UN probe accuses Israel of possible crimes against humanity

Oy vey.

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What do WE think of this?

The Mutts will protect them as normal.

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Fucking gross how true this is.


>builds walls and constantly deports non-Jews
>uses non-profit organization to flood Greece with boat niggers
Gosh, there's a problem with this? This is hatespeech, sir! My daddy survived the HOLOCAUST!!!

This is literally the 271st time the UN has done that since Israel was founded. Absolutely nothing will happen.

"Oy Vey shut it all down"


Don't we also?

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This is like the 100 time it happens, the mut empire will come in and veto it


the UN is a joke. no major world power opposes israel. USA is cucked. russia is cucked. even iran doesnt threaten them openly

Why do they even waste time with this? The UN never does anything nor ever enacts any penalty on Israel or the US no matter what. The Un should be dissolved for reasons too numerous to list here.

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Netanyahu also getting indicted today

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Fuck the UN though. It's like you forgot who made the migration pact. It's the first thing, any western country should leave.

Anglo-American-Zionist world order. AAZO, nothing "N_ew" about it.


The UN is Jewish. They're giving China a free pass while everyone's sperging out over Israel.

By the time the whole world wakes up and unites against Jews they will have turned Chinese.

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Of course they did. They always do. That's why no respectable country is on the board and no one accepts their findings as factual. The human rights board is filled with a bunch of Muslim countries, how can we take them seriously?

>The UN is Jewish. They're giving China a free pass while everyone's sperging out over Israel.

China doesn't kill civilians out of racist reasons like Israel.

>never heard of a Uyghur or Tibetan.

Racism doesn't exist. They still kill civvies.

Everybody needs China. Nobody needs Israel. I wouldn't have half of my electronic stuff without China. Israel's export is 5x smaller than Poland's.

>everybody needs china

Why don't we move our cheap garbage factories to some other shithole?

>Why don't we move our cheap garbage factories to some other shithole?

You can move it wherever you want. China developed thousands of its own companies that overcompete yours in sphere of hi-tech and this process is inevitable anyway. China is going to be as powerful as 10 Japans soon.


when will israel begin to follow UN resolution 242?

lol no. China is going to collapse into bloodshed and starvation.

We can pick any shithole country to put our factories in, Africa is much closer and would bring down shipping cost.


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>lol no. China is going to collapse into bloodshed and starvation.

Everything depends on what Europe decides. If it decides to kick out the USA from Europe and unite with Russia and China, you can do nothing because you can control only sea routes, but you are unable to control Silk Road going through continental masses of Eurasia and Arctic Sea.

China developed thousands of its own companies that are run by the PLA and steal IP from yours in sphere of hi-tech and this process is inevitable anyway.


USA spies more on its own allies than China on its own enemies.

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If that was possible, it would've happened already.

Asia is the last place in the world with high-IQ natives, cheap labor and modern infrastructure.

Why aren't North Africans craniofacially Negroid?

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>thinks picking sides in a century's old religious feud to secure routes through the Middle East is a viable alternative
I tell you what, probably not.

Thousands of trains with cargo going between China, Russia and Europe are everyday reality already today, although the Silk Road project wasn't even fully launched yet, which is going to happen in second half of 2020s, and the number of trains and cargo is growing exponentially. It works because every country on the Silk Road's way benefits from it. It worked centuries ago for the same reason, despite primitive transporation means and much bigger number of unstable countries on its way.

Greece then

Modern greeks are 90 IQ turks.

I don't think Europe's problems stem from trade. I don't think China's problems stem from trade. Sounds interesting though, I'll look into it more.


What about USA's problems? You have a lot of critical problems that are a danger not only for your international and economical position - which is seriously undermined - but even for your internal social peace.

state of chinese shills

your economy is pumped up judeo bolsheviks plastic shit

Ireland doesn't have any economy except of being a tax heaven for global corporations.

And yet people keep buying it like there's no tommorow. Really gets the noggin' joggin'


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Israel did 9/11, and also tried to false flag Mexico into the war on terror in Oct 2001

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Our economics can function without any foreign trade at all. The entire global trading system was a post-WWII project for international security and countering communism. There is no critical danger to our economy at all.

Also there's no real danger internationally other than states supporting one side in our civil war.

Un is a crime against humanity

>Our economics can function without any foreign trade at all.

I hope it can also successfuly function without dollar being a main global reserve currency and without ability of unlimited money printing to credit the economy with rapidly growing trade deficit. Good luck.

Zionism is collapsing. The israelis can be defended from the sandniggers for a minimal cost, not 7 trillion dollars and refugee waves. Privilege of my life to help limit you nazi kikes.

Wtf I love UN now.

>Un is a crime against humanity

7,7 bln goyim on the planet Earth are "antisemitic" because one tiny tribe of sand cavemen claims so. How could we even argue?

>dollar collapse
Honestly this would hurt, but the sooner it happens the better. If we keep pushing it out it will only get worse. Would probably kick off the civil war as socialists get violent.

But currently? What fucking currency would you even use instead? The Euro and Yuan are not viable.

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Reminder that last yearTrump had the US leave the human Rights Council of the UN so the US can't block this for Israel.


>but the sooner it happens the better.

So remove yourself freewillingly from Eurasia instead of waiting for Russia/China doing this with using force on territories of your puppets such as Poland, please.

You cant

>Remove ourselves
Not going to happen. Not because I, personally, don't want to but because there is no incentive. Government wants to leach money from the world, people want more welfare spending, and business wants the market control.

They will also continue to absolutely fuck anyone who tries to subvert this world order.

The world is not Poland, you can't tell it what to do.

I can and do tell it what to do

>Not going to happen.

Well, i know. But you must admit that Soviet Union had more class, because it did this freewilingly.

Israel is a shit hole. A bunch of witch nosed gremlins invaded them thanks to the UK in the 20th century and establish a shithole in the middle of sand. They don't deserve Israel.

>I can and do tell it what to do

Meanwhile Netanyahu just finished his 11th trip to Russia in last 3 years to beg for Russian permission for some military actions in Syria. That's this famous 'zionist power' i presume? Looks weak for a country that supposedly rules the world, according to Jow Forumstards

We don't need permission, if russians fuck with us we kill them

our economy was always arseways
either way i dont benefit so i couldn't give a shite

Did it? Was the ruble ever an international currency beyond the Soviet bloc? And did it do this without pressure from their collapse?

But yes. I agree in principal that it's a real fucked up system.

>We don't need permission, if russians fuck with us we kill them

The difference between Palestinian women and Russians is that the latter fights back. Your elite knows it hence it prefers to lick Russian ass in hope that they will leave Israel alone or even help them fight Iran. There is some things that Israel can do what Russians want like creating diplomatic conflict with Poland in hope that it would also create diplomatic conflict between USA and Poland and result in weakening American military presence in Central-Eastern Europe. Or like building statues of Red Army in Israel and supporting Russian interpretation of WW2 history. But when Israel plays it all cards - that are rather not very powerful, despite numerous conspiracy theories - it could become useless for Russia, and then Crimea scenario is possible, considering the fact that 30% of Israel's population are Russian people.

and everyone was wrong all 271 times !!!11

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all I need are beaver pelts and syrup and a nice piece of pickerel

Teach us some tricks so we can eliminate the mudslims from inside the country.
regards to bibi .

But don't we hate both the UN and Israel?

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India doesn't need to be afraid of being dominated by muslims with its huge population growth. But Europe and Russia shifting themselves to more pro-muslim positions with time is inevitable because of their weak demography. All places with birth rate below replacement rate need to take people from places where birth rate is very high, and Middle East is one of such places. That's why "antisemitism" is destined to only grow in places where low birth rates prevail, because muslim people bring their hatred to Israel with themselves as a baggage when they arrive here. That's why i think that Israel doesn't have future because all major players outside of the Middle East would eventually become openly hostile to it, while the Middle East is hostile already.

>Crimes against humanity
>Implying Muslims are human

Good thing our dual citizens in congress signed a law about targetting rising european antisemitism

>implying israel doesnt actively commit crimes against us

dont you have an opinion of your own? and yes both need to die but anything that we can use against israel is a good thing. when an enemy attacks another enemy you let him have at it.

>Good thing our dual citizens in congress signed a law about targetting rising european antisemitism

Such laws are counterproductive. They can't change new demographic and cultural structure of Europe that is responsible for growing "antisemitism", and at the same time they break First Amendment to the United States constitution and people associate breaking the law with Jews, which could later on result in rapidly growing hatred for Jews even in the USA, if it is not the case already. Such a law is like throwing granade into pile of shit, but maybe it was real intention of its creators. Although i think that this law was created under heavy pressure of Jewish lobby. Jews have authoritarian mentality: they think that they can force people to act and think the way they want with using force.

Right unless it puts the USA into a position where we have to defend Israel. Given our cooling relationship with the UN, I fear that that's the bigger move that they are trying to force us into.

Just in time for the indictment of Netanyahu.

It's not a matter of opinion, obviously they both suck, but the timing is suspect.

>Right unless it puts the USA into a position where we have to defend Israel.

USA is currently withdrawing from the Middle East and putting itself in the offshore balancer position in the region. That's why Israel feels threatened and tries to secure its positions even with using Saudi Arabia or Russia.

I wanna believe bro.

Good thing we didn't kill any humans

>I wanna believe bro.

The USA concluded that Middle East stopped being a crucial geopolitical asset, because of shale revolution and stuff. And since the American budget is very tight, it must choose places of strategic presence. Middle East and specifically Israel are not such places at all. The USA would gladly try to balance the region with some exotic diplomatic solutions like Israeli-Sunni "alliance" and shit like that. But Israel knows that powers acting in the region are too strong to be dependent only on such diplomatic constructions, hence Netanyahu visits Moscow more often than Polish puppet-politicians of communist Poland did in the past.

How long until someone calls the UN antisemite


The UN is garbage. Israel is the most honest and humain countries probably in human history

>Good thing we didn't kill any humans

At the same time you decide to rewrite history of Poland to milk the Holy Grail of the Holocaust in political and financial way for next decades to come, despite the fact that nazis had similar optics to yours, and they never hurt Israel, because they didn't invade Israel in 1939 after all. It is a hypocrisy but you surely don't care about it.

That does make sense, so you figure AIPAC plans to pull out of the US and refocus on another super power in conjunction with this, while we purge our traitors?

Or will this Netanyahu matter along side the reshuffling of power both in the US and abroad bring down the more subversive aspects of Israel foreign influence?

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Literally who

Yeah because you veto it

>That does make sense, so you figure AIPAC plans to pull out of the US and refocus on another super power

Russia is an economical and technological dwarf, and it has power only to destabilize countries and regions. It doesn't have power to create long-standing empire anymore. So i doubt that Jews would "come back to Russia" all of a sudden. There is much higher probability that they would "come back:" to Germany, imo. China won't let non-ethnical Chinese rule the country

Withdrawing? Wut
Didn't Trump go back on his word of pulling out their troops in Syria? What about the military bases that are all around Iran? What about the fervent wish Trump (and thus the average burger NPC will have) to invade Iran?
USA will always protect Israhell, until motherfucking natsocs or some shit take the government, which, from what I'm seeing, never will happen, so we'll live in hell because of burgers for centuries to come

Nothing will happen. The U.S is kiked, so they'll just use us to help them fight the anti-semitic UN.

Israel is incomparably less important for Poland than the other way round, to be honest. It is Israel that is such a tiny country that lacks strategic depth. It would be enough for Russians to install some units of primitive artillery developed in 60s near your borders to wipe you out in seconds, because your territory is so small. That's why Israel became so interested in Central-Eastern Europe lately. Because it hopes that it could use this strategic asset inhabited by 120 mln people as its lacking strategic depth to pressure Russia into good behaviour. Unfortunately such pressuring would be made at our expense, so Poland will most probably become very rude to Israel soon, in order to break diplomatic relations with it. I am more than sure that it won't affect our relations with the USA anyway.

All he did was reduced the number of troops stationed there, and then gave Israel more money, because they where not happy with him doing that so he had to let them know that the U.S is on their side, and willing to defend them , and here's a couple more billion, because why the fuck not.