I work at a dry cleaner and found $20 in a customer's pocket.
What should I spend it on?
I work at a dry cleaner and found $20 in a customer's pocket
A sign that reminds people to check their pockets before dropping off their shit.
That would be great cuz most of the time I find snot rags
Its one thing to find a $20 on the ground and take it, but you're fucking stealing, user.
I don't do drugs
What a square
As much In n' Out as you can buy for $20. Don't forget the animal fries and the shake.
I live in Ohio unfortunately
I'm a loser that doesn't do drugs
crack whores
Buy shares in medicinal marijuana.
A tiny funnel so you can pour salt down your dickhole.
What the fuck?
Put that shit back man, the owner might remember it was supposed to be in that pocket.
Your own fleshlight so u dont have to share one with your roommate anymore
Kinda funny you say that cuz medical marijuana just got legalized here
They never do
I've already got 3 onaholes and 1 mouth
Now's a good time to start.
I don't even know how to go about acquiring drugs.
And even if I died, I don't want to get ripped off
Where in Ohio, there are some ok local stores in Cincy and Columbus
>I don't even know how to go about acquiring drugs.
Go to the poorest section of town and ask around.