Is there something I'm missing here. Going of the average earnings it seems like it's on average the best investment you can ever make...
How is college "a scam"?
Depends on wheter you have a good or bad degree. Also correlation doeant equal causation. People who dropped out of achool are more likely to be lazy shits and people with doctorates are more likely to be hard-working.
It’s a scam in the sense that the knowledge you’ll get out of it won’t even be close to the amount of money you’ll have to put in. But it will get you a degree, and degrees are a must-have for most jobs nowadays. I’d recommend avoiding loans at all costs. Most students just immediately take out loans because that’s the status quo, but they will cripple you heavily for a good portion of your life. Really explore your other options before taking out a $60k loan like a retard.
There are no good or bad degrees. I got a """good""" degree and I work in a warehouse now. All of my friends I made freshman year dropped out or failed out. I can 100% say with full confidence I was the dumbest in the friend group
College degree means absolutely nothing
If you choose not to take advantage of your degree in any meaningful way of course it’s gonna be useless. I know people that get degrees then choose to work in a job that has nothing to do with there major. They have loans for a degree they never even use, literal autism.
Man you're such an alien from me
An engineering degree and a lesbian dance theory degree does not play on an equal playing field in the workforce.
Obviously you picked wrong if you can't get work with the degree.
>I know people that get degrees then choose to work in a job that has nothing to do with there major.
In the UK pretty much every good job simply has the requirement "requires a 2:1 degree or higher". Sure some jobs actually require to use what you learnt but most the time the actual purpose is a mix of showing you're not a manchild/ can stick to something and to show general intelligence.
Also in general it's the "college is a scam" meme on Jow Forums is LITERALLY just dropout/brainlet cope 99% of the time. There really is no getting around your pic.
The only part of it which is partially true is that you're not doomed to poverty if you don't go. Some of the skilled trades make a similar amount to average bachelor's (after considering everything), but then obviously you have the issue of body damage/less "prestigious"/desirable than office work, and if you compare skilled trades (best non degree work) to stem masters at good uni the difference becomes huge again.
In conclusion, if you can go to a good university go don't even consider anything else. If you can go to a mediocre uni for anything it will more often than not beat any non degree requiring job overall. If you're a brainlet do something like electrician, better than going to a shit uni, risking dropping out, even once you graduate you'll earn less.
Make sure to verify any advice here lots of its larping, you can look up pay by job on the US government website.
No, I wouldn't go that far. It's certainly a bad investment if you're not going into stem but not a scam.
Not him but I also work in a warehouse
I have an electrical engineering degree.
It's only a scam in America because the banks and colleges collaborated together to leash most people to a debt they will pay for the rest of their lives. Sometimes it might work out out, but in most cases it's the former.
t. College graduate who only makes $11/hour and did things such as internships.
In America, higher education, whether it's certifications, trades, or college, is a must to find a job that gives you good benefits and good healthcare. I'm not even exaggerating, the difference between the poor and the middle class is that middle class can go to the doctor regularly and not get replaced in their job for doing so. When you're young, you don't think about healthcare or doctors, typically. But push 30s and have kids, and you raise those kids poor, without access to good benefits. This disparity has only gotten worse.
Higher education is the barrier of entry to becoming middle class, unless you get lucky after years of constant applications or pure nepotism tilts in your favor.
Of course, higher education gives you opportunities to prove your stuff and demonstrate skills. It gives you built-in connections. It's networking and portfolio-building on training wheels-tier easy mode. If you can't get a job when you graduate, you were probably either stupid, entitled, or lazy during your education and never took an iota of initiative, which will throw you right back in with the poor, except they didn't even have the chance to demonstrate they're incompetent.
It all depends on what you want, what you're capable of, how you prepared for it, how good you are with money, how shitty or not shitty the job you get on the other end is...
The real cost of college to me even with pell grants though is how much it takes out of your life. It is a very stressful and time consuming endeavour that lasts for years plus the concept of GPA and college standards don't help at all.
Add that to the debt you'll almost inevitably incur, the lack of promises that you'll even get a job or at least get one you want, and its really only for people who know exactly what they want to do.
Otherwise, the colleges play it up (even community colleges because the people working their still care about college education and are biased towards it) and its really not worth it at all.
So for the colleges talking to normies who are convinced to do it but don't know what they want out of it, it is a scam.
Forgot: but even then, its usually not a very good bet.
>How is college "a scam"?
It promises something that it does not deliver.
Earnings gap is NOWHERE near that big in most other countries
>In conclusion, if you can go to a good university go don't even consider anything else. If you can go to a mediocre uni for anything it will more often than not beat any non degree requiring job overall. If you're a brainlet do something like electrician, better than going to a shit uni, risking dropping out, even once you graduate you'll earn less.
Do you have any idea how stressful those jobs are? Even with a degree, you are replaceable.
You'll have to work long hours most of the time and they have a far higher standard. A job that requires a degree means they don't want any fuck ups or your ass is fucking grass.
The stress from school, the stress from work, the time you could've taken to do something creative (which doesn't lend itself towards a degree) is not worth it.
Even if you get another job very quickly, you have to keep adapting to that and even if you're really not getting laid off, even if you are irreplaceable, you are still in a position of unbelievable responsibility.
Most exorbitantly rich high authority $$$$$$$ business type people are miserable.
You CAN NOT go solely off of income.
*solely off of income and unemployment
Some of this is just stupid. A jobs pay is determined on 2 things, how many people can do it and how shit the job is. If there were no catches to being an electrician more people would do it until the pay went down but the truth is
>wrecks your body, office work barely does
>no stress in (low down) office work either
>on average, I'd guess office work is more enjoyable. Obviously depends on the role.
Well, Ive been making $11/hour since before I even left high school. It doesn't help that the housing market ATM is putrid shit, so I can't move our on that money unless I wanna live in a crack house or send myself to a very early grave working 70+ hours a week
You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
My degree is computer science
Have you ever considered that all those college jobs are more miserable than trades
College is a scam and academia is a corrupt industry. The only way to fight back is if more people do not go and everyone stops paying their student loans.
>Have you ever considered that all those college jobs are more miserable than trades
Then why aren't they doing trades?
We are.
It's not a scam. You go to build skills, earn qualifications and find opportunities to exploit. I bought the meme and didnt go; if I had gone I'd be building a startup right now with the skills I'd have built.
No you wouldn't
Sorry you suck with electronics but it's not nice to project that into others.
not Jow Forums
but also useless graph because it only compares college to not college, instead of additional development paths, like trades, and military