"Those Jews have big noses."

"Those Jews have big noses."

Attached: 1551168318006.jpg (612x457, 56K)

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Hitler was a Rothschild and the only thing he achieved was defamation of nationalism worldwide and creation of Israel, hence most nazis were jewish, Im glad we assassinated that cunt Heydrich, prove me wrong you cant

To join the SS you needed a "großer Ariernachweis".

You needed to prove no Jews or half-Jews in the last 3 generations of your ancestry.

I don't see a hook nose in that pic and they both have straight hair not curly hair.

Honestly the nose is not a good way to detect Jewish ancestry. I have known a lot of Jews with small noses. Lots of Italians, Greeks, Arabs, Iranians have larger noses. It leads to a bunch of retards calling anyone a Jew who doesn't look like a Hitler youth propaganda picture.

Jews got their noses partially from a large Dinaric substrain and partially from the high degree of inner-mixing and cousin marriages in their history which emphasizes and enlargens certain features. The character on the right particularly has a Dinaric look to him. The one on the left has some other unspecified non-Nordic admixture (less prominent chin, Asiatic eyes).

Rothschilds are haplogroup J2




What is 'rhinoplasty' for 500, Alex?

Anyone can have a big nose, pic related is an ethnic Norwegian.

Attached: amundsen.jpg (736x1120, 166K)

good thing we can nuke them germs up!

>t. Brainwashed
Emil Maurice (19 January 1897, Westermoor – 6 February 1972, Munich) was an early member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazi Party) and a founding member of the Schutzstaffel (SS). He was Hitler's first personal chauffeur, succeeded first by Julius Schreck and then Erich Kempka. He was one of the few persons of mixed Jewish and ethnic German ancestry to serve in the SS.

Attached: Nordic, East Baltic, Alpine, Medd, and Dinaric archetypes.jpg (850x420, 65K)

>Hitler was a Rothschild
Lovin' this gay larp. Is this the new strategy to drag people away from the evil Nazis? "Don't believe anything they said they were actually zionists all along goy!"
Fucking pathetic.

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Norway has a substantial non-Nordic population and has for many centuries, maybe even millenia. I am not so schooled as to put my finger on everything, but that guy is not Nordic or at least is only mixed Nordic.

t. mut

Those are Roman noses

Nose or not you can tell Jews apart. The eyes are the most telling features. I can't even quite articulate it, but I almost never go wrong by them.

The Jewish spirit, present in every Jew, is absent in them.

we've debated this for a long time newfag get out

In racial classification terms he's Keltic-Nordid, I believe.

"I am genetically superior to you."

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Most Jews have straight hair anyway. I'm half-jewish and have straight hair

Attached: DNA.png (1547x696, 209K)

Obviously there were Nazis with some Jewish ancestry. The one drop rule is a Jewish psyop to make Nazis seem more evil and focused on eradication of a race vs preservation of a culture

genetic superiority is a jewish trope, a canard

it's more true that jewish neurosis and feeling of insecurity are behind this false image of supremacist Germany, and white supremacy in general

but my teacher told me Hitler wanted to kill everyone who didn't have blonde hair and blue eyes?

Is the guy in the right JP?

And it's never made sense memeflagger

>that guy is not Nordic or at least is only mixed Nordic.
One of his great-great-great-great-grandfathers was from northern Scotland. It's fair to say Roald Amundsen was fucking Nordic.

>know a baltic guy who looks just like this baltic except sloppier

Reinhard “Moses Handel” Heydrich was a Jew, hence the nose

Are you very young many part Jews start with straight hair and it gradually becomes curly

hogwash. man on the left is about as dutch as they come. look at portraits from the netherlands from hundreds of years ago, many have noses that look exactly like that.

>22 air victories

Attached: Nicola_Perscheid_-_Hermann_Göring_um_1917.jpg (879x1200, 403K)

You're a Jew, hence the post.

>still believing this.
And hitler was a gay nigger
Go kys for falling for an obvious trick.

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You cannot tell someone's ancestry from the profile of their face, that's stupid as fuck. Singling out the nose is even stupider, because it's the easiest facial feature to break over the course of one's life, altering its appearance.

I'm 31, dude. I've known a zillion Jews in my life. My dad is like 95% Jew (he also took a DNA test). There are a lot of curly-haired Jews, but most are straight. I'd rate it as 70:30 ish.

I love how kikes are like Hitler hated the jews, and then they are like Hitler was a fag jew, then in reality the jews were nazis

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Reason why he was dismissed and replaced by HH

I’m not the Jew - his dad’s the Jew

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oy vey, jewish engineer behind volkswagen! you see him? look exactly like fellow nazis.


google.com/search?q=hitler landlord&rlz=1C1CHBF_enIL823IL823&oq=hitler landlord&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i59.1759j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

oy vey, hitler had a jewish landlord! whom he had great relationship with (hitler ordered to safeguard him to US)

oy vey, operation paperclip was actually US taking in nazi scientists and engineers to later on found what we know of as NASA


Oy vey, hitler had jewish doctor!


Oy vey, Hitler descendants actually married Jews! It reminds me of another guy... what his name.... Oh, a shabbos goy named Donald Trump.


Oy vey, top nazi intelligence officer had become Mossad hitman


Oy vey, There were 30 Jewish Hitler families in NY


Oy vey, (((Magda))) (((Goebbels))) had an affair with a Zionist Jew (who later got assassinated)


wake up neo nazis


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Jewish noses are a different shape. Like the Noddy Goblin's shape (the one with the big nose)

Attached: noddy goblin.png (289x174, 102K)


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Yeah they do have those weird beady eyes

DON'T DO THIS, it's the highest favour you can do the jews right now

Big nose on a male is alpha as fuck

Snub nosed goyim look like pussies

ok you are one all right

>tfw possibly Rothschild

National origin has very little to do with race. The guy is practically a nigger

lmao bro are you retarded

You can tell though and nose is by no means the most prominent signifier. Protrusion of the back of the head in relation to the nape of the neck, cephalic index, facial index, shape of the chin, arch of the face, shape and content of the eyebrows, size of the ears in relation to other characters. Racial typification is a statistical science in evaluation of physical, mental, and spiritual characteristics. You can definetly tell someone's ancestry from the profile of their face, to the degree in which aspects of that profile differentiate to a statistically significant degree between racial types. Are you fucking retarded bro?

>tfw Jews get all the braphogs to themselves

post your smashed-in piggy nose or gtfo

are germs and austrians a nordic-alpine hybrid?

>Emil Maurice
>joined in 1919 before the Nazis had the power to control your ancestry and before the rules about non-Aryan ancestry were in place

Wow, you are retarded.

Plenty of whites have big noses. A lot of foreign cultures take notice of this.
Anyone saying "Jews have big noses, Whites don't" is retarded and rely on memes for knowledge.
That being said the stereotype is Jews have big HOOKED noses, which you will not see on nearly all white people.
TL;DR OP is a faggot

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Of course, it had to be a 56% who doubts the ancestry of one of the greatest Norwegians of all time.

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