The absolute state of the Bernie Sanders camp.
No wonder the Dems couldn't win.
The absolute state of the Bernie Sanders camp.
No wonder the Dems couldn't win.
which reddit is this
And they ask themselves why they never win.
The term "Bernie Bro" is used to identify the womanly and minority homosexuals who support Bernie. It's a pejorative categorization against homosexuals who are very excited about Bernie's doomed-to-fail excursion onto the blazing campaign trail. The people who use the term aren't necessarily criticizing specific policies - they are just mocking faggots for what they are, which would be gay niggers.
The party of #OldWhiteMales.
Not true. We say Bernie Bros in reference to the men and Bernie Hos in reference to the women.
>Blacks are not bros
What did they mean by this?
Diversity is are strength
And that's a good thing
I prefer
The senile millionaire is in a decades long identity crisis and "smart city folks" have themselves an hero.
I thought it started as an attempt by Hillary supporters to paint Bernie supporters as misogynistic harassers
they just can't bring themselves to call out team hilldawg, who literally invented the term to push exactly the narrative that redditard identifies. and that moral cowardice is why they'll never win.
>"an" attack
>"the people" who use
>"they" are just
name the names you fucking faggots.
>naive millennials go further into debt to finance establishment DNC candidates
it would be fucking hilarious if these weren't our countrymen, and if they weren't destroying our republic.
>implying that women, POC and transgenders can't be "bros"
This is so misogynistic! Why are you spreading hate, OP?
I don’t think it started that way, but that’s what the term means now. No one would call themselves a “Bernie Bro” today. The comment in the OP is an attempt to remove the negative branding.
It’s a lot like MAGA hats. I think that if a white man were to walk around my campus with a 2015-16 era Bernie hat today, he would be treated almost as badly as a Trump supporter because “as we all know” people only voted for Bernie out of fear and hatred of powerful women
They only way they’ll learn.
If Bernie's supporters really wanted to help people, they would give them their own money.
>a better future involves breadlines
it's fake