This is the result of white culture. it's your fault
The white race created this
The white race created guns too. Why don't we look at who used both to wreck society?
we made them to keep niggers like you away
Getting suprised when your 2yr old gets mauled to death shouldn't be suprising you created this beast of a machine duh.
Good job at keep niggers away now your kids are dead:)
Yes, and the glorious African continent created... mud huts! Comparable to the beautiful Roman and Greek architechture from two thousand years ago. Oh, but wait! Every other civilization had also created mud huts.
I aknowledge that you have had a past without priveleges, but guess who started that? The Ancient Egyptians were the first to enslave Africans. Later on, Africans sold other Africans as slaves to white people! The same happens this very day, as Tyrone rats out DeNilson to the Gang Gang because he stole an ounce of weed from him.
Your culture is no better than the culture of every other continent, save for islamic parts of Asia.
>The white race created guns too. Why don't we look at who used both to wreck society?
The people that used guns as an advantage in colonizing and pillaging otherwise thriving homogenous civilizations despite still using stone weapons and arrows, and ultimately contributing to the diminished integrity of these civilizations’ and their cultures which is the main reason why we’ve issues like immigrant/refugee crises and diversity as it exists today. Also the people that created a war that directly contributed to the creation of Israel...
..AKA white people
(OP) I thought meme flag faggots like you where the ones who said whites didn't have culture? Why the sudden change?
How can you call a society that hasn't been able to invent the wheel in 10.000 years, when literally everybody else did, thriving?
>Yes, and the glorious African continent created... mud huts!
>He takes the mud hut meme seriously
If you can't figure out which parts are ironic and satire then good luck, I hope you can claim benefits for being retarded or whatever.
>the sun
>How can you call a society that hasn't been able to invent the wheel in 10.000 years, when literally everybody else did, thriving?
Because technology is merely an adaption, and most ethnic races were genetically, physically strong enough to perform tasks without the need of wheels.
Are you new here? Do you not realize the average white male physique pales in comparison to the average black man, for example?
>Yo wheels are gay fag. Kola boga!
When your belongings consist of three bones and a rock then yes wheels are unnecessary.
Leptis Magna (city pictured) was a carthaginian city in modern Lybia.
Cartagenians had phoenician origin - which have NOTHING to do with african (read: Nigger) blood
Leptis Magna was build up by roman emperor Septimus Severus and was finally abandoned after muslim (Rashidun caliohat) invasion in 6th century.
stay readarded burger
>or that was a bait, can't tell with burgers
>Yo wheels are gay fag. Kola boga!
>le meme buzzwords
Nice cop out for having so low of an IQ you don’t even know how technology and technological discovery works.
I’d be perfectly fine with Pits being used for prisons/policing.
[spoiler]ban pitbulls [/spoiler]
>breed dog to fill a particular niche or role.
>Dog is alright, works well at it's job.
>Ghetto ratscum buys pitbull because "Hurr hurr it tuff a fug yo."
>Generations of back alley breeding by people who have zero idea what the fuck they are doing, most don't even believe or know what selective breeding is or how genes work.
>Modern pitbulls are formed.
I pity those dogs, they held a purpose for a time, now they are just a twisted and malformed parody of what they once were.
We created that for war and as support in the dishing out of lethal violence.
Not our fault if you hurt yourself with a sword.
>white people made this
Of course we did, we make everything.
Whites create absolutely everything OP. Stop bitching about it. The alternative is literal mud hutts.
The American Pit Bull Terrier is a proud American breed, and other countries with their Chihuahuas (Mexico), Beagles (Britain), Dachshunds (Germany), Poodles (France) etc. are just envious of its might.
This whole stupid pitbull shit is always painted as white/black, but lets not be so quick to forget mexicans love dogfighting and have no shame in their game.
I get to use this!
Whites breed a working dog, trash races that don't work turn that breed of dog to fighting and mayhem.
Fully this. Used to own a pitbull, one of the most violent and retarded dogs I have ever had.
>be roommate
>buy pitbull
>be pitbull
>bite and attack constantly
>bite and attack everyone that comes over (luckily no injuries)
>bites and attacks you if you don't play with it
>destroys everything (furniture, toys, phones, Xbox controllers)
>steal food and attack you if you try to get it back
>when it does this we put her in the cage, which happened constantly.
>it would cry out in pain and whine when in the cage, and not stop no matter how long it was in there. Nails on a goddamn chalkboard
>keep doing it an hour or two later after we let it out, literally retarded
>whenever my roommate left. She would whine, howl and yipe just like before no matter how many times I tried to make it stop, would only stop after half an hour
>"The pitbull cries out in pain as it strikes you"
Higher IQ asians created this samurai dog
whites should stop trying to compete
Nigger, where is my cotton?
It's time to stop.
Tu quoque
It kinda goes against the point when they also keep your descendants away, from life. Dumbfuck.
Its time to admit we fucked up and need to eradicate these 4 legged niggers like we have done with numerous other species that got in our way. If animal rights activists get in the way, give them to the nigger dogs as their last meal. There, problem fucking solved, give me my Nobel prize now.
Discordious Trannius
I had a pitbull and I successfully trained him to be docile, never "snapped", never hurt anyone. Afraid of my cats too. I think you're just shit at training dogs. The only dogs I've ever had problems with are American bulldogs.
So is the computer you're typing on, and the internet you're using to send this message, along with the electricity required to make everything work.
You fucking ungrateful piece of shit nigger.
I wish for a world where every single nigger is dead and you're relegated to the shitbin of history for being such savage, low-IQ, ungrateful, lazy, stupid motherfuckers.
Yup, discord faggots for sure.
I hope someone bombs discord's servers.
its funny bc pro-pitbull academia blames PitBull fear as racism bc "brown people tend to have more pit bulls" which is untrue, but academically approved and believed
Leave Nanny Dogs alone!
They have respiratory issues,
>911 call is fake b/c The Sun
umm no. 2000 years ago my people had citadels. Oh wait we had them 6000 years ago too.
Don't blame egyptians for Nog underachievement
>The only dogs I've ever had problems with are American bulldogs.
Again, no one gives a fuck about the opinion of a pitbull-owning retard or your anecdotal bullshit.
""""""""""Docile""""""""" pitbulls are nothing more than temporarily quelled, and they are the ones who kill b/c muh baby would never attack.
The extreme Dominance/Submission instinct in pitbulls is WHY they are dangerous.
Anti-pitbull is one of the top 5 recent Jow Forums-generated memes.
>guy who adopted and euthanized pitbulls
>social media attacks on pitbull-owning roasties.
You're the discord animal-rights trannies
no honey, because they were too stupid.
Are you new here? Do you not realize the average white male physique pales in comparison to the average black man, for example?
all the winners of strongman competitions are white.
More than likely, yeah.
the most based and redpilled dog ever? prays on the weak, only respect strong minded people, have power to kill something twice it's size?
probably the best breed of dog, the only thing better than that are: dogo argentino, then caucasian ovcharka then wolves in this order, no "buts". but if you want power/cost nothing beats the bull
poor girl did I hope she survived :(
fucking fifth thread today about pitbulls. Who of you jews is sliding so much.
You can't expect a bunch of beta faggots to train an alpha dog.