Ay Tone

Dumping some ay Tone. Post some OC.

Here’s an album too imgoat.com/upload/success?id=201830,201831,201832,201833,201834,201835,201836,201837,201838,201839,201840,201841,201842,201843,201844,201845,201847,201846,201848,201849,201851,201850,201852,201853,201854,201855,201856,201857,201859,201860,201861,201858,201862,201863,201864,201866,201865,201867,201868,201869,201870

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Ay nigger they moved the gas chamber and made it a bunker.

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These are really good.


literally recycled 9gag memes. fuck off.

You have to try harder than using a memeflag.

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Lol stay mad you fucking rat

This maymay has legs

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Damn, I just made USS Liberty one.

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this ones better since it namedrops israel

so yous tellin me they got a list of the folk, tracked them down, detained them, arranged transportation on trains, processed them in the camps, seized all their belongings, fed them, and housed them for what?
4 dieing every minute just don't add up. night and day the entire war? naw, somethings fishy

keep em comin'

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OP picture is retarded. Assuming the door is solid enough, you use kind of sealant (i.e. glue) for the window, and have a rubber seal in the door frame you can make a room air tight enough to gas people. Also, without any mechanism to ventilate the room loss of the poisonous gas will be slow.

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Ones like this are garbage. Go play fortnite

Thousands gassed. Nobody breaks the window? Nobody breaks some wood?

Holy retard alert, lurk more. I’m not even going to waste my breath explaining shit you won’t bother to look up. Go watch part 8 of Europa: The Last Battle

>only a little highly lethal cyanide gas would leak into the corridor

This is an armor piercing round. Red hot metal spalding spraying in zionist faggot faces.

This is dogshit. This is a pebble ricocheting off a speeding train. This is a soft cock trying to penetrate.

I really like it. You could do one about how AIPAC never registered for FARA.

AIPAC has never registered as a foreign agent despite being ordered to in 1962. The Treasury Department office relating to sanctions is almost always controlled by a Zionist, dual citizen of Israel.

can someonemake an ayy tone about the human lamps and soao
>something like
Ay tone so youre telling me the sam guys who lied about the human soap and human lampds lied about the amount of jews killed

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out, out, out

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try using pepper spray inside your room and see

> not knowing you are being gassed
> dont want to try and escape because scary man with gun will shoot you
> realise you are being gassed
> too many people in the way to have a decent crack at the door
> begin to feel week and unable to move as gas takes effect
> die

I am a retard for understanding basic science? I hope to god a basic understanding of science is required to get into the ethnl state you Mutt

This meme sucks

>Things that never happened; the post

> things that happened, you being cucked and mutted.

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Keep it up goys

These are awesome!

Need one about Anne Frank dying of typhus in a "death camp" hospital

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Regardless of what you think of the 6 million number, it's not a reference to those who died exclusively in the camps. They're talking about the extermination as a whole, including when the SS would go and execute entire Jewish villages and throw them into mass graves.

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The number is apparently 12 million. The six gazillion Jews is all they talk about though. Try again kid, summer isn't even close yet.

10 bucks says this is the gyppo from yesterday

>Entire Jewish villages

Name one

I thought they just compared Jewish population before and after the holocaust?

Plenty of places in Russia and Ukraine
Not saying it was 6 gorillion but it had to be more than a few hundred thousand

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Name one village

The 11-12 million is not just Jews you uneducated 56%er.

Brest, Belarus
The mass grave was only just found.

And Brest was an entirely Jewish village, yeah?

>Hundreds of thousands of pieces of evidence
>My ay tone meme convinces me that it was all impossible
>Make no attempt to test your idea
Lazy and cucked.

You think it's a conspiracy people can die from gas leaks in their home too? Without being packed in, with ventilation and with no threat of death upon escape.

>The Brest Ghetto was established after the Germans overtook Poland, and roughly tens of thousands of the city’s Jewish citizens were confined to the area. On October 15, 1942, the Nazis loaded 20,000 Jews onto railcars and transported them to Bronnaya Gora, about halfway between Brest and Minsk by rail, where pits had been prepared. The Jews of Brest were then shot and dumped into the pits along with 30,000 Jews from other cities and regions. In 1944, when the Soviets liberated Brest, only nine Jewish citizens were found to have survived the war.

Imagine all that wasted wealth, when you could just March them out to senator throw off a boat

Bone bust:DDD srry, senator = sea

where did you get it from?

>unironically comparing a natural gas leak to zyklon b

Kill yourself

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I wish some of these Paulie memes had him starting with, "Not for nothin, T, but..."

Depending on the camp, some were zyclone, others used fumes that we produced from Soviet submarine engines the were manufactured in 1947

All meme flags must hang

Honesty I'm a hardcore denier and I don't deny the mobile death squads that operated along the Eastern Front. They were fucking amazing, the Einsatzgruppen. They weren't just shooting jews, they would just find the names of all communist party members in each town and execute them. Jews were all communists in the East.

That would logistically cost more time and money. Why not just shove them all on a train to mass murder in various ways, when most of mainland Europe is landlocked.
Yeah, it is ridiculous considering zyklon b has a much higher capacity to kill than LPG does. And considering the circumstances surrounding how the Germans gassed people, it's surprising how many brainlets think it was impossible to die in the gas chambers.

Stop setting up goalposts.

The argument is that a wooden door won't prevent toxic gas from escaping and potentially killing everyone outside the room, nor will it stop a desperate person with the strength to claw through concrete with their nails from breaking free.

This. I gotta head to work, but afterwards ill gimp some up

Because then you would have to content with hiding the evidence and were you've hidden it, unlike mass graves, ocean burials feeds the wild life. Transportation is cheap and so are bullets, not elaborate camps or gas facilities with cremation or local mass burial. If people want to talk about brutal effectiveness, that is not what the nazis did

holocaust deniers btfo

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This. The 15 million refers to the gypsies, disabled and homosexuals as well. Only 16 million of the 20 million were Jewish.

Like pottery

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your country is a melting pot just like that boys melting face it hurts doesn't it

Nah it isn't Shlomo, probably can't even place it on the map :---D

Why do you think the SS were standing right by the door? They weren't. Once they had killed those in the gas chambers, they ventilated the room and sent in sonderkommandos to remove the bodies.
HCN is also only active at certain tempratures, and does nothing on skin contact. It has to be inhaled. Those who had to deal with the chambers were also given gas masks just in case.
Dumping hundreds of thousands of bodies into the ocean eouldn't be as effective at hiding bodies as you think, I think. They would need to try and weigh every single one down if they didn't want all the decomposing bodies floating ashore, as well as kept them fed long enough to transport them to the locations. They wouldn't have profited from free labor, either. Too many opportunities to escape as well.

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Where’s the proof they have dual citizenship?

The 11-12 million refers to all murders committed by Nazis. The 6 million refers to Jews specifically.


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I started watching Sopranos for the first time last night thanks to these threads

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don't stop.. believing

Are you denying the 30 million? Not cool Finland

Ay, Tone.
If Hitler loved his people so much, why did he put them in front of bullets?
Why did he attack Russia without taking General Winter into account?

The estimates have been pretty consistent for decades.

Its pretty redpilled. Im on season 1 episode 3 and theres been Tone telling his mums black maid "no ganja", and the jew episode where the jew Tone out of the full percentage for the job

4 million jews killed at autzschwitz alone...oh, wait...no...it's now 1.1 million...total....

Im jealous of u senpai.

Ive watched the whole show start to end 4 times, i wish i could see it again for the first time.

You notice more stuff everytime you watch it through, things u didnt pick up on before.

Best show of all time.

Simon Wiesenthal admitted that he had made up the 11 million number in order to get more sympathy from goyim. Even the Jews admit the number is inflated.


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Yes, using a paranoid, psychotic idiot to promote idiot memes is really clever.

He is the perfect representative for these stupid ideas - ignorant, and a lapdog follower of any bully more powerful than him

Pol in a nutshell

*where the jew tried to jew Tone out of the full percentage for the job

Yeah - I keep missing some plot lines due to the lingo.
But yeah its fucking awesome

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Because they were running extremely low on oil. Not saying it was the right decision, just that's the reason why.