I see Vice is flipping it's shit over Gab

Personally don't give a fuck if it give people from the far right a voice I just like the fact these cunts can't control the narrative and suppress everyone who wants to speak out against their bullshit.

Attached: Users of far-right social network Gab can now comment on the entire internet.png (666x1885, 276K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Gab was literally announced to be a far-right, white surpremecist, nazi propaganda website by several credible journalist sites and was even kicked off twitch, PayPal, VenMo, etc, for being such. I’m pretty sure even their ISP shut them down at one point because they were just full of racist shitbags causing trouble.

Wow, that is awesome...this will get more and more popular as the left continues their trend of trying to censor everything...nice to see their will be new solutions offered in this way.

back to your discord, tranny

Huh... whaddaya know, something Jow Forums mentioned that I might actually use... thanks mate.

Yup, just as I remembered. Shut down for it’s rampant neo-nazi bullshit going on.

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Dissenter sounds cool + based as fuck.

If this takes off disabling comments will be a thing of the past

>causing trouble
>neo-nazi bullshit
>far right white supremacist
>credible journalist sites
clearly bait, not even a (You) for (you), (you) fucking spastic

This sounds like a truly revolutionary app that will face a strong backlash from the Leftists. Investing now.

I'm not a regular here so I wouldn't call myself Jow Forums, this place is full of people who are overtly paranoid schizophrenic for my liking for any meaningful conversation.

As a concept Dissenter is great, but they do censor a bunch of words. Not ideal.

Gays deserve aids
Jews start all wars
Blacks are unevolved savages

Fair enough. Some people feel challenged and get defensive when forced to justify or reason. Not all of us here are like that though. :3

>people can post about videos that block comments on YouTube
>YouTube deleted a bunch of pedo comments

Nice fake news. Trying to imply that’s why people are switching to this new platform. Disgusting. The day of the rope can’t come soon enough.

Are you mad because you know you're inferior and need to silence your opposition is a way of coping with it?
Why do you have to silence your challenges and not see even "nazi sexist trumphkins" trying to elliminate your right to speak?? Because you know you are wrong and they know it too. You know deep down that is the truth. Fucking kill yourself faggot.

Why can't someone make this type of commenting add on without requiring an account somewhere, just give people some kin of token or UUID. That will be better. Gab will inevitably be subpoenaed or sued and their logs will end up in the wrong hands

also make it p2p

Unironically this. I'm invested but I can't agree to be a client too at this early and vulnerable stage.

Friendly reminder that gabbai is Hebrew and strictly Jewish.

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>an add-on comment section
>no account needed
>unique ID and tokens for example a flag
Where do you think you are?

>I’m pretty sure even their ISP shut them down at one point because they were just full of racist shitbags causing trouble.
>causing trouble
Can you define that, faggot?

Lol, keep sucking that corporate cock you gullible retard

Posting anti-women, anti-immigrant, anti-minority inflammatory and offensive content such as wanting to genocide said groups. Such hateful content shouldn’t be allowed anywhere on the internet let alone the world.


>Such hateful content shouldn’t be allowed anywhere on the internet let alone the world.
10/10 b8 m8
Seriously tho, why do you hate freedom of speech?

>anti-women in the context of their actionsis perfectly valid speech and if that speech is made illegal will lead to violence

>anti-immigrant speech is valid because if you do not allow the speech it will lead to violence

there would be no calls for genocide if we were allowed to peacefully seperate or keep our spaces safe from those that want to infect them.

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Freedom of speech means the government can’t put you in prison for saying something (unless it’s hateful, in which it’s then hate speech)

It doesn’t mean everyone else has to put up with your neo nazi rhetoric.

You know this^ faggot is bullshit and you still try to debate with it. Stop it, its nearing election cycle, youve seen it before.

This idea is obviously a step forward, the issue is that there is still a centralization point.
What's more as points out, it's just another system of control and surveillance. Jow Forums is probably also sold out as well, aside from Jow Forums most likely logging IPs, for the moment there are no registration or info linked to each post.
Can Gab accounts be created anonymously? And for how long? How long till having a static non-VPN IP will be illegal?

checked, but people don't want to come here. with an adon for all commonn browsers people will see on all sites and also not have to sift through the nigger dicks and ethot posts

installing it now

You get the gas.

God damn look how fake Vice is now since Murdoch tried to turn it into zoomer cnn

> How long till having a static non-VPN IP will be illegal?
Or made to be mandatory/law*

Looking at it from a bigger picture, if the internet is not remade, or internets that can't so easily be "shut off", the censorship problem will continue.

> (unless it’s hateful, in which it’s then hate speech)
no such thing famalam
why do I have to put up with your egalitarian drivel? I'm not a neo-nazi, but you lack the qualifications to define what is or isn't "hate speech" or "neo nazi rhetoric", I don't have to listen to you.

The best thing about this i that basically all leftist and liberals are moral relativists but are pretening now that there is such a thing as objective "hatefull content"

Are you fucking retarded? Hate speech is protected too dumbass

Based Burger standing his crowd from sheep Jow Forumstards

Hate speech doesn't exist, fuck whoever came up with this dumb shit.

Every time I read a Vice or other new media article, I just look up a picture of the author.

This answers so many questions, it's not even funny.

Pic isn't this guy, it's another Vice author who lead the effort to take down Count Dankula.

It instantly replaces my fury with intermingled pity and disgust.

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“you lack the qualifications to define what is or isn't "hate speech" or "neo nazi rhetoric"”

Here’s your examples of hate speech.
If you would like clarification as to why any of these are hate speech, let me know. You probably won’t though because you KNOW they’re hateful content.

That is a fucking awesome concept.
I miss comment sections.

Hate speech isn't a real thing in American legal terms. Jews don't have souls by the way.

Anyone using Dissenter?
How is it?

That's not hate speech, you're just a faggot. There's nothing there directing others to commit violence against another group. No racial equivalent of yelling fire in a crowded theater, no hate speech

We don't recognize hate speech in the USA.
It is not a thing here unless you are on a college campus.
You really need to learn how to read.

I know, I'm liking this.
All the far left news sites used to have comments sections and reality wouldn't comport with their fantasy so they had to nuke them.
Typically I read the headline, first paragraph, last paragraph, then went to the comments, browsed by top for a few, latest for a few, and if it had the ability, lowest rated.
Got a nice, wide variety of fact and opinion doing this.

Hate speech goes both ways. You say "gas the kikes, race war now" is hate speech. I say "impeach Drumpf" is hate speech. "You can't be racist towards white people" is hate speech. "Cracker," is hate speech.

Except it literally is but it goes by “harassment” charges.

You literally can’t just start screaming “N****R F****T” at people on the street without racking up charges for disturbing the peace, harassment, etc.

come on user
try harder
this is weak b8

Ok so why are you saying it shouldn't be allowed anywhere on the internet then? That's literally anti-free speech. The only way to accomplish that would be through government, retard.


This is some next level internet shit. This has so much fucking potential it's not even funny, imagine having a 3rd party comment system that cannot be censored. Fucking beautiful. Only question is how soon until it gets comp'd, or duplicated?

That's not a hate speech law you fucking moron.

Hate speech doesn’t have to necessarily call for violence. If you yelled “n****r” at a black guy, that’s hate speech and possibly a hate crime.
If you yelled “f****t” at an LGBTQ+ member, that’s hate speech and possibly a hate crime.

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Harassment is an act, not a certain category of words, you retard nigger faggot.
All forms of expression are protected speech in the US. Hate speech does not exist.
Literally every Communist on the planet deserves violent rape and a very slow painful death. All good goy Bolshevik shills get the bullet first.

Welcome to America, you dirty Heeb.

>far-right social network

Why didnt they just say Hitlers KKK network

>If you yelled “n****r” at a black guy, that’s hate speech and possibly a hate crime.
No, it's not either of those things. It's just rudeness. Your dictionary definition doesnt define our laws.

Gab is literally re ddit now. Not even re ddit, it's digg

low energy bait

Wait you mean those journalists and social media websites that Jow Forums hates don't like Gab?

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It would be a hate crime if you committed a crime against another race in a racially charged way.
It's not harassment unless you keep hassling the person.
I can call a faggot a faggot and a nigger a nigger if I want to. I've done it plenty of times before. If I don't keep pressing the matter then it's not harassment.
What is with faggots like you and your thin skin? Such pathetic little bitches that you cry at any insult. Who the fuck are you to think your existence is so fucking important?

Why is hate and violence considered wrong unless approved of by the government? So the government deserves a monopoly on deadly force and the discussion of its use? A supposedly tolerant Leftist is in favor of this?

No wonder the Left hates free speech. Any citizen can voice a complaint about the destruction of the white race and the Left can't shut it down as easily as it used to. What horror your side must be feeling on a moment by moment basis.

any way to read those gab Dissenter comments without giving them my information?

Hate speech is a shitty meme that belongs in the trash.

Who gets to define what's hate speech? Me? You? Your mother?

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just made a gab account , has to be good if they fear it

>Hate Speech
Stop make mg up words user.
Everyone knows there is no such thing as hate speech.
The science is settled.


Murdoch has a 5% stake in Vice. The reason Vice is exceptionally bad is it's run by people who used to work for Obama.

I looked into this, the dissenter extension seems amazing. Are they going to make a Firefox addon though? I don't like Google's botnet and I'd rather not switch my browser

if dissenter kicks off, it'll be an amazing tool

There is a firefox addon, using it right now.

Does it work mobile. Havent opened a an actual computer in years.

Seriously I can’t believe nobody thought this, it’s amazing. But I give it a month b4 something happens. *cough* Washington post *cough*

>You can't call me a faggot, hate speech is a crime
>Drumpf sucks Putin's dick

they already did

Attached: 1505605847521.png (624x628, 64K)

i will not create a gab account fuck off

Why do you think you or any other human being is entitled to not being offended?
Hate speech? More like, people pointing out painful truths that contradict your delusional and pathetic grip on reality. If its wrong what are you so afraid of???
What do you think will happen? Why would these ideas resonate with so many people? Why do you need to block it out right? Should we ban video games? Should we ban art? Should we ban books? When does personal accountability end and hive mind begins? My rights as a human arent dependent on your ability to cope. Fucking faggot.

How the fuck are people falling for such obvious bait?

>I'm not a regular here
but you think you can judge the whole Jow Forums population and call them schizophrenic
really make my almonds activate

There was a similar extension years ago, forget the name.

Shit, how did I miss this? Thanks tho, gng download

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It's either bait as you said or a sincere normalfag who think """"""""""hate speech""""""""""" is a thing worth arresting for.

Plus I'm bored.

When you have a board that sees the evils of the world coming from Jews on a frequent and daily basis it's fair to say this place is full of paranoid schizophrenics.

Look how they try to tie it to paedophilia when the stayed goal is to fight political oppression and censorship.

Gab fag larping as SJW to poach Jow Forums members or SJW shilling for Gab to spirit off more Jow Forums members in order to turn Jow Forums into Twatter .
Which is it?

That's exactly what's needed. A FOSS p2p app. Perhaps something built on a Steem clone as a backend to ensure censrship restistance and incentive to participate in the network. Lets get this idea to Jow Forums

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>trolls planned to leave negative comments following remarks by the film's star
I like how they throw in the token claim that it's trolls and backpedal from it in the same sentence.

If those fags disabled commenting then how can they know someone on dissent is calling them a faggot?

Maybe the shitholes like NYC

The dystopia is here isnt it? The media is losing their shit over people sharing opinions with each other.

>The dystopia is here isnt it?

Yes. They don't hide the fact that they think people need to be suppressed for discussing ideas even if you don't agree with those ideas.

or you could shut the fuck and lurk moar you know
make up your own mind
i highly doubt that the schizophrenic disorder can be diagnosed with an ideology but i don't doubt a bit that some real schizophrenic post on this board
you would win to open your mind to new idea
anyway you're here forever so get used to it

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They know that the open exchange of ideas via the internet can lead to effective political organization. Its far easier to get hundreds and thousands of people together for something IRL when you can plan on the internet. Grassroots activism would be dead if it was entirely based on face to face organizing. Movements in one part of the country would never be heard about in another.
They also know that dissent gains momentum when seen by others. When one person starts questioning the narrative another is soon to follow. They don't want something like the Tea Party or genuine populism to ever rise up again so they're trying to prevent it.

These people fighting for censorship are absolutely inhuman. If they were to succeed in this tyranny it would be one that man may never escape.

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Actually, now that I think about it, this gives me an idea for a project. I've often argued topics like immigration and race realism. Lefties often link me with text-heavy bullshit articles to "debunk" me. If I can be arsed to, I could write full scale rebuttals, and put them on dissenter so that our guys can easily find them if lefties link them that horse shit. It would make it much easier to btfo some of that often encountered nonsense


Attached: 1522895684591.png (660x645, 1.06M)

Pretty based for a faggot.

>signing up for gab

It is right on their website that they both log data and share date with third parties


Nigger, do you know where you are? Back to your tranny discord hugbox, fag