistaken and "new york city" has a volume?
If you were to compare the scope of NYC (underground infrastructure to skyscrapers), it's not the slowly melting effects that they're worried about but more the initial impact and it's "shockwave" when it crashes into the ocean and how that's going to ripple to other areas. Tidal waves don't have to be 200 ft. tall to do massive damage and distance (in this case Antarctica to the nearest mainland) only builds it's velocity on impact with actual shoreline. It's like a Cat 5 hurricane, you've got nothing to worry about if you aren't in it's path but if you are, you are completely fucked. It may raise sea levels a nominal amount if at all, but that initial impact is going to roll on to Thailand or Tokyo or Australia, NASA can't predict it's direction yet but they are expecting it to be the largest in recorded history.
Them digs and yes I've got substantial wealth/assets/family but this world has gotten too backwards and clownish I'm ready for it to come and wash it away.
William Price
Pardon the typo I'm phoneposting but yeah this shit needs to wipe out a lot of shit so we can wipe it clean and start over. If I or my family survives is negligible at this point. We need a hard restart and this may be it.
Grayson Brooks
I live in the most landlocked place on earth outside of Africa. I really hope it's as bad as you're saying
At the cost of sounding empathetic towards fellow anons I really do hope it is as bad as NASA is predicting. It may be just what humanity needs to shake itself out of this faggotry it seems stuck in with menial shit and squabbles. I live near a coast and I have plenty to live for and pass along but let it wipe me/us out in my area if it wakes up the rest of everyone else in the US. We tend to unite and rally around tragedies/catastrophic things so if I have to be a casualty to it it then fuck it.
Colton Collins
>NASA >Jew Media Nigger I think it's you who needs to take your pills. You have a more reliable source than fucking NASA? That's not the only link reporting on it dumbass use duckduckgo and you'll find a dozen other sources reporting on it. You think they're all jews? Fuck off. Calling everything jewish isn't going to save you from a goddamn earthquake or tidal wave you fucking moron.
Evan Moore
Hey dipshit american, it's -40 celcius outside, there is ice all over the continent, and every spring it melts and runs into the ocean. Are you fucking dumb? I literally sit in my car in -40 with a fucking shirt and no underwear while I have a cigarette. You think I care about some gay iceberg?
Here's what you do, take a piece of paper, roll it into a cone, pour some water in it so you now have an ice cone, then shove it up your gay and retarded american ass for trusting mainstream media.
>4 billion sperg posts by this user
Dominic Cooper
Hey, dipshit leaf. This is the largest break of an above-sea-level shelf in recorded history. Who gives a fuck what your thermostat says? No one. It's happenining. You'd bitch if I had 0 posts or 100 posts so fuck you. Read up on it yourself and get educated or fuck off and get back to sucking trudeaus dick.
Easton Young
>It's happenining It's literally not happening and you are gay and retarded AND american. If I was american, I would beat the shit out of you then rape you. Stay retarded and scared of cold things, champ.
David Roberts
>NASA is steadily reccording and monitoring at the point break and says it's happening >some random leaf faggot says it's not happening Hmm. Really makes you think.
Connor Green
We are at a warm peak. Ice age will come and a sheet will grow over the northern hemisphere while we dump trillions into prepping for ice caps to melt
Jace Barnes
the area in question points straight up the Atlantic. i think asia and australia are safe.
Xavier Diaz
Wtf are you talking about. Humanity won’t wake to shit. Your government will just use it as an excuse to grab power across multiple avenues.
Jackson Barnes
Yea it would be really depressing if some retarded leaf was smarter than nasa, that would be a real conundrum.
First of all, they have been saying this type of thing nonstop for the last 40 years or so. Second of all, I wouldn't have a problem if all coastal cities got taken out by tsunamis.
I also clearly remember reading an article by NASA saying that the total ice on the antarctic was growing faster due to inland deposits than it is shrinking from glacier break-off.