Post your red pills.
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>women as a class
as if bourgeoisie women cared about proletarian class women.
i like redpill threads as any other guy but this is not starting well
>Redpill : WHITE WOMEN BAD !
GET FUCKED KIKE, the real redpill is jews are a horror to be deplanetized.
Aaand jidf to the rescue in an antiwhite woman thread, are you fucks all in it together?
ONE FERTILE WHITE ROASTIE IS WORTH 6.000.000 BURNING JEWS (with fake infographs : the polio vax was invented by 5 people of whome only one was juden - but nepotism made it this fact is hidden )
Stem cells regrow any body of a human, and stem cells resurrect. Stems cells are easy to collect from human births. Stem cells are easy to make from semen sperm cum.
Tiny carbon nano tubemetals in body will maintain some electrical current from background electrical radio waves. Some directed energies are effective to carry these tiny metals. When the metals are moved then the metals carry some of the earlier electricity. There was already background electricity at the place the metal would be carried to. This process is callable as, "collecting" electricity. Sometimes the collected electricity is enough to stimulate muscle movement and even sense of touch.
Stem cell resurrection, and directed energies to rearrange molecular position of things are an explanation of multiple dimensions. Certain arrangements are thicker enough against human body that our weight is supported. Other arrangements are less thicker where are own molecules of our bodies are thicker. Using directed energies and stem cells to reinforce current body cell arrangement, our bodies can be more or less likely to slip through things that have had their molecular positions arranged to lack thickness at where our body molecules are currently thick.
We can have multiple thickness arrangements at the same time. These combinations of arrangements can be planned so people can travel through some things and others can not. This technology makes doors out of anything...but we only need to be in a favorable molecular arrangement so the thick molecule zones of us slip around, and through, the thickened molecules of something else. While we use stem cells, we are more likely to survive slipping through something.
Has anyone done this analysis with Spics too?
It made more sense when it was just about race realism. Going this way with it makes it less about truth and more about feelings.
Not that I'm aware of. What makes this so shocking is how much impact such a small population has on the other 87%
Yep most men are too dumb to realize this. Too fucking retarded to think and feel and figure out how or why this happened. It's almost like we have an entire board full of intelligent people who are clearly aware of the issues and discuss it with each other or something. JFC that was an informative and infuriating post. (You may all proceed to name call me and point out holes in my post now instead of agreeing or adding to what I typed. ya kikes)
>6 millions again
Whats with jews and their obsession with that number, i wonder.
user admit you didn't know this.
Nope. Fully aware of it. I like that you posted it to share with others. Good post. The one who posted the screen cap though. Just bugs me. Has a "I'm smarter than you." Kinda feel to it. As if we cannot think for ourselves and come to these conclusions instead of saying "Fuck it I'll get high and play vidya." Ya know?
I wonder
The greatest redpill is historical materialism.
Jow Forums is too legitimately bluepilled to take it because muh lefties.
Ah okay I getcha user, I thought you were just swinging your big red pill dick
You would know all about materialism, wouldn't you, you fucking kike.
Anyone got the picture showing the various cultural attacks on the west?
Nah you kikes are always made up of lies.
that's why the politicians want to give them more power btw.
Stop watching porn.
women be shopping
Real communism has never been tried.
You're right, it hasn't.
Leftism is cancer. Kill the left enmass.
You'll be shot when it happens. Our time will come and we won't be scared.
das cause de whyte man holdin us back baka
The concept of liberalism is a left wing concept you fucking brainlet