>be me >2nd day of college >college algebra class >been out of highschool for 3 years >had absolute shit math teachers in HS, did awful >literally have no fucking clue how to do any of the math in this class >got absolutely nothing done and walked out of class 30 minutes early >on the way home ran a red light not even giving a fuck being so blinded by how angry I was
currently feel like a complete fucking failure, even went to the gym and lifted for a good 2 hours to relieve the stress/anger
I already want to quit college and its only my first time going/2nd day
seriously need help Jow Forums
pic related - me since this morning, been wanting to put my fist through the wall, break things all day, anger hasn't gotten any better
First couple math classes are always 10x harder than the rest of the course
Chill and go see a tutor / TA, tell them about your situation and they'll figure out where you are and if you should drop or if there's hope. Put in work and you'll be fine.
95% of people in your position just quit. Are you weak? If you're weak you'll quit.
Blake Ramirez
Literally just study. There are tutors to help you through this, too.
Josiah Rodriguez
how the fuck am I supposed to study if I don't know the material I'm studying...
Jayden Jackson
Get a book and read it till you understand it. If you still don't, ask for help from a tutor.
Oliver Martin
you can learn everything and i mean everything on the internet these days. i remember three semesters ago i skipped literally every system theory class in EE because the prof was ass. literally learned the whole thing through youtube and practising old exams over and over. passed the first time where the failure rate was 65%. id think 65% is high for EE students in fifth semester. no such thing as "understanding". everything depends on getting enough drill, of getting familiar enough with any topic. understanding is something for philosophers and mathematicians circle jerking about galois fields or group theory or whatever shit. OP clearly does something else so he should forget the very concept of "understanding".
Liam Butler
the prof gave you a syllabus right?
Brandon Smith
I was a math major and I tutored students in your position for over 6 years.
You need to bite the bullet and study. You're school has a tutoring center like others have pointed out. Use it! Tutors want to help you, but you also have to realize that you yourself need to put in the effort to get better. I would offer to help you myself, but I'm kind of busy.
Jacob Harris
yes but they just expect you to teach yourself everything, literally no teaching from either of the teachers in that class happens at all. Education is such a fucking disgrace its unreal. I'm not expecting anyone to hold my hand through everything but they could atleast do their fucking job without setting new students and older students up for failure
David Smith
Isn't the beginning of college algebra just basic functions? How the fuck are you not able to understand it?
Henry Jenkins
I never understood how someone can't do basic college algebra. Maybe watch Khan academy?
Gabriel Nguyen
literally the only thing you need is past exams to have a baseline on what to expect for the finals, the rest you can drill down yourself with enough motivation and persistence.
The only bitch would be if the prof was hoarding some special exam related material or if he wanted mandatory attendance, but that's a good sign the class and uni is absolute dog shit. If you've got the syllabus, start from there. Drill down the basics and do the exams and try to do the questions from this topic on the past exams - literally this simple
Daniel Collins
This is really nothing to be mad about because literally everyone has this problem in their life at some point. When you graduate and get a job, you'll sometimes be facing down tasks you never learned how to do. That's just life. Be glad that you're learning how to cope with it on your first year of college.
I agree with everyone else. Just use your resources. Go to tutors. That's actually what they're there for. Go to youtube and look up stuff you don't have much understanding on. A lot of youtube vids are absolutely phenomenal. Take one step at a time.
Jeremiah Nelson
Stopped at >college algebra Just skip college man, the debt isn’t worth it for you
James Mitchell
You are just dumb dw about it
Christopher Hughes
yeah been there done that man, what you can do is drop the class rn, youll get a full refund and itll show up on your gradebook as a W/E/X whatever your system says, basically meaning you dropped the class and that's it. now that you have the time, go on khan academy and study your ass off till fall semester and take the class again.
or, you can look up the LAST day you can get a full refund/drop date and study your ass off and try to get caught up till then. college algebra is so fucking easy dude.
chill the fuck out or else bigger shit is gonna make you want to kill yourself.
Mason Bell
I had a similar issue in CC, except I actually understood most of what was going on but I am such a shitty fucking test taker I would make the dumbest mistakes and bleed so many points. I did literally zero homework though and just showed up to every class. Just put aside time to work on your homework every day or every other day and actually work.
Elijah Rivera
>walked out of class 30 minutes early That's not going to help. You should ask the professor some questions about what you're confused about after class or during office hours. Look at the examples in the book, they should walk you through problems. If one of the steps confuse you, ask your professor about it
Robert Cruz
Lmao you aren’t starting at the right level of math. It’s only about 6 months of catching up and then you’ll be ready to take college calculus
Nathan Myers
>Expecting a wojakposter to be competent in any way lol
Juan Clark
I got a D my first time taking college algebra. I was incredibly depressed because I thought I was good at math.
Next time I took it a year after, I had a cumulative 98 by the end.
You have to study, OP. Start from the bottom and work your way up. Make the effort and it will show.