How did Jow Forums get tamer than reddit?

How did Jow Forums get tamer than reddit?

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Phone posters

2014-2016 was gold
Massive Janny influxes have made this a giant safe space circle jerk sub-form for Reddit users imao

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you can blame moot leaving

Oh hey OP, so you were that spammer on /ic/ I presume?

Glad to see you've finally admitted to being a troll.

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>2014-2016 was gold
Jesus Christ don't brag about being such a newfag.

I remember watching endless eight with /a/ good times

OP doesnt know the nice boat meme too probably

It was just bound to happen.
Jow Forums was and still kinda is running on leftover fumes at this point.

2014 doesnt hold a damn candle to 2007.

Where the hell are we supposed to go at this point? Everyone tells me a lot of fags are moving to Amino chats, but it's not the same, like, at all.

Every oldfag is dead. 2014-2016 was the killing blow.

>Where the hell are we supposed to go at this point?
Explain to me who is "we"? Cause all the older anons are gone either through suicide or just left.

get a life

Idk about you, but ive been on and off.
Ive been on here since around 2010, and have shifted between getting on here daily to not getting on for a couple years.
Now I just occasionally get on when I’m bored, I guess you kinda outgrow it.

>All the older anons left
>been here since 2006
>used to frequent /f/ before it became a repost museum
We're still here, we just don't know what the fuck to do anymore

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You're pretty young-ish. I was thinking more very late 20s and early 30s. I think they've all gone.


I'm not sure what it is you're trying to imply here, but as far as politics and Kek and incels and being mad at SJW shit goes, they're both one and the same with crossposters all around.

I'm from 2007 and consider myself a newfag, but even back then Jow Forums had a sense of humor and didn't take anything seriously especially not politics.

I especially love the NPC newfag meme where they accuse other people of being NPCs and meanwhile they use the same language as everyone else and post the same pepes and wojaks as everyone and post in the same format as everyone and if anyone dares to deviate from any of the pre-approved dialogue options than they're labelled NPCs as well. The absolute irony.

Same thing with "safe spaces" and SJWs. People who post about those things and a million times easier to trigger than the people they try to criticize.

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Nah were still here too
We stick around the hobby boards and tend to congregate in unadvertised teamspeak and IRC servers around others like us. Hell, even the old partyvan is still marginally active.

Fair enough. I was really young when I came on, but I had pretty early exposure to the internet for a brief period when I was younger.

I'm well adjusted enough, but I'd honestly kill for an anonymous imageboard replacement. It's difficult for sites like this to grow organically anymore without an app.

>old partyvan
Now I feel old, even though late-20's isn't old.

33 year old here and honestly I don't know why I still come here. It's like visiting grandma who has severe dementia. The website I knew and loved is long gone even though it's still the same website.

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Are you all cool now? I'm not. I'm still the uncool dweeb at 29.

This. It's not even that Jow Forums ruined it. Everything has honestly just become so fucking derivative. Case in point, your image.

I personally feel I am, but I suffer from occasional bouts of might've-been syndrome where I remember if I took a different career path. Otherwise, I've got a healthy sex life after getting fit and realizing I was handsome as fuck.

Nah, I'm 32 and I've been here since 2006. I have nowhere else to go.

>It's not even that Jow Forums ruined it
In hindsight, Jow Forums was just the exclamation mark of Jow Forums.

>Otherwise, I've got a healthy sex life after getting fit and realizing I was handsome as fuck.
Lucky fuck. I'm on uk NEETbux.

Namedrop yourself, friend

Exactly, give me lulz over kek any time. Bring back the roflcopter and even Rage Comics had more creativity for fuck's sake.

As far as politics goes, it is a problem but it's not that Jow Forums actually created any of it. That's just one board on one website, the extreme polarization of identity politics is a modern phenomenon that was spread by social media in including Jow Forums. This might be anonymous but it's still a social tool. Before the 2010s, there were no SJWs, there were no incels, there were no alt-right. You had some very small fringe minority groups that were the precursors to the modern equivalents but for the most part people just went about with their lives without being outraged at everything or trying to politicize everything. It's only in the last decade where everyone was seemingly either a literal Marxist or a literal Nazi. You're either a basement-dwelling neckbeard or you're a hairy-armpit trans feminist with purple hair.

Even if you're not, if you express any ideas that are a little bit left-leaning or right-leaning, whoops that makes you a SJW baasedboy cuck beta white knight male feminist, or an incel nazi gamergate r9k redditor. There's absolutely no space for any sort of civilized discussion or nuance.

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no one is cool past 30 unless you're a famous actor or pop star or something.

>Even if you're not, if you express any ideas that are a little bit left-leaning or right-leaning, whoops that makes you a SJW baasedboy cuck beta white knight male feminist, or an incel nazi gamergate r9k redditor. There's absolutely no space for any sort of civilized discussion or nuance.
I don't think the opinions are even real nowadays. Everyone seems to be acting.

I think for sure a lot of it is just 19 year olds being 19 year olds. When I was 19 I was a vegan and kept talking shit about how I'm going to move in the woods and become an eco-terrorist and capitalism is going to collapse and also 2012 is the end of the world. I look back on it now and I cringe and laugh, now I'm just some guy who wears dad jeans and goes shopping to the mall like anyone else and it feels great.

10-15 years from now, I'm sure a lot of people will look back on their frogposting or college feminist days and be like "holy shit what a dumb kid I was and look at my stupid hair yikes".

When you're that young you're just trying to find yourself and often swing into extremes because it seems cool.

Hey, I agree with nearly everything in that pic, but don't touch Cory

>I think for sure a lot of it is just 19 year olds being 19 year olds.
But it's not just them. The entire world is on this bizarre Jow Forums-esque thing.

We memed a polarism back into existence and everyone wonders why everyone is depressed all the time. I just want /a/ to not be shit for five minutes, but I can't bring up literally anything with an irl friend of mine now without him telling me about the impending racewar and how UPS lost his extended mags in the mail. I didn't ask for this shit.

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I think he means society at large is starting to act like old /b/. Which is a troubling thought.

Jow Forums was flooded by "normies" after the gaia raids and chanology around 2005 - 2006 (I think), it has always been tame, bots flood the boards with the same threads over and over (interracial/gay stuff on boards like /gif/ and /b/), nobody wants to have a conversation in any topic due to someone else hijacking the thread to talk about shit.

Raids allowed websites to grow organically. Those who liked the content provided stayed, and those who didn't left with a story.

What said. Cos I looking at all the shit that has become popular over the last 10-15 years and it's kinda insane.

What I posted on wsg in response to :
>Real life anime girl youtube'ing I guess.

>People are getting lost into fantasy land, which was okay when it was just super nerds and otaku losers but now everyone is following the same trends. It's kind of disconcerting.

>The entire world

>society at large

The majority of the world does not act like Jow Forums or anything close. Take a step back and unplug yourself for a few days at least and actually go out in the world.

>>People are getting lost into fantasy land, which was okay when it was just super nerds and otaku losers but now everyone is following the same trends


Again, most people aren't following vtubers or playing LARP on weekends. Going to see The Avenger or Star Wars or Batman is not the same thing at all.

>Jow Forums was flooded by "normies" after the gaia raids and chanology around 2005 - 2006

You're off by 2-3 years and Jow Forums was always filled with "normies". The frogposting retards and very concept of normies showed up nearly 10 years later.

>that pic
Is this what heaven looks like?

This summer you can raid naxx again- maybe

heaven's got some suspiciously manly-looking arms

I have been around since 2009 and I definitely notice a major change in the Jow Forums zeitgeist. Namely most OC is all but dead and buried, senses of humor have dropped significantly, and overall hypersensitivity has reached new highs. Most of the internet as a whole has become a big sack of uncreative lazy ass crybabies. Oldfag / newfag doesn't matter. None of us are contributing enough to make this shithole enjoyable any more.

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I have assholes

You guys made me do ALL the work and now I am on strike

MAYBE, but I think we're heading there.

I contributed my part too back in the day. The fucking phone posting and the catalog have done nothing to help either.

Guaranteed replies.
We became "tamer" when being not tame meant 'just post the same shit, over and over and over.'

And that's what you guys do. You post the exact same jokes to death, wait for another joke to come out and then post that too.

You get mad at garbled walls of text and at proper paragraphing. You get mad at vulgar jokes and clean ones. You get mad at racism and you get mad at equality. You get mad at success, and at failure. There is no winning, so long as you're the one playing.

When you figure out what you want, and how to contribute to it without just rehashing someone else's joke, you can have your 'wild' Jow Forums back. Til then, you guys made this. You wanted this. You wanted dumb, boring and dry Jow Forums. This, current Jow Forums, is what happens when you don't hold yourself, or get held, to good standards.

Fucking this. People scoffed at "muh board culture" until it all went to shit. When lurk moar got flooded out by a swarm of idiots from facebook or whereever. Point is until large swaths of people ante up and attempt to break the mold of repetition don't expect shit from this place or the idiot drones who frequent it. And post images you fucks.

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It didn't, it's just a few slow boards and the normie central boards like Jow Forums.
/v/ is the same as ever, Jow Forums is so Jow Forums you can't even have fun there anymore, etc.

Jow Forums was always shit dummy. lurk moar, unironically you drumpftard

I don't know what people want. This is Jow Forums, this is how it is. Have you seen /vg/? It's literally just posting waifus and "BROS...." over, and over, and over. Actual discussion of games usually just gets laughed out.

And what the fuck is here on Jow Forums? Nobody does anything about the bait so who the fuck cares? Half this board's front page is blatant baiting at any given time. The other half is retard metathreads, which contribute exactly nothing to Jow Forums.

My point is, mods don't care about this website anymore. Teenagers these days are just that much more retarded and hooked on an instant gratification feedback loop. If we want quality, it's not going to be found here. We won't find anything of the sort here, in fact, so long as 95% of the userbase remains, such ad-- for brief example-- OP. OP just wants good content to drop into their lap, and thinks somehow that Jow Forums is "tamer than Reddit." Which is funny, try spamming racist shit on Reddit.

I myself would rather be here than Reddit for multiple reasons, but then Anonymous of the modern day is the kind of person who genuinely believes porn doesn't belong on /b/. How fucking stupid could you actually be to think that? Come on. Right?

Anyway my point was that "muh board culture" wasn't a problem when we had mods who cared. Too many fires now, though, and too few mods to bother in all but the remote boards.


>then Anonymous of the modern day is the kind of person who genuinely believes porn doesn't belong on /b/

I only checked in on /b/ in recent years a handful of times, and 99% of it was just porn. 10 year ago you had things like comic/manga dumps, greentext, raid threads, a lot more battlestation & room threads, etc. Even the ads are porn now.

>I myself would rather be here than Reddit for multiple reasons, but then Anonymous of the modern day is the kind of person who genuinely believes porn doesn't belong on /b/.
Firstly try reddit for a little bit longer, if you can't appreciate it enough you illiterate bastard, secondly /b/ isn't /gif/ or /l/, it's just where us facebook people share their pics

And on that /b/ of yesteryear you'd have been told to post shit instead of whining about shit not getting posted. Which is all that happens on /b/, they just make a thread whining about how /b/ isn't their sekrit klubhouse. If you don't like what's on /b/, post something else. If that's too hard for you then maybe that's how /b/ got there-- too many people waiting to be served, not enough people actually producing content. Hence porn, you don't have to create it and tons of people want it. Perfect content flood.

I don't even know what's wrong with you other than autism but I hope you get help for it.

ironic autism and shitposting cartoon frogs became the "board culture" after even more newfags came in via gamergate and the fappening and then the election. /jp/ is the only board that I know of that still retains some of its original culture that hasn't been infected with pepe AIDS.

board culture was always cancer, boards are different

I never get help here. I only get advice. But thank you user. Kys anyways

Nah board culture isn't cancer. It's the basic foundation in standards. When I first came to Jow Forums over 9000 years ago, you were pretty much thrown to the wolves if didn't understand the inside jokes and lingo. Lurk moar was your barrier to entry until you got comfortable and knew your shit was made of fail and AIDS. Standards man.

>implying anime isn't cancer
>implying anime isn't worse than AIDS
die weeb, die

it was chad central you say?

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close, but actually way off.

You still have that, but board culture changed so that now if you hit the Enter key between paragraphs you're a Reddit Spacer or whatever other dumb bullshit that newfags created since like 2012.

Also the old Tits or GTFO is what resulted in trannies flooding the site.

>Wah-wah muh sekrit club! ;__;
It's all in your mind, people disagreeing with you on Jow Forums doesn't mean 'someone' has invaded, you're just a fucking snowflake.

It's always been a place for free speech and in the past Jow Forums has raided neo-nazis as well. Deal with it, We're not your personal army.

You need help, so try getting some. Autism is a real killer.

I'd kill myself but I'm sure I'm older, and beauty before age as it goes.

Jow Forums just wants something to blame so it doesn't have to blame itself for being a haven for unoriginal morons since there's no means of punishing them. They can run unchecked and that's basically what happened. Jow Forums is after school care for high schoolers.

While downvotes and shit are garbage, they do resolve frogposting to a point.

>You need help, so try getting some. Autism is a real killer.
stop calling me an autist, /a/ is just an emanation of /jp/ but still cancer
>It's all in your mind, people disagreeing with you on Jow Forums doesn't mean 'someone' has invaded
You sure? That's how I get defensive at least

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Man what happened to this place? It was supposed to be about free speech but you get these cunts now who are like
>I miss the memes! All these redditfags are ruining it
I mean how many times did you think rickrolling was going to be funny? What redditfags are you talking about?
Stop being a bitch, let people post what they want.

What the fuck did they invade? What the fuck was there to invade?

The whole fucking POINT of Jow Forums was being totally anonymous and therefore, NOT part of a greater whole, image, opinion, userbase, etc. etc.

But that's NEVER FUCKING GOOD ENOUGH for you people. You need to drown in fucking attention. You need a drip-feed of attention and the internet gives it to you. You guys have become vain cunts who require the validation of others.

That's why Reddit bakes your goose: seeing all your downvotes every time you log in kills the effect, it's not like Jow Forums where every (You) is just as valuable as the others. You're constantly reminded that you're not funny, interesting or approachable. That's why anonymous is addicting-- but then we have tripfags and bait and other attention-mongering stunts.

Help me out here. What exactly is Jow Forums, and how is "something you don't contribute to anyway" not a totally valid statement?

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Let me post metathreads. Am I ruining your fun? Well fuck you you b-biiiitch

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Jow Forums is now currently own by a Japanese man, previously owned and created by a weeb for weebs whose original content and entire purpose was to host and discusss weeb content with the website itself based on a Japanese weeb board.


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Absolutely this! If anyone has 'invaded' it's the fucking Jow Forums crowd who think freedom of speech is to just agree with whatever they have to say.

>You need to drown in fucking attention.
>You need a drip-feed of attention and the internet gives it to you.
>You guys have become vain cunts who require the validation of others.
I love my cunt very much.
>You're constantly reminded that you're not funny, interesting or approachable.
Now choke me daddy

Yeah as if Jow Forums is even for weebs anymore, it's for naziboos.

The only invasion on Jow Forums was a bunch of has-beens who are mad that being an edgy teenager is no longer justifiable when you're 28.

Now you're getting somewhere. You'll get there eventually.
You still need help.

>Also the old Tits or GTFO is what resulted in trannies flooding the site.

Traps are one of quite a few things that have become self-perpetuating from Jow Forums. kek.

>moot wasn't an ironic weeb
>implying people like gookmoot

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Reee no you disagreed with another comment GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT FUCKING TUMBLR!


If you agreed with us white folks that free speech would be an issue, you'd be automatically labelled as Jow Forums

This is what I'm talking about, it's become hard to tell who's serious and who's not.

Is that you y o s h I?

Actually that is a pretty good description of Jow Forums.

I don't think free speech is an issue on Jow Forums though. I think the fact that everyone lives to tear each other's throats out is a testament to that.

Jow Forums is a bunch of manchildren with bully and importance complexes. It's not even that they're wrong, just that their executions are fucking retarded.

calm down dude. nobody wants your raging autism here.

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Jow Forums was invaded by

>politifags around 2008 when Chanology was at its peak
>tumblr kids in 2012 after then-teen sensation Shane Dawson referenced it in his movie Smiley
>incels and kids who watch let's Plays in 2014 with GamerGate and again with the Fappening
>alt-right kekistan retards and even more incels and a hole bunch of shit via the election in 2016
I guess also pepe hitting up ironic tumblr and black twitter and shit around 2015 or something before the elction. That brought some people over for sure.

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No I'm just some janny.

Jow Forums isn't even relevant anymore.

>politifags around 2008
So that's where you joined?

Not that I like any of those groups, but desu that image is basically what I imagine someone from 2004 Jow Forums looks like.

Same friendless dickhead, different shit to fanboy over. Used to be animes about Japanese schools (Where they totally would have been happy and popular within their after-school club) and now it's about politics that advocate racial purity (Where they would totally have been happy and popular within their einsatzgruppen).

to be honest all the sites have gotten pretty politically extreme.

Well to be honest just before that. I joined when Jow Forums for the most part just raided Christian chat shows and Fox News had that famous exploding van calling us far-left pedophiles. We'd raid Tom Green as well too, had him put shoe on head and do the gentleman meme. Chanology happened just as I was getting settled into the site like a year in.

I like how people post the basedboy meme and it's a bunch of dudes with neckbeards and shitty lego hair and they're all like "KEK LOOK AT HOW RIDICULOUS THESE BASEDBOYS LOOK I BET THEY CARRY THEIR GF'S PURSE AROUND" and it's like motherfucker you look exactly like all of those guys if not even worse.

I haven't seen any evidence yet, could you please state a decent source?

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>Rage Comics had more creativity
what are you a retard

compared to posting frogs? Rage Comics are a million times better, as shit as they were.

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>imagine all these Jow Forums posters, what they'd look like! CALLING PEOPLE SOIBOIS CRIIIINGE
>I'm not a soiboi, trust me. I can assure you I'm not a soi

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Well it's hard to pinpoint, despite the claims of being the last bastion of free speech Jow Forums is actually the only community that insists it should be ideologically homogeneous. So it will always seem more extreme when compared to a real bastion of free ideas outside of hate-speech.

Some shithole parts of reddit have basically no moderation. What you call tameness is really just not being entirely cancer riddled

but what about other sites? I've heard you say "free ideas outside of hate-speech", maybe I could help with funds


Well Reddit. It had users of all ends of the political spectrum and raid are pretty rare. If someone tried to create a general thread on any board that was in anyway left-wing then at least 10 anons would drop everything to raid that shit to send a message that Jow Forums is for free speech and not for commies.